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    • Entendi, tipo assim pelo que vi do código, ele coloca o Loot que droparia do monstro na bag principal direto no lugar de colocar no corpse, vou dar uma procurada nas infos, até por que eu coloquei esses codigos todos nos devidos lugares e não pegou
    • Bom, to tentando aumentar o DistanceShoot do servidor o limite no caso, ja tentei de tudo é mesmo assim nada.
    • esse eu consegui resolve Holagrama vlw só do report bugs que nao ctrl + z ctrl + j
    • O erro que você está vendo parece indicar que há uma tentativa de concatenar um valor nulo em algum lugar do seu código. Mais especificamente, o erro está na linha 26 do seu código, na função !character. Nessa linha, você está tentando verificar se o primeiro elemento da tabela t não é "buy", "sell", "remove", ou "list". Parece que há um erro de lógica aqui. O problema é que você está usando or em vez de and. Como resultado, essa condição sempre será verdadeira, porque t[1] não pode ser todas essas opções simultaneamente. Isso significa que o bloco de código abaixo dessa linha será sempre executado, mesmo quando t[1] for um desses valores, causando a tentativa de acessar um índice nulo em algum lugar.   elseif not t[1] or (t[1] ~= "buy" and t[1] ~= "sell" and t[1] ~= "remove" and t[1] ~= "list") then Isso garantirá que a condição seja verdadeira apenas se t[1] não for nenhum desses valores. Isso deve resolver o problema de tentar concatenar um valor nulo.
    • tem como meche na source pra ve onde que player possa aperta ctrl + z ele ja pode reporta bugs ctrl + z no meu servidor pq customizei no flag custom flag do playermais nai manda no log nem no ctrl + J <group id="1" name="Player" flags="17592186044416" customFlags="2051"/> ele aperta ctrl + z e reporta no ctrl + j mais nao manda na pasta logs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OpenTibia - an opensource roleplaying game //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <>. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "otpch.h" #include "resources.h" #include <boost/function.hpp> #include <iostream> #include "protocolgame.h" #include "textlogger.h" #include "waitlist.h" #include "player.h" #include "connection.h" #include "networkmessage.h" #include "outputmessage.h" #include "iologindata.h" #include "ioban.h" #include "items.h" #include "tile.h" #include "house.h" #include "actions.h" #include "creatureevent.h" #include "quests.h" #include "chat.h" #include "configmanager.h" #include "game.h" #if defined(WINDOWS) && !defined(__CONSOLE__) #include "gui.h" #endif extern Game g_game; extern ConfigManager g_config; extern Actions actions; extern CreatureEvents* g_creatureEvents; extern Chat g_chat; template<class FunctionType> void ProtocolGame::addGameTaskInternal(uint32_t delay, const FunctionType& func) { if(delay > 0) Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask(delay, func)); else Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask(func)); } #ifdef __ENABLE_SERVER_DIAGNOSTIC__ uint32_t ProtocolGame::protocolGameCount = 0; #endif void ProtocolGame::setPlayer(Player* p) { player = p; } void ProtocolGame::releaseProtocol() { if(player && player->client == this) player->client = NULL; Protocol::releaseProtocol(); } void ProtocolGame::deleteProtocolTask() { if(player) { g_game.freeThing(player); player = NULL; } Protocol::deleteProtocolTask(); } bool ProtocolGame::login(const std::string& name, uint32_t id, const std::string& password, OperatingSystem_t operatingSystem, uint16_t version, bool gamemaster) { //dispatcher thread PlayerVector players = g_game.getPlayersByName(name); Player* _player = NULL; if(!players.empty()) _player = players[random_range(0, (players.size() - 1))]; if(!_player || name == "Account Manager" || g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CLONES) > (int32_t)players.size()) { player = new Player(name, this); player->addRef(); player->setID(); if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->loadPlayer(player, name, true)) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Your character could not be loaded."); return false; } Ban ban; ban.value = player->getID(); ban.param = PLAYERBAN_BANISHMENT; ban.type = BAN_PLAYER; if(IOBan::getInstance()->getData(ban) && !player->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CannotBeBanned)) { bool deletion = ban.expires < 0; std::string name_ = "Automatic "; if(!ban.adminId) name_ += (deletion ? "deletion" : "banishment"); else IOLoginData::getInstance()->getNameByGuid(ban.adminId, name_, true); char buffer[500 + ban.comment.length()]; sprintf(buffer, "Your character has been %s at:\n%s by: %s,\nfor the following reason:\n%s.\nThe action taken was:\n%s.\nThe comment given was:\n%s.\nYour %s%s.", (deletion ? "deleted" : "banished"), formatDateShort(ban.added).c_str(), name_.c_str(), getReason(ban.reason).c_str(), getAction(ban.action, false).c_str(), ban.comment.c_str(), (deletion ? "character won't be undeleted" : "banishment will be lifted at:\n"), (deletion ? "." : formatDateShort(ban.expires, true).c_str())); disconnectClient(0x14, buffer); return false; } if(IOBan::getInstance()->isPlayerBanished(player->getGUID(), PLAYERBAN_LOCK) && id != 1) { if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::NAMELOCK_MANAGER)) { player->name = "Account Manager"; player->accountManager = MANAGER_NAMELOCK; player->managerNumber = id; player->managerString2 = name; } else { disconnectClient(0x14, "Your character has been namelocked."); return false; } } else if(player->getName() == "Account Manager" && g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ACCOUNT_MANAGER)) { if(id != 1) { player->accountManager = MANAGER_ACCOUNT; player->managerNumber = id; } else player->accountManager = MANAGER_NEW; } if(gamemaster && !player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_GamemasterPrivileges)) { disconnectClient(0x14, "You are not a gamemaster! Turn off the gamemaster mode in your IP changer."); return false; } if(!player->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CanAlwaysLogin)) { if(g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_CLOSING) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Gameworld is just going down, please come back later."); return false; } if(g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_CLOSED) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Gameworld is currently closed, please come back later."); return false; } } if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ONE_PLAYER_ON_ACCOUNT) && !player->isAccountManager() && !IOLoginData::getInstance()->hasCustomFlag(id, PlayerCustomFlag_CanLoginMultipleCharacters)) { bool found = false; PlayerVector tmp = g_game.getPlayersByAccount(id); for(PlayerVector::iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->getName() != name) continue; found = true; break; } if(tmp.size() > 0 && !found) { disconnectClient(0x14, "You may only login with one character\nof your account at the same time."); return false; } } if(!WaitingList::getInstance()->login(player)) { if(OutputMessage_ptr output = OutputMessagePool::getInstance()->getOutputMessage(this, false)) { TRACK_MESSAGE(output); std::stringstream ss; ss << "Too many players online.\n" << "You are "; int32_t slot = WaitingList::getInstance()->getSlot(player); if(slot) { ss << "at "; if(slot > 0) ss << slot; else ss << "unknown"; ss << " place on the waiting list."; } else ss << "awaiting connection..."; output->AddByte(0x16); output->AddString(ss.str()); output->AddByte(WaitingList::getTime(slot)); OutputMessagePool::getInstance()->send(output); } getConnection()->close(); return false; } if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->loadPlayer(player, name)) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Your character could not be loaded."); return false; } player->setOperatingSystem(operatingSystem); player->setClientVersion(version); if(!g_game.placeCreature(player, player->getLoginPosition()) && !g_game.placeCreature(player, player->getMasterPosition(), false, true)) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Temple position is wrong. Contact with the administration."); return false; } player->lastIP = player->getIP(); player->lastLoad = OTSYS_TIME(); player->lastLogin = std::max(time(NULL), player->lastLogin + 1); m_acceptPackets = true; return true; } else if(_player->client) { if(m_eventConnect || !g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::REPLACE_KICK_ON_LOGIN)) { //A task has already been scheduled just bail out (should not be overriden) disconnectClient(0x14, "You are already logged in."); return false; } g_chat.removeUserFromAllChannels(_player); _player->disconnect(); _player->isConnecting = true; addRef(); m_eventConnect = Scheduler::getInstance().addEvent(createSchedulerTask( 1000, boost::bind(&ProtocolGame::connect, this, _player->getID(), operatingSystem, version))); return true; } addRef(); return connect(_player->getID(), operatingSystem, version); } bool ProtocolGame::logout(bool displayEffect, bool forceLogout) { //dispatcher thread if(!player) return false; if(!player->isRemoved()) { if(!forceLogout) { if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->hasCustomFlag(player->getAccount(), PlayerCustomFlag_CanLogoutAnytime)) { if(player->getTile()->hasFlag(TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT)) { player->sendCancelMessage(RET_YOUCANNOTLOGOUTHERE); return false; } if(player->hasCondition(CONDITION_INFIGHT)) { player->sendCancelMessage(RET_YOUMAYNOTLOGOUTDURINGAFIGHT); return false; } if(!g_creatureEvents->playerLogout(player, false)) //let the script handle the error message return false; } else g_creatureEvents->playerLogout(player, false); } else if(!g_creatureEvents->playerLogout(player, true)) return false; } else displayEffect = false; if(displayEffect && !player->isGhost()) g_game.addMagicEffect(player->getPosition(), MAGIC_EFFECT_POFF); if(Connection_ptr connection = getConnection()) connection->close(); return g_game.removeCreature(player); } bool ProtocolGame::connect(uint32_t playerId, OperatingSystem_t operatingSystem, uint16_t version) { unRef(); m_eventConnect = 0; Player* _player = g_game.getPlayerByID(playerId); if(!_player || _player->isRemoved() || _player->client) { disconnectClient(0x14, "You are already logged in."); return false; } player = _player; player->addRef(); player->isConnecting = false; player->client = this; player->sendCreatureAppear(player); player->setOperatingSystem(operatingSystem); player->setClientVersion(version); player->lastIP = player->getIP(); player->lastLoad = OTSYS_TIME(); player->lastLogin = std::max(time(NULL), player->lastLogin + 1); m_acceptPackets = true; return true; } void ProtocolGame::disconnect() { if(getConnection()) getConnection()->close(); } void ProtocolGame::disconnectClient(uint8_t error, const char* message) { if(OutputMessage_ptr output = OutputMessagePool::getInstance()->getOutputMessage(this, false)) { TRACK_MESSAGE(output); output->AddByte(error); output->AddString(message); OutputMessagePool::getInstance()->send(output); } disconnect(); } void ProtocolGame::onConnect() { if(OutputMessage_ptr output = OutputMessagePool::getInstance()->getOutputMessage(this, false)) { TRACK_MESSAGE(output); enableChecksum(); output->AddByte(0x1F); output->AddU16(random_range(0, 0xFFFF)); output->AddU16(0x00); output->AddByte(random_range(0, 0xFF)); OutputMessagePool::getInstance()->send(output); } } void ProtocolGame::onRecvFirstMessage(NetworkMessage& msg) { parseFirstPacket(msg); } bool ProtocolGame::parseFirstPacket(NetworkMessage& msg) { if( #if defined(WINDOWS) && !defined(__CONSOLE__) !GUI::getInstance()->m_connections || #endif g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_SHUTDOWN) { getConnection()->close(); return false; } OperatingSystem_t operatingSystem = (OperatingSystem_t)msg.GetU16(); uint16_t version = msg.GetU16(); if(!RSA_decrypt(msg)) { getConnection()->close(); return false; } uint32_t key[4] = {msg.GetU32(), msg.GetU32(), msg.GetU32(), msg.GetU32()}; enableXTEAEncryption(); setXTEAKey(key); bool gamemaster = msg.GetByte(); std::string name = msg.GetString(), character = msg.GetString(), password = msg.GetString(); msg.SkipBytes(6); //841- wtf? if(version < CLIENT_VERSION_MIN || version > CLIENT_VERSION_MAX) { disconnectClient(0x14, CLIENT_VERSION_STRING); return false; } if(name.empty()) { if(!g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ACCOUNT_MANAGER)) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Invalid account name."); return false; } name = "1"; password = "1"; } if(g_game.getGameState() < GAME_STATE_NORMAL) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Gameworld is just starting up, please wait."); return false; } if(g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_MAINTAIN) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Gameworld is under maintenance, please re-connect in a while."); return false; } if(ConnectionManager::getInstance()->isDisabled(getIP(), protocolId)) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Too many connections attempts from your IP address, please try again later."); return false; } if(IOBan::getInstance()->isIpBanished(getIP())) { disconnectClient(0x14, "Your IP is banished!"); return false; } uint32_t id = 1; if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->getAccountId(name, id)) { ConnectionManager::getInstance()->addAttempt(getIP(), protocolId, false); disconnectClient(0x14, "Invalid account name."); return false; } std::string hash; if(!IOLoginData::getInstance()->getPassword(id, hash, character) || !encryptTest(password, hash)) { ConnectionManager::getInstance()->addAttempt(getIP(), protocolId, false); disconnectClient(0x14, "Invalid password."); return false; } Ban ban; ban.value = id; ban.type = BAN_ACCOUNT; if(IOBan::getInstance()->getData(ban) && !IOLoginData::getInstance()->hasFlag(id, PlayerFlag_CannotBeBanned)) { bool deletion = ban.expires < 0; std::string name_ = "Automatic "; if(!ban.adminId) name_ += (deletion ? "deletion" : "banishment"); else IOLoginData::getInstance()->getNameByGuid(ban.adminId, name_, true); char buffer[500 + ban.comment.length()]; sprintf(buffer, "Your account has been %s at:\n%s by: %s,\nfor the following reason:\n%s.\nThe action taken was:\n%s.\nThe comment given was:\n%s.\nYour %s%s.", (deletion ? "deleted" : "banished"), formatDateShort(ban.added).c_str(), name_.c_str(), getReason(ban.reason).c_str(), getAction(ban.action, false).c_str(), ban.comment.c_str(), (deletion ? "account won't be undeleted" : "banishment will be lifted at:\n"), (deletion ? "." : formatDateShort(ban.expires, true).c_str())); disconnectClient(0x14, buffer); return false; } ConnectionManager::getInstance()->addAttempt(getIP(), protocolId, true); Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask(boost::bind( &ProtocolGame::login, this, character, id, password, operatingSystem, version, gamemaster))); return true; } void ProtocolGame::parsePacket(NetworkMessage &msg) { if(!player || !m_acceptPackets || g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_SHUTDOWN || msg.getMessageLength() <= 0) return; uint8_t recvbyte = msg.GetByte(); //a dead player cannot performs actions if(player->isRemoved() && recvbyte != 0x14) return; if(player->isAccountManager()) { switch(recvbyte) { case 0x14: parseLogout(msg); break; case 0x96: parseSay(msg); break; default: sendCancelWalk(); break; } } else { switch(recvbyte) { case 0x14: // logout parseLogout(msg); break; case 0x1E: // keep alive / ping response parseReceivePing(msg); break; case 0x64: // move with steps parseAutoWalk(msg); break; case 0x65: // move north case 0x66: // move east case 0x67: // move south case 0x68: // move west parseMove(msg, (Direction)(recvbyte - 0x65)); break; case 0x69: // stop-autowalk addGameTask(&Game::playerStopAutoWalk, player->getID()); break; case 0x6A: parseMove(msg, NORTHEAST); break; case 0x6B: parseMove(msg, SOUTHEAST); break; case 0x6C: parseMove(msg, SOUTHWEST); break; case 0x6D: parseMove(msg, NORTHWEST); break; case 0x6F: // turn north case 0x70: // turn east case 0x71: // turn south case 0x72: // turn west parseTurn(msg, (Direction)(recvbyte - 0x6F)); break; case 0x78: // throw item parseThrow(msg); break; case 0x79: // description in shop window parseLookInShop(msg); break; case 0x7A: // player bought from shop parsePlayerPurchase(msg); break; case 0x7B: // player sold to shop parsePlayerSale(msg); break; case 0x7C: // player closed shop window parseCloseShop(msg); break; case 0x7D: // Request trade parseRequestTrade(msg); break; case 0x7E: // Look at an item in trade parseLookInTrade(msg); break; case 0x7F: // Accept trade parseAcceptTrade(msg); break; case 0x80: // close/cancel trade parseCloseTrade(); break; case 0x82: // use item parseUseItem(msg); break; case 0x83: // use item parseUseItemEx(msg); break; case 0x84: // battle window parseBattleWindow(msg); break; case 0x85: //rotate item parseRotateItem(msg); break; case 0x87: // close container parseCloseContainer(msg); break; case 0x88: //"up-arrow" - container parseUpArrowContainer(msg); break; case 0x89: parseTextWindow(msg); break; case 0x8A: parseHouseWindow(msg); break; case 0x8C: // throw item parseLookAt(msg); break; case 0x96: // say something parseSay(msg); break; case 0x97: // request channels parseGetChannels(msg); break; case 0x98: // open channel parseOpenChannel(msg); break; case 0x99: // close channel parseCloseChannel(msg); break; case 0x9A: // open priv parseOpenPriv(msg); break; case 0x9B: //process report parseProcessRuleViolation(msg); break; case 0x9C: //gm closes report parseCloseRuleViolation(msg); break; case 0x9D: //player cancels report parseCancelRuleViolation(msg); break; case 0x9E: // close NPC parseCloseNpc(msg); break; case 0xA0: // set attack and follow mode parseFightModes(msg); break; case 0xA1: // attack parseAttack(msg); break; case 0xA2: //follow parseFollow(msg); break; case 0xA3: // invite party parseInviteToParty(msg); break; case 0xA4: // join party parseJoinParty(msg); break; case 0xA5: // revoke party parseRevokePartyInvite(msg); break; case 0xA6: // pass leadership parsePassPartyLeadership(msg); break; case 0xA7: // leave party parseLeaveParty(msg); break; case 0xA8: // share exp parseSharePartyExperience(msg); break; case 0xAA: parseCreatePrivateChannel(msg); break; case 0xAB: parseChannelInvite(msg); break; case 0xAC: parseChannelExclude(msg); break; case 0xBE: // cancel move parseCancelMove(msg); break; case 0xC9: //client request to resend the tile parseUpdateTile(msg); break; case 0xCA: //client request to resend the container (happens when you store more than container maxsize) parseUpdateContainer(msg); break; case 0xD2: // request outfit if((!player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_GamemasterPrivileges) || !g_config.getBool( ConfigManager::DISABLE_OUTFITS_PRIVILEGED)) && (g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGEOUTFIT) || g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGECOLORS) || g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGEADDONS))) parseRequestOutfit(msg); break; case 0xD3: // set outfit if((!player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_GamemasterPrivileges) || !g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::DISABLE_OUTFITS_PRIVILEGED)) && (g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGECOLORS) || g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGEOUTFIT))) parseSetOutfit(msg); break; case 0xDC: parseAddVip(msg); break; case 0xDD: parseRemoveVip(msg); break; case 0xE6: parseBugReport(msg); break; case 0xE7: parseViolationWindow(msg); break; case 0xE8: parseDebugAssert(msg); break; case 0xF0: parseQuests(msg); break; case 0xF1: parseQuestInfo(msg); break; default: { if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::BAN_UNKNOWN_BYTES)) { int64_t banTime = -1; ViolationAction_t action = ACTION_BANISHMENT; Account tmp = IOLoginData::getInstance()->loadAccount(player->getAccount(), true); tmp.warnings++; if(tmp.warnings >= g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WARNINGS_TO_DELETION)) action = ACTION_DELETION; else if(tmp.warnings >= g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WARNINGS_TO_FINALBAN)) { banTime = time(NULL) + g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::FINALBAN_LENGTH); action = ACTION_BANFINAL; } else banTime = time(NULL) + g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::BAN_LENGTH); if(IOBan::getInstance()->addAccountBanishment(tmp.number, banTime, 13, action, "Sending unknown packets to the server.", 0, player->getGUID())) { IOLoginData::getInstance()->saveAccount(tmp); player->sendTextMessage(MSG_INFO_DESCR, "You have been banished."); g_game.addMagicEffect(player->getPosition(), MAGIC_EFFECT_WRAPS_GREEN); Scheduler::getInstance().addEvent(createSchedulerTask(1000, boost::bind( &Game::kickPlayer, &g_game, player->getID(), false))); } } std::stringstream hex, s; hex << "0x" << std::hex << (int16_t)recvbyte << std::dec; s << player->getName() << " sent unknown byte: " << hex << std::endl; LOG_MESSAGE(LOGTYPE_NOTICE, s.str(), "PLAYER") Logger::getInstance()->eFile(getFilePath(FILE_TYPE_LOG, "bots/" + player->getName() + ".log").c_str(), "[" + formatDate() + "] Received byte " + hex.str(), false); break; } } } } void ProtocolGame::GetTileDescription(const Tile* tile, NetworkMessage_ptr msg) { if(!tile) return; int32_t count = 0; if(tile->ground) { msg->AddItem(tile->ground); count++; } const TileItemVector* items = tile->getItemList(); const CreatureVector* creatures = tile->getCreatures(); ItemVector::const_iterator it; if(items) { for(it = items->getBeginTopItem(); (it != items->getEndTopItem() && count < 10); ++it, ++count) msg->AddItem(*it); } if(creatures) { for(CreatureVector::const_reverse_iterator cit = creatures->rbegin(); (cit != creatures->rend() && count < 10); ++cit) { if(!player->canSeeCreature(*cit)) continue; bool known; uint32_t removedKnown; checkCreatureAsKnown((*cit)->getID(), known, removedKnown); AddCreature(msg, (*cit), known, removedKnown); count++; } } if(items) { for(it = items->getBeginDownItem(); (it != items->getEndDownItem() && count < 10); ++it, ++count) msg->AddItem(*it); } } void ProtocolGame::GetMapDescription(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z, int32_t width, int32_t height, NetworkMessage_ptr msg) { int32_t skip = -1, startz, endz, zstep = 0; if(z > 7) { startz = z - 2; endz = std::min((int32_t)MAP_MAX_LAYERS - 1, z + 2); zstep = 1; } else { startz = 7; endz = 0; zstep = -1; } for(int32_t nz = startz; nz != endz + zstep; nz += zstep) GetFloorDescription(msg, x, y, nz, width, height, z - nz, skip); if(skip >= 0) { msg->AddByte(skip); msg->AddByte(0xFF); //cc += skip; } } void ProtocolGame::GetFloorDescription(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t offset, int32_t& skip) { Tile* tile = NULL; for(int32_t nx = 0; nx < width; nx++) { for(int32_t ny = 0; ny < height; ny++) { if((tile = g_game.getTile(Position(x + nx + offset, y + ny + offset, z)))) { if(skip >= 0) { msg->AddByte(skip); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } skip = 0; GetTileDescription(tile, msg); } else { ++skip; if(skip == 0xFF) { msg->AddByte(0xFF); msg->AddByte(0xFF); skip = -1; } } } } } void ProtocolGame::checkCreatureAsKnown(uint32_t id, bool& known, uint32_t& removedKnown) { // loop through the known creature list and check if the given creature is in for(std::list<uint32_t>::iterator it = knownCreatureList.begin(); it != knownCreatureList.end(); ++it) { if((*it) != id) continue; // know... make the creature even more known... knownCreatureList.erase(it); knownCreatureList.push_back(id); known = true; return; } // ok, he is unknown... known = false; // ... but not in future knownCreatureList.push_back(id); // too many known creatures? if(knownCreatureList.size() > 250) { // lets try to remove one from the end of the list Creature* c = NULL; for(int32_t n = 0; n < 250; n++) { removedKnown = knownCreatureList.front(); if(!(c = g_game.getCreatureByID(removedKnown)) || !canSee(c)) break; // this creature we can't remove, still in sight, so back to the end knownCreatureList.pop_front(); knownCreatureList.push_back(removedKnown); } // hopefully we found someone to remove :S, we got only 250 tries // if not... lets kick some players with debug errors :) knownCreatureList.pop_front(); } else // we can cache without problems :) removedKnown = 0; } bool ProtocolGame::canSee(const Creature* c) const { return !c->isRemoved() && player->canSeeCreature(c) && canSee(c->getPosition()); } bool ProtocolGame::canSee(const Position& pos) const { return canSee(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); } bool ProtocolGame::canSee(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t z) const { #ifdef __DEBUG__ if(z < 0 || z >= MAP_MAX_LAYERS) std::cout << "[Warning - ProtocolGame::canSee] Z-value is out of range!" << std::endl; #endif const Position& myPos = player->getPosition(); if(myPos.z <= 7) { //we are on ground level or above (7 -> 0), view is from 7 -> 0 if(z > 7) return false; } else if(myPos.z >= 8 && std::abs(myPos.z - z) > 2) //we are underground (8 -> 15), view is +/- 2 from the floor we stand on return false; //negative offset means that the action taken place is on a lower floor than ourself int32_t offsetz = myPos.z - z; return ((x >= myPos.x - 8 + offsetz) && (x <= myPos.x + 9 + offsetz) && (y >= myPos.y - 6 + offsetz) && (y <= myPos.y + 7 + offsetz)); } //********************** Parse methods *******************************// void ProtocolGame::parseLogout(NetworkMessage& msg) { Dispatcher::getInstance().addTask(createTask(boost::bind(&ProtocolGame::logout, this, true, false))); } void ProtocolGame::parseCreatePrivateChannel(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerCreatePrivateChannel, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseChannelInvite(NetworkMessage& msg) { const std::string name = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerChannelInvite, player->getID(), name); } void ProtocolGame::parseChannelExclude(NetworkMessage& msg) { const std::string name = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerChannelExclude, player->getID(), name); } void ProtocolGame::parseGetChannels(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerRequestChannels, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseOpenChannel(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint16_t channelId = msg.GetU16(); addGameTask(&Game::playerOpenChannel, player->getID(), channelId); } void ProtocolGame::parseCloseChannel(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint16_t channelId = msg.GetU16(); addGameTask(&Game::playerCloseChannel, player->getID(), channelId); } void ProtocolGame::parseOpenPriv(NetworkMessage& msg) { const std::string receiver = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerOpenPrivateChannel, player->getID(), receiver); } void ProtocolGame::parseProcessRuleViolation(NetworkMessage& msg) { const std::string reporter = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerProcessRuleViolation, player->getID(), reporter); } void ProtocolGame::parseCloseRuleViolation(NetworkMessage& msg) { const std::string reporter = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerCloseRuleViolation, player->getID(), reporter); } void ProtocolGame::parseCancelRuleViolation(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerCancelRuleViolation, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseCloseNpc(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerCloseNpcChannel, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseCancelMove(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerCancelAttackAndFollow, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseReceivePing(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerReceivePing, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseAutoWalk(NetworkMessage& msg) { // first we get all directions... std::list<Direction> path; size_t dirCount = msg.GetByte(); for(size_t i = 0; i < dirCount; ++i) { uint8_t rawDir = msg.GetByte(); Direction dir = SOUTH; switch(rawDir) { case 1: dir = EAST; break; case 2: dir = NORTHEAST; break; case 3: dir = NORTH; break; case 4: dir = NORTHWEST; break; case 5: dir = WEST; break; case 6: dir = SOUTHWEST; break; case 7: dir = SOUTH; break; case 8: dir = SOUTHEAST; break; default: continue; } path.push_back(dir); } addGameTask(&Game::playerAutoWalk, player->getID(), path); } void ProtocolGame::parseMove(NetworkMessage& msg, Direction dir) { addGameTask(&Game::playerMove, player->getID(), dir); } void ProtocolGame::parseTurn(NetworkMessage& msg, Direction dir) { addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerTurn, player->getID(), dir); } void ProtocolGame::parseRequestOutfit(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerRequestOutfit, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseSetOutfit(NetworkMessage& msg) { Outfit_t newOutfit = player->defaultOutfit; if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGEOUTFIT)) newOutfit.lookType = msg.GetU16(); else msg.SkipBytes(2); if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGECOLORS)) { newOutfit.lookHead = msg.GetByte(); newOutfit.lookBody = msg.GetByte(); newOutfit.lookLegs = msg.GetByte(); newOutfit.lookFeet = msg.GetByte(); } else msg.SkipBytes(4); if(g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ALLOW_CHANGEADDONS)) newOutfit.lookAddons = msg.GetByte(); else msg.SkipBytes(1); addGameTask(&Game::playerChangeOutfit, player->getID(), newOutfit); } void ProtocolGame::parseUseItem(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position pos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t spriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t stackpos = msg.GetByte(); uint8_t index = msg.GetByte(); bool isHotkey = (pos.x == 0xFFFF && !pos.y && !pos.z); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerUseItem, player->getID(), pos, stackpos, index, spriteId, isHotkey); } void ProtocolGame::parseUseItemEx(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position fromPos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t fromSpriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t fromStackpos = msg.GetByte(); Position toPos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t toSpriteId = msg.GetU16(); int16_t toStackpos = msg.GetByte(); bool isHotkey = (fromPos.x == 0xFFFF && !fromPos.y && !fromPos.z); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerUseItemEx, player->getID(), fromPos, fromStackpos, fromSpriteId, toPos, toStackpos, toSpriteId, isHotkey); } void ProtocolGame::parseBattleWindow(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position fromPos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t spriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t fromStackpos = msg.GetByte(); uint32_t creatureId = msg.GetU32(); bool isHotkey = (fromPos.x == 0xFFFF && !fromPos.y && !fromPos.z); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerUseBattleWindow, player->getID(), fromPos, fromStackpos, creatureId, spriteId, isHotkey); } void ProtocolGame::parseCloseContainer(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint8_t cid = msg.GetByte(); addGameTask(&Game::playerCloseContainer, player->getID(), cid); } void ProtocolGame::parseUpArrowContainer(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint8_t cid = msg.GetByte(); addGameTask(&Game::playerMoveUpContainer, player->getID(), cid); } void ProtocolGame::parseUpdateTile(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position pos = msg.GetPosition(); //addGameTask(&Game::playerUpdateTile, player->getID(), pos); } void ProtocolGame::parseUpdateContainer(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint8_t cid = msg.GetByte(); addGameTask(&Game::playerUpdateContainer, player->getID(), cid); } void ProtocolGame::parseThrow(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position fromPos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t spriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t fromStackpos = msg.GetByte(); Position toPos = msg.GetPosition(); uint8_t count = msg.GetByte(); if(toPos != fromPos) addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerMoveThing, player->getID(), fromPos, spriteId, fromStackpos, toPos, count); } void ProtocolGame::parseLookAt(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position pos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t spriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t stackpos = msg.GetByte(); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerLookAt, player->getID(), pos, spriteId, stackpos); } void ProtocolGame::parseSay(NetworkMessage& msg) { std::string receiver; uint16_t channelId = 0; SpeakClasses type = (SpeakClasses)msg.GetByte(); switch(type) { case SPEAK_PRIVATE: case SPEAK_PRIVATE_RED: case SPEAK_RVR_ANSWER: receiver = msg.GetString(); break; case SPEAK_CHANNEL_Y: case SPEAK_CHANNEL_RN: case SPEAK_CHANNEL_RA: channelId = msg.GetU16(); break; default: break; } const std::string text = msg.GetString(); if(text.length() > 255) //client limit { std::stringstream s; s << text.length(); Logger::getInstance()->eFile("bots/" + player->getName() + ".log", "Attempt to send message with size " + s.str() + " - client is limited to 255 characters.", true); return; } addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerSay, player->getID(), channelId, type, receiver, text); } void ProtocolGame::parseFightModes(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint8_t rawFightMode = msg.GetByte(); //1 - offensive, 2 - balanced, 3 - defensive uint8_t rawChaseMode = msg.GetByte(); //0 - stand while fightning, 1 - chase opponent uint8_t rawSecureMode = msg.GetByte(); //0 - can't attack unmarked, 1 - can attack unmarked chaseMode_t chaseMode = CHASEMODE_STANDSTILL; if(rawChaseMode == 1) chaseMode = CHASEMODE_FOLLOW; fightMode_t fightMode = FIGHTMODE_ATTACK; if(rawFightMode == 2) fightMode = FIGHTMODE_BALANCED; else if(rawFightMode == 3) fightMode = FIGHTMODE_DEFENSE; secureMode_t secureMode = SECUREMODE_OFF; if(rawSecureMode == 1) secureMode = SECUREMODE_ON; addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerSetFightModes, player->getID(), fightMode, chaseMode, secureMode); } void ProtocolGame::parseAttack(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t creatureId = msg.GetU32(); msg.GetU32(); msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerSetAttackedCreature, player->getID(), creatureId); } void ProtocolGame::parseFollow(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t creatureId = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerFollowCreature, player->getID(), creatureId); } void ProtocolGame::parseTextWindow(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t windowTextId = msg.GetU32(); const std::string newText = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerWriteItem, player->getID(), windowTextId, newText); } void ProtocolGame::parseHouseWindow(NetworkMessage &msg) { uint8_t doorId = msg.GetByte(); uint32_t id = msg.GetU32(); const std::string text = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerUpdateHouseWindow, player->getID(), doorId, id, text); } void ProtocolGame::parseLookInShop(NetworkMessage &msg) { uint16_t id = msg.GetU16(); uint16_t count = msg.GetByte(); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerLookInShop, player->getID(), id, count); } void ProtocolGame::parsePlayerPurchase(NetworkMessage &msg) { uint16_t id = msg.GetU16(); uint16_t count = msg.GetByte(); uint16_t amount = msg.GetByte(); bool ignoreCap = msg.GetByte(); bool inBackpacks = msg.GetByte(); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerPurchaseItem, player->getID(), id, count, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks); } void ProtocolGame::parsePlayerSale(NetworkMessage &msg) { uint16_t id = msg.GetU16(); uint16_t count = msg.GetByte(); uint16_t amount = msg.GetByte(); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerSellItem, player->getID(), id, count, amount); } void ProtocolGame::parseCloseShop(NetworkMessage &msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerCloseShop, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseRequestTrade(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position pos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t spriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t stackpos = msg.GetByte(); uint32_t playerId = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerRequestTrade, player->getID(), pos, stackpos, playerId, spriteId); } void ProtocolGame::parseAcceptTrade(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerAcceptTrade, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseLookInTrade(NetworkMessage& msg) { bool counter = msg.GetByte(); int32_t index = msg.GetByte(); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerLookInTrade, player->getID(), counter, index); } void ProtocolGame::parseCloseTrade() { addGameTask(&Game::playerCloseTrade, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseAddVip(NetworkMessage& msg) { const std::string name = msg.GetString(); if(name.size() > 32) return; addGameTask(&Game::playerRequestAddVip, player->getID(), name); } void ProtocolGame::parseRemoveVip(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t guid = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerRequestRemoveVip, player->getID(), guid); } void ProtocolGame::parseRotateItem(NetworkMessage& msg) { Position pos = msg.GetPosition(); uint16_t spriteId = msg.GetSpriteId(); int16_t stackpos = msg.GetByte(); addGameTaskTimed(DISPATCHER_TASK_EXPIRATION, &Game::playerRotateItem, player->getID(), pos, stackpos, spriteId); } void ProtocolGame::parseDebugAssert(NetworkMessage& msg) { if(m_debugAssertSent) return; std::stringstream s; s << "----- " << formatDate() << " - " << player->getName() << " (" << convertIPAddress(getIP()) << ") -----" << std::endl << msg.GetString() << std::endl << msg.GetString() << std::endl << msg.GetString() << std::endl << msg.GetString() << std::endl << std::endl; m_debugAssertSent = true; Logger::getInstance()->iFile(LOGFILE_CLIENT_ASSERTION, s.str(), false); } void ProtocolGame::parseBugReport(NetworkMessage& msg) { std::string comment = msg.GetString(); addGameTask(&Game::playerReportBug, player->getID(), comment); } void ProtocolGame::parseInviteToParty(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t targetId = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerInviteToParty, player->getID(), targetId); } void ProtocolGame::parseJoinParty(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t targetId = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerJoinParty, player->getID(), targetId); } void ProtocolGame::parseRevokePartyInvite(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t targetId = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerRevokePartyInvitation, player->getID(), targetId); } void ProtocolGame::parsePassPartyLeadership(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint32_t targetId = msg.GetU32(); addGameTask(&Game::playerPassPartyLeadership, player->getID(), targetId); } void ProtocolGame::parseLeaveParty(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerLeaveParty, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseSharePartyExperience(NetworkMessage& msg) { bool activate = msg.GetByte(); uint8_t unknown = msg.GetByte(); //TODO: find out what is this byte addGameTask(&Game::playerSharePartyExperience, player->getID(), activate, unknown); } void ProtocolGame::parseQuests(NetworkMessage& msg) { addGameTask(&Game::playerQuests, player->getID()); } void ProtocolGame::parseQuestInfo(NetworkMessage& msg) { uint16_t questId = msg.GetU16(); addGameTask(&Game::playerQuestInfo, player->getID(), questId); } void ProtocolGame::parseViolationWindow(NetworkMessage& msg) { std::string target = msg.GetString(); uint8_t reason = msg.GetByte(); ViolationAction_t action = (ViolationAction_t)msg.GetByte(); std::string comment = msg.GetString(); std::string statement = msg.GetString(); uint32_t statementId = (uint32_t)msg.GetU16(); bool ipBanishment = msg.GetByte(); addGameTask(&Game::playerViolationWindow, player->getID(), target, reason, action, comment, statement, statementId, ipBanishment); } //********************** Send methods *******************************// void ProtocolGame::sendOpenPrivateChannel(const std::string& receiver) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xAD); msg->AddString(receiver); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureOutfit(const Creature* creature, const Outfit_t& outfit) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x8E); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); AddCreatureOutfit(msg, creature, outfit); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureLight(const Creature* creature) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddCreatureLight(msg, creature); } } void ProtocolGame::sendWorldLight(const LightInfo& lightInfo) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddWorldLight(msg, lightInfo); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureShield(const Creature* creature) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x91); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddByte(player->getPartyShield(creature)); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureSkull(const Creature* creature) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x90); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddByte(player->getSkullClient(creature)); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureSquare(const Creature* creature, SquareColor_t color) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x86); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddByte((uint8_t)color); } } void ProtocolGame::sendTutorial(uint8_t tutorialId) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xDC); msg->AddByte(tutorialId); } } void ProtocolGame::sendAddMarker(const Position& pos, MapMarks_t markType, const std::string& desc) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xDD); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(markType); msg->AddString(desc); } } void ProtocolGame::sendReLoginWindow() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x28); } } void ProtocolGame::sendStats() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddPlayerStats(msg); } } void ProtocolGame::sendTextMessage(MessageClasses mClass, const std::string& message) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddTextMessage(msg, mClass, message); } } void ProtocolGame::sendClosePrivate(uint16_t channelId) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); if(channelId == CHANNEL_GUILD || channelId == CHANNEL_PARTY) g_chat.removeUserFromChannel(player, channelId); msg->AddByte(0xB3); msg->AddU16(channelId); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatePrivateChannel(uint16_t channelId, const std::string& channelName) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xB2); msg->AddU16(channelId); msg->AddString(channelName); } } void ProtocolGame::sendChannelsDialog() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xAB); ChannelList list = g_chat.getChannelList(player); msg->AddByte(list.size()); for(ChannelList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) { if(ChatChannel* channel = (*it)) { msg->AddU16(channel->getId()); msg->AddString(channel->getName()); } } } } void ProtocolGame::sendChannel(uint16_t channelId, const std::string& channelName) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xAC); msg->AddU16(channelId); msg->AddString(channelName); } } void ProtocolGame::sendRuleViolationsChannel(uint16_t channelId) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xAE); msg->AddU16(channelId); for(RuleViolationsMap::const_iterator it = g_game.getRuleViolations().begin(); it != g_game.getRuleViolations().end(); ++it) { RuleViolation& rvr = *it->second; if(rvr.isOpen && rvr.reporter) AddCreatureSpeak(msg, rvr.reporter, SPEAK_RVR_CHANNEL, rvr.text, channelId, rvr.time); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendRemoveReport(const std::string& name) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xAF); msg->AddString(name); } } void ProtocolGame::sendRuleViolationCancel(const std::string& name) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xB0); msg->AddString(name); } } void ProtocolGame::sendLockRuleViolation() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xB1); } } void ProtocolGame::sendIcons(int32_t icons) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xA2); msg->AddU16(icons); } } void ProtocolGame::sendContainer(uint32_t cid, const Container* container, bool hasParent) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x6E); msg->AddByte(cid); msg->AddItemId(container); msg->AddString(container->getName()); msg->AddByte(container->capacity()); msg->AddByte(hasParent ? 0x01 : 0x00); msg->AddByte(std::min(container->size(), (uint32_t)255)); ItemList::const_iterator cit = container->getItems(); for(uint32_t i = 0; cit != container->getEnd() && i < 255; ++cit, ++i) msg->AddItem(*cit); } } void ProtocolGame::sendShop(const ShopInfoList& shop) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x7A); msg->AddByte(std::min(shop.size(), (size_t)255)); ShopInfoList::const_iterator it = shop.begin(); for(uint32_t i = 0; it != shop.end() && i < 255; ++it, ++i) AddShopItem(msg, (*it)); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCloseShop() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x7C); } } void ProtocolGame::sendGoods(const ShopInfoList& shop) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x7B); msg->AddU32(g_game.getMoney(player)); std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> goodsMap; if(shop.size() >= 5) { for(ShopInfoList::const_iterator sit = shop.begin(); sit != shop.end(); ++sit) { if(sit->sellPrice < 0) continue; int8_t subType = -1; if(sit->subType) { const ItemType& it = Item::items[sit->itemId]; if(it.hasSubType() && !it.stackable) subType = sit->subType; } uint32_t count = player->__getItemTypeCount(sit->itemId, subType); if(count > 0) goodsMap[sit->itemId] = count; } } else { std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> tmpMap; player->__getAllItemTypeCount(tmpMap); for(ShopInfoList::const_iterator sit = shop.begin(); sit != shop.end(); ++sit) { if(sit->sellPrice < 0) continue; int8_t subType = -1; if(sit->subType) { const ItemType& it = Item::items[sit->itemId]; if(it.hasSubType() && !it.stackable) subType = sit->subType; } if(subType != -1) { uint32_t count = player->__getItemTypeCount(sit->itemId, subType); if(count > 0) goodsMap[sit->itemId] = count; } else goodsMap[sit->itemId] = tmpMap[sit->itemId]; } } msg->AddByte(std::min(goodsMap.size(), (size_t)255)); std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t>::const_iterator it = goodsMap.begin(); for(uint32_t i = 0; it != goodsMap.end() && i < 255; ++it, ++i) { msg->AddItemId(it->first); msg->AddByte(std::min(it->second, (uint32_t)255)); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendTradeItemRequest(const Player* player, const Item* item, bool ack) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); if(ack) msg->AddByte(0x7D); else msg->AddByte(0x7E); msg->AddString(player->getName()); if(const Container* container = item->getContainer()) { msg->AddByte(container->getItemHoldingCount() + 1); msg->AddItem(item); for(ContainerIterator it = container->begin(); it != container->end(); ++it) msg->AddItem(*it); } else { msg->AddByte(1); msg->AddItem(item); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendCloseTrade() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x7F); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCloseContainer(uint32_t cid) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x6F); msg->AddByte(cid); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureTurn(const Creature* creature, int16_t stackpos) { if(stackpos >= 10 || !canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x6B); msg->AddPosition(creature->getPosition()); msg->AddByte(stackpos); msg->AddU16(0x63); /*99*/ msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddByte(creature->getDirection()); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureSay(const Creature* creature, SpeakClasses type, const std::string& text, Position* pos/* = NULL*/) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddCreatureSpeak(msg, creature, type, text, 0, 0, pos); } } void ProtocolGame::sendToChannel(const Creature* creature, SpeakClasses type, const std::string& text, uint16_t channelId, uint32_t time /*= 0*/) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddCreatureSpeak(msg, creature, type, text, channelId, time); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCancel(const std::string& message) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddTextMessage(msg, MSG_STATUS_SMALL, message); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCancelTarget() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xA3); msg->AddU32(0); } } void ProtocolGame::sendChangeSpeed(const Creature* creature, uint32_t speed) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x8F); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddU16(speed); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCancelWalk() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xB5); msg->AddByte(player->getDirection()); } } void ProtocolGame::sendSkills() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddPlayerSkills(msg); } } void ProtocolGame::sendPing() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x1E); } } void ProtocolGame::sendDistanceShoot(const Position& from, const Position& to, uint8_t type) { if(type > SHOOT_EFFECT_LAST || (!canSee(from) && !canSee(to))) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddDistanceShoot(msg, from, to, type); } } void ProtocolGame::sendMagicEffect(const Position& pos, uint8_t type) { if(type > MAGIC_EFFECT_LAST || !canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddMagicEffect(msg, pos, type); } } void ProtocolGame::sendAnimatedText(const Position& pos, uint8_t color, std::string text) { if(!canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddAnimatedText(msg, pos, color, text); } } void ProtocolGame::sendCreatureHealth(const Creature* creature) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddCreatureHealth(msg, creature); } } void ProtocolGame::sendFYIBox(const std::string& message) { if(message.empty() || message.length() > 1018) //Prevent client debug when message is empty or length is > 1018 (not confirmed) { std::cout << "[Warning - ProtocolGame::sendFYIBox] Trying to send an empty or too huge message." << std::endl; return; } NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x15); msg->AddString(message); } } //tile void ProtocolGame::sendAddTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos, const Item* item) { if(!canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddTileItem(msg, pos, stackpos, item); } } void ProtocolGame::sendUpdateTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos, const Item* item) { if(!canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); UpdateTileItem(msg, pos, stackpos, item); } } void ProtocolGame::sendRemoveTileItem(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos) { if(!canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); RemoveTileItem(msg, pos, stackpos); } } void ProtocolGame::sendUpdateTile(const Tile* tile, const Position& pos) { if(!canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x69); msg->AddPosition(pos); if(tile) { GetTileDescription(tile, msg); msg->AddByte(0x00); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } else { msg->AddByte(0x01); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendAddCreature(const Creature* creature, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos) { if(!canSee(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(!msg) return; TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); if(creature != player) { AddTileCreature(msg, pos, stackpos, creature); return; } msg->AddByte(0x0A); msg->AddU32(player->getID()); msg->AddU16(0x32); msg->AddByte(player->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_CanReportBugs)); if(Group* group = player->getGroup()) { int32_t reasons = group->getViolationReasons(); if(reasons > 1) { msg->AddByte(0x0B); for(int32_t i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { if(i < 4) msg->AddByte(group->getNameViolationFlags()); else if(i < reasons) msg->AddByte(group->getStatementViolationFlags()); else msg->AddByte(0x00); } } } AddMapDescription(msg, pos); for(int32_t i = SLOT_FIRST; i < SLOT_LAST; ++i) AddInventoryItem(msg, (slots_t)i, player->getInventoryItem((slots_t)i)); AddPlayerStats(msg); AddPlayerSkills(msg); //gameworld light-settings LightInfo lightInfo; g_game.getWorldLightInfo(lightInfo); AddWorldLight(msg, lightInfo); //player light level AddCreatureLight(msg, creature); player->sendIcons(); for(VIPListSet::iterator it = player->VIPList.begin(); it != player->VIPList.end(); it++) { std::string vipName; if(IOLoginData::getInstance()->getNameByGuid((*it), vipName)) { Player* tmpPlayer = g_game.getPlayerByName(vipName); sendVIP((*it), vipName, (tmpPlayer && player->canSeeCreature(tmpPlayer))); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendRemoveCreature(const Creature* creature, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos) { if(!canSee(pos)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); RemoveTileItem(msg, pos, stackpos); } } void ProtocolGame::sendMoveCreature(const Creature* creature, const Tile* newTile, const Position& newPos, uint32_t newStackpos, const Tile* oldTile, const Position& oldPos, uint32_t oldStackpos, bool teleport) { if(creature == player) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); if(teleport || oldStackpos >= 10) { RemoveTileItem(msg, oldPos, oldStackpos); AddMapDescription(msg, newPos); } else { if(oldPos.z != 7 || newPos.z < 8) { msg->AddByte(0x6D); msg->AddPosition(oldPos); msg->AddByte(oldStackpos); msg->AddPosition(newPos); } else RemoveTileItem(msg, oldPos, oldStackpos); if(newPos.z > oldPos.z) MoveDownCreature(msg, creature, newPos, oldPos, oldStackpos); else if(newPos.z < oldPos.z) MoveUpCreature(msg, creature, newPos, oldPos, oldStackpos); if(oldPos.y > newPos.y) // north, for old x { msg->AddByte(0x65); GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, newPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 18, 1, msg); } else if(oldPos.y < newPos.y) // south, for old x { msg->AddByte(0x67); GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, newPos.y + 7, newPos.z, 18, 1, msg); } if(oldPos.x < newPos.x) // east, [with new y] { msg->AddByte(0x66); GetMapDescription(newPos.x + 9, newPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 1, 14, msg); } else if(oldPos.x > newPos.x) // west, [with new y] { msg->AddByte(0x68); GetMapDescription(newPos.x - 8, newPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 1, 14, msg); } } } } else if(canSee(oldPos) && canSee(newPos)) { if(!player->canSeeCreature(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); if(!teleport && (oldPos.z != 7 || newPos.z < 8) && oldStackpos < 10) { msg->AddByte(0x6D); msg->AddPosition(oldPos); msg->AddByte(oldStackpos); msg->AddPosition(newPos); } else { RemoveTileItem(msg, oldPos, oldStackpos); AddTileCreature(msg, newPos, newStackpos, creature); } } } else if(canSee(oldPos)) { if(!player->canSeeCreature(creature)) return; NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); RemoveTileItem(msg, oldPos, oldStackpos); } } else if(canSee(newPos) && player->canSeeCreature(creature)) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddTileCreature(msg, newPos, newStackpos, creature); } } } //inventory void ProtocolGame::sendAddInventoryItem(slots_t slot, const Item* item) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddInventoryItem(msg, slot, item); } } void ProtocolGame::sendUpdateInventoryItem(slots_t slot, const Item* item) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); UpdateInventoryItem(msg, slot, item); } } void ProtocolGame::sendRemoveInventoryItem(slots_t slot) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); RemoveInventoryItem(msg, slot); } } //containers void ProtocolGame::sendAddContainerItem(uint8_t cid, const Item* item) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); AddContainerItem(msg, cid, item); } } void ProtocolGame::sendUpdateContainerItem(uint8_t cid, uint8_t slot, const Item* item) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); UpdateContainerItem(msg, cid, slot, item); } } void ProtocolGame::sendRemoveContainerItem(uint8_t cid, uint8_t slot) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); RemoveContainerItem(msg, cid, slot); } } void ProtocolGame::sendTextWindow(uint32_t windowTextId, Item* item, uint16_t maxLen, bool canWrite) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x96); msg->AddU32(windowTextId); msg->AddItemId(item); if(canWrite) { msg->AddU16(maxLen); msg->AddString(item->getText()); } else { msg->AddU16(item->getText().size()); msg->AddString(item->getText()); } const std::string& writer = item->getWriter(); if(writer.size()) msg->AddString(writer); else msg->AddString(""); time_t writtenDate = item->getDate(); if(writtenDate > 0) msg->AddString(formatDate(writtenDate)); else msg->AddString(""); } } void ProtocolGame::sendTextWindow(uint32_t windowTextId, uint32_t itemId, const std::string& text) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x96); msg->AddU32(windowTextId); msg->AddItemId(itemId); msg->AddU16(text.size()); msg->AddString(text); msg->AddString(""); msg->AddString(""); } } void ProtocolGame::sendHouseWindow(uint32_t windowTextId, House* _house, uint32_t listId, const std::string& text) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0x97); msg->AddByte(0x00); msg->AddU32(windowTextId); msg->AddString(text); } } void ProtocolGame::sendOutfitWindow() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xC8); AddCreatureOutfit(msg, player, player->getDefaultOutfit(), true); std::list<Outfit> outfitList; for(OutfitMap::iterator it = player->outfits.begin(); it != player->outfits.end(); ++it) { if(player->canWearOutfit(it->first, it->second.addons)) outfitList.push_back(it->second); } if(outfitList.size()) { msg->AddByte((size_t)std::min((size_t)OUTFITS_MAX_NUMBER, outfitList.size())); std::list<Outfit>::iterator it = outfitList.begin(); for(int32_t i = 0; it != outfitList.end() && i < OUTFITS_MAX_NUMBER; ++it, ++i) { msg->AddU16(it->lookType); msg->AddString(it->name); if(player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_CanWearAllAddons)) msg->AddByte(0x03); else if(!g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::ADDONS_PREMIUM) || player->isPremium()) msg->AddByte(it->addons); else msg->AddByte(0x00); } } else { msg->AddByte(1); msg->AddU16(player->getDefaultOutfit().lookType); msg->AddString("Outfit"); msg->AddByte(player->getDefaultOutfit().lookAddons); } player->hasRequestedOutfit(true); } } void ProtocolGame::sendQuests() { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xF0); msg->AddU16(Quests::getInstance()->getQuestCount(player)); for(QuestList::const_iterator it = Quests::getInstance()->getFirstQuest(); it != Quests::getInstance()->getLastQuest(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->isStarted(player)) continue; msg->AddU16((*it)->getId()); msg->AddString((*it)->getName()); msg->AddByte((*it)->isCompleted(player)); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendQuestInfo(Quest* quest) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xF1); msg->AddU16(quest->getId()); msg->AddByte(quest->getMissionCount(player)); for(MissionList::const_iterator it = quest->getFirstMission(); it != quest->getLastMission(); ++it) { if(!(*it)->isStarted(player)) continue; msg->AddString((*it)->getName(player)); msg->AddString((*it)->getDescription(player)); } } } void ProtocolGame::sendVIPLogIn(uint32_t guid) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xD3); msg->AddU32(guid); } } void ProtocolGame::sendVIPLogOut(uint32_t guid) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xD4); msg->AddU32(guid); } } void ProtocolGame::sendVIP(uint32_t guid, const std::string& name, bool isOnline) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xD2); msg->AddU32(guid); msg->AddString(name); msg->AddByte(isOnline ? 1 : 0); } } ////////////// Add common messages void ProtocolGame::AddMapDescription(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos) { msg->AddByte(0x64); msg->AddPosition(player->getPosition()); GetMapDescription(pos.x - 8, pos.y - 6, pos.z, 18, 14, msg); } void ProtocolGame::AddTextMessage(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, MessageClasses mclass, const std::string& message) { msg->AddByte(0xB4); msg->AddByte(mclass); msg->AddString(message); } void ProtocolGame::AddAnimatedText(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos, uint8_t color, const std::string& text) { msg->AddByte(0x84); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(color); msg->AddString(text); } void ProtocolGame::AddMagicEffect(NetworkMessage_ptr msg,const Position& pos, uint8_t type) { msg->AddByte(0x83); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(type + 1); } void ProtocolGame::AddDistanceShoot(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& from, const Position& to, uint8_t type) { msg->AddByte(0x85); msg->AddPosition(from); msg->AddPosition(to); msg->AddByte(type + 1); } void ProtocolGame::AddCreature(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature, bool known, uint32_t remove) { if(!known) { msg->AddU16(0x61); msg->AddU32(remove); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddString(creature->getHideName() ? "" : creature->getName()); } else { msg->AddU16(0x62); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); } if(!creature->getHideHealth()) msg->AddByte((int32_t)std::ceil(((float)creature->getHealth()) * 100 / std::max(creature->getMaxHealth(), (int32_t)1))); else msg->AddByte(0x00); msg->AddByte((uint8_t)creature->getDirection()); AddCreatureOutfit(msg, creature, creature->getCurrentOutfit()); LightInfo lightInfo; creature->getCreatureLight(lightInfo); msg->AddByte(player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_HasFullLight) ? 0xFF : lightInfo.level); msg->AddByte(lightInfo.color); msg->AddU16(creature->getStepSpeed()); msg->AddByte(player->getSkullClient(creature)); msg->AddByte(player->getPartyShield(creature)); if(!known) msg->AddByte(0x00); // war emblem msg->AddByte(!player->canWalkthrough(creature)); } void ProtocolGame::AddPlayerStats(NetworkMessage_ptr msg) { msg->AddByte(0xA0); msg->AddU16(player->getHealth()); msg->AddU16(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_MAXHEALTH)); msg->AddU32(uint32_t(player->getFreeCapacity() * 100)); uint64_t experience = player->getExperience(); if(experience > 0x7FFFFFFF) // client debugs after 2,147,483,647 exp msg->AddU32(0x7FFFFFFF); else msg->AddU32(experience); msg->AddU16(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_LEVELPERCENT)); msg->AddU16(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_MANA)); msg->AddU16(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_MAXMANA)); msg->AddByte(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_MAGICLEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_MAGICLEVELPERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_SOUL)); msg->AddU16(player->getStaminaMinutes()); } void ProtocolGame::AddPlayerSkills(NetworkMessage_ptr msg) { msg->AddByte(0xA1); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_FIST, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_FIST, SKILL_PERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_CLUB, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_CLUB, SKILL_PERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_SWORD, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_SWORD, SKILL_PERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_AXE, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_AXE, SKILL_PERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_DIST, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_DIST, SKILL_PERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_SHIELD, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_SHIELD, SKILL_PERCENT)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_FISH, SKILL_LEVEL)); msg->AddByte(player->getSkill(SKILL_FISH, SKILL_PERCENT)); } void ProtocolGame::AddCreatureSpeak(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature, SpeakClasses type, std::string text, uint16_t channelId, uint32_t time/*= 0*/, Position* pos/* = NULL*/) { msg->AddByte(0xAA); if(creature) { const Player* speaker = creature->getPlayer(); if(speaker) { msg->AddU32(++g_chat.statement); g_chat.statementMap[g_chat.statement] = text; } else msg->AddU32(0x00); if(creature->getSpeakType() != SPEAK_CLASS_NONE) type = creature->getSpeakType(); switch(type) { case SPEAK_CHANNEL_RA: msg->AddString(""); break; case SPEAK_RVR_ANSWER: msg->AddString("Gamemaster"); break; default: msg->AddString(!creature->getHideName() ? creature->getName() : ""); break; } if(speaker && type != SPEAK_RVR_ANSWER && !speaker->isAccountManager() && !speaker->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_HideLevel)) msg->AddU16(speaker->getPlayerInfo(PLAYERINFO_LEVEL)); else msg->AddU16(0x00); } else { msg->AddU32(0x00); msg->AddString(""); msg->AddU16(0x00); } msg->AddByte(type); switch(type) { case SPEAK_SAY: case SPEAK_WHISPER: case SPEAK_YELL: case SPEAK_MONSTER_SAY: case SPEAK_MONSTER_YELL: case SPEAK_PRIVATE_NP: { if(pos) msg->AddPosition(*pos); else if(creature) msg->AddPosition(creature->getPosition()); else msg->AddPosition(Position(0,0,7)); break; } case SPEAK_CHANNEL_Y: case SPEAK_CHANNEL_RN: case SPEAK_CHANNEL_RA: case SPEAK_CHANNEL_O: case SPEAK_CHANNEL_W: msg->AddU16(channelId); break; case SPEAK_RVR_CHANNEL: { msg->AddU32(uint32_t(OTSYS_TIME() / 1000 & 0xFFFFFFFF) - time); break; } default: break; } msg->AddString(text); } void ProtocolGame::AddCreatureHealth(NetworkMessage_ptr msg,const Creature* creature) { msg->AddByte(0x8C); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); if(!creature->getHideHealth()) msg->AddByte((int32_t)std::ceil(((float)creature->getHealth()) * 100 / std::max(creature->getMaxHealth(), (int32_t)1))); else msg->AddByte(0x00); } void ProtocolGame::AddCreatureOutfit(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature, const Outfit_t& outfit, bool outfitWindow/* = false*/) { if(outfitWindow || !creature->getPlayer() || (!creature->isInvisible() && (!creature->isGhost() || !g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::GHOST_INVISIBLE_EFFECT)))) { msg->AddU16(outfit.lookType); if(outfit.lookType) { msg->AddByte(outfit.lookHead); msg->AddByte(outfit.lookBody); msg->AddByte(outfit.lookLegs); msg->AddByte(outfit.lookFeet); msg->AddByte(outfit.lookAddons); } else if(outfit.lookTypeEx) msg->AddItemId(outfit.lookTypeEx); else msg->AddU16(outfit.lookTypeEx); } else msg->AddU32(0x00); } void ProtocolGame::AddWorldLight(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const LightInfo& lightInfo) { msg->AddByte(0x82); msg->AddByte((player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_HasFullLight) ? 0xFF : lightInfo.level)); msg->AddByte(lightInfo.color); } void ProtocolGame::AddCreatureLight(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature) { LightInfo lightInfo; creature->getCreatureLight(lightInfo); msg->AddByte(0x8D); msg->AddU32(creature->getID()); msg->AddByte((player->hasCustomFlag(PlayerCustomFlag_HasFullLight) ? 0xFF : lightInfo.level)); msg->AddByte(lightInfo.color); } //tile void ProtocolGame::AddTileItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos, const Item* item) { if(stackpos >= 10) return; msg->AddByte(0x6A); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(stackpos); msg->AddItem(item); } void ProtocolGame::AddTileCreature(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos, const Creature* creature) { if(stackpos >= 10) return; msg->AddByte(0x6A); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(stackpos); bool known; uint32_t removedKnown; checkCreatureAsKnown(creature->getID(), known, removedKnown); AddCreature(msg, creature, known, removedKnown); } void ProtocolGame::UpdateTileItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos, const Item* item) { if(stackpos >= 10) return; msg->AddByte(0x6B); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(stackpos); msg->AddItem(item); } void ProtocolGame::RemoveTileItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Position& pos, uint32_t stackpos) { if(stackpos >= 10) return; msg->AddByte(0x6C); msg->AddPosition(pos); msg->AddByte(stackpos); } void ProtocolGame::MoveUpCreature(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature, const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos, uint32_t oldStackpos) { if(creature != player) return; msg->AddByte(0xBE); //floor change up if(newPos.z == 7) //going to surface { int32_t skip = -1; GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 5, 18, 14, 3, skip); //(floor 7 and 6 already set) GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 4, 18, 14, 4, skip); GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 3, 18, 14, 5, skip); GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 2, 18, 14, 6, skip); GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 1, 18, 14, 7, skip); GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, 0, 18, 14, 8, skip); if(skip >= 0) { msg->AddByte(skip); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } } else if(newPos.z > 7) //underground, going one floor up (still underground) { int32_t skip = -1; GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, oldPos.z - 3, 18, 14, 3, skip); if(skip >= 0) { msg->AddByte(skip); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } } //moving up a floor up makes us out of sync //west msg->AddByte(0x68); GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y + 1 - 6, newPos.z, 1, 14, msg); //north msg->AddByte(0x65); GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 18, 1, msg); } void ProtocolGame::MoveDownCreature(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const Creature* creature, const Position& newPos, const Position& oldPos, uint32_t oldStackpos) { if(creature != player) return; msg->AddByte(0xBF); //floor change down if(newPos.z == 8) //going from surface to underground { int32_t skip = -1; GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z, 18, 14, -1, skip); GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z + 1, 18, 14, -2, skip); GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z + 2, 18, 14, -3, skip); if(skip >= 0) { msg->AddByte(skip); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } } else if(newPos.z > oldPos.z && newPos.z > 8 && newPos.z < 14) //going further down { int32_t skip = -1; GetFloorDescription(msg, oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y - 6, newPos.z + 2, 18, 14, -3, skip); if(skip >= 0) { msg->AddByte(skip); msg->AddByte(0xFF); } } //moving down a floor makes us out of sync //east msg->AddByte(0x66); GetMapDescription(oldPos.x + 9, oldPos.y - 1 - 6, newPos.z, 1, 14, msg); //south msg->AddByte(0x67); GetMapDescription(oldPos.x - 8, oldPos.y + 7, newPos.z, 18, 1, msg); } //inventory void ProtocolGame::AddInventoryItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, slots_t slot, const Item* item) { if(item) { msg->AddByte(0x78); msg->AddByte(slot); msg->AddItem(item); } else RemoveInventoryItem(msg, slot); } void ProtocolGame::RemoveInventoryItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, slots_t slot) { msg->AddByte(0x79); msg->AddByte(slot); } void ProtocolGame::UpdateInventoryItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, slots_t slot, const Item* item) { AddInventoryItem(msg, slot, item); } //containers void ProtocolGame::AddContainerItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, uint8_t cid, const Item* item) { msg->AddByte(0x70); msg->AddByte(cid); msg->AddItem(item); } void ProtocolGame::UpdateContainerItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, uint8_t cid, uint8_t slot, const Item* item) { msg->AddByte(0x71); msg->AddByte(cid); msg->AddByte(slot); msg->AddItem(item); } void ProtocolGame::RemoveContainerItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, uint8_t cid, uint8_t slot) { msg->AddByte(0x72); msg->AddByte(cid); msg->AddByte(slot); } void ProtocolGame::sendChannelMessage(std::string author, std::string text, SpeakClasses type, uint8_t channel) { NetworkMessage_ptr msg = getOutputBuffer(); if(msg) { TRACK_MESSAGE(msg); msg->AddByte(0xAA); msg->AddU32(0x00); msg->AddString(author); msg->AddU16(0x00); msg->AddByte(type); msg->AddU16(channel); msg->AddString(text); } } void ProtocolGame::AddShopItem(NetworkMessage_ptr msg, const ShopInfo item) { const ItemType& it = Item::items[item.itemId]; msg->AddU16(it.clientId); if(it.isSplash() || it.isFluidContainer()) msg->AddByte(fluidMap[item.subType % 8]); else if(it.stackable || it.charges) msg->AddByte(item.subType); else msg->AddByte(0x01); msg->AddString(item.itemName); msg->AddU32(uint32_t(it.weight * 100)); msg->AddU32(item.buyPrice); msg->AddU32(item.sellPrice); }   MEAJUDA ACHA CTRL + Z CTRL + J A LINHA PRA MIM EDITA PROTOCOLGAME.CPP EU USO WINDOWS 10
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