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Exibindo conteúdo com a maior reputação em 09/21/17 em todas áreas

  1. Benny

    [Encerrado]Pokémon Amethyst

    Oloco, essa logo aí até parece a minha hehehehehe Enviado de meu Moto G (4) usando Tapatalk
    1 ponto
  2. Vodkart

    [Talk] Deathlist [Fixed/no Crash]

    Atualizado V1.0: Mostra últimas mortes do servidor: você pode usar o comando !deathlist NOME ex: !deathlist Carlin: in your db execute this query: CREATE TABLE death_list ( id INTEGER NOT NULL, player_id INTEGER NOT NULL, date INTEGER NOT NULL, level INTEGER NOT NULL, killer_name INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( id ) ); creaturescript death_list.lua function onDeath(cid, corpse, deathList) local str = "" for _, pid in ipairs(deathList) do if isCreature(pid) == true then str = str.."".. (str == "" and "" or ",") ..""..getCreatureName(pid) else str = str.."".. (str == "" and "" or ",") .." a field item" end end str = str.."." death = str .. " ".. (getPlayerBlessing(cid, 5) and "[Blessed]" or getPlayerSlotItem(cid, 2).itemid == 2173 and "[AOL]" or "") db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `death_list` (`player_id`, `date`, `level`, `killer_name`) VALUES ('".. getPlayerGUID(cid).."', '".. os.time() .."', '".. getPlayerLevel(cid) .."', '".. death .."');") return true end creaturescript.xml <event type="death" name="DeathList" event="script" value="death_list.lua"/> creaturescript/script/login.lua registerCreatureEvent(cid, "DeathList") talkactions deathlist.lua limit = 5 function onSay(cid, words, param, channel) str = "" if param == "" then local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `player_id`, `date`, `level`, `killer_name` FROM `death_list` ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 0, " .. limit) if(qry:getID() ~= -1) then repeat str = str .."\n ""%d %B %Y %X ", qry:getDataInt("date")).." "..getPlayerNameByGUID(qry:getDataString("player_id")).." died at level "..qry:getDataInt("level").." by:\n"..qry:getDataString("killer_name") until not(qry:next()) qry:free() else str = "Não há mortes no servidor." end doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, "Last Deaths:\n\n" .. str) return true end local getGuid = getPlayerGUIDByName(param:lower()) if not getGuid then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Este Player não existe.") return true end local qry = db.getResult("SELECT `id`, `date`, `level`, `killer_name` FROM `death_list` WHERE `player_id` = " .. getGuid .." ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 0, " .. limit) if(qry:getID() ~= -1) then repeat str = str .."\n ""%d %B %Y %X ", qry:getDataInt("date")).." died at level "..qry:getDataInt("level").." by:\n"..qry:getDataString("killer_name") until not(qry:next()) qry:free() else str = "Não há mortes." end doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, "Last Deaths of: " .. param .. ".\n\n" .. str) return true end talkactions.xml <talkaction words="!deathlist" script="deathlist.lua"/>
    1 ponto
  3. Bom, algumas pessoas tem essa dúvida. Servidor com banco de dados MySQL não precisa necessariamente ter um site para criar e gerenciar as contas. Basta você um account management para criar as contas.
    1 ponto
  4. driigo

    ainda tenho um yurots 1.2 (8.10) seu *--*

    ainda tenho um yurots 1.2 (8.10) seu *--*
    1 ponto
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