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Sobre groncio


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groncio's Achievements

  1. Helysia.EU Real Map Ots 10.98-11.00 start 14th October at 18:00 CEST Skull Window 100%. Reward chest 100%. Free First 20 Mounts. Refile stamina on trainers. New Bank System 100%. Automatic Points for Guilds. System the critical and leech 100%. NPC Cassino, acesso no dp. Experience shared 100%. Heart of destruction quest complete. You can buy NPC using the balance of the bank. Global depot 100%. Otherworld, Nightmare Isle, Krailos, Grimvale and all areas 10.94+ working 100%. Quests Gravedigger, Elemental spheres, Ferumbras quest working 100%. Equip hotkey with exausted. NPC selling SSA, Might Ring and other items with correct charges. New potions, new items, mounts and addons 10.97. Raids, loots configured like rl tibia. Anti-bug Stack. Houses oramond 100%. New area trainer . NPC Addons 100%. dventurer Guild 100% Original. Dwarven legs quest 100%. Mapa 95% like global. Some images: Points for Level: *Get first 150 level and receive 30 premium points *Get first 200 level and receive 35 premium points *Get first 250 level and receive 40 premium points *Get first 300 level and receive 50 premium points It's not hard
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