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animera's Achievements

  1. Since our last launch we discovered many bugs (from small to big) which has been fixed by now. With that we've added a lot of new features, content. Also we've added staged rates. But to be sure everything is Okay, we want to hold a small beta meanwhile we are working on the marketing, possible bug fixes/balances and the website guide of course. BE AWARE! after the beta everyone will get reset instantly. For those who still donate. Your coins gets doubled after the reset. We are looking for some tutor positions. We might open a thread in tutor section soon if we cannot find anyone between the testers. Website / Host: Client: 10.98 or custom client See ya in-game! Animera CUSTOM CLIENT ANIMERARPG.COM Upgrade crystal drop is increased. Upgrade crystal has now a breakchance. Exp room slightly nerfed. Paladins are able to shoot ammunition while using pots. 7.6 Outfits / Graphics added. Custom graphics added. Fist fighting is replaced for Attack speed. Skillable with and without weapons. Fishing skill has been replaced for magic resistance. Fishing depends on user's level now. Weapons for attack speed is added. Sharpshooter spell increases attack speed instead of distance fighting. Kororo slightly nerfed. Reduced skill rate slightly. Implemented ghost town, you can visit ghost town by going through the time machine in enigma city. Task bosses teleports will now inform you when you do not meet the requirements.
  2. 69 accounts created, 100+ characters created, get your chance to be the best player/guild/name!
  3. Trailer [youtube][/youtube] IP: Client: 10.98 Website: Rates: Exp: 150x Skills: 35x Magic: 20x Loot: 3 Guide: Discord: Screenshots: Features: The perfect balance between FUN & RPG! 40GB+ UNQUE MAP (about half size of rl tibia map) FREE VIP/PREMIUM Daily events(Raids, Last man standing, Daily quests etc). 400+ Custom creatures 50+ Custom bosses Secondary promotion Story mode (With cutscenes) Custom Items/Equipments/Weapons Custom Spells(Most rl based but also some exciting awesome spells) AI bosses & creatures. Loads of challenging quests! Auto gold farming Stairhop delay to 0.5MS No level requirements for equipment/weapons/runes. Sprite wand (and many more awesome staffs). No overpowered donation items. Trainers for knight/paladin/mages. Minecart system (Replaces the teleports, we might expand this in the future). no mining, lumberjacking and other gay features! Helping hand system Conjuring effect doubled. Skill rings increased. PVP Guild War mode PVP with exp bonus Balanced vocations Last man standing event 1 VS 1 Arena Frag remover: Yes Frags to Red skull: 4 Frags to Black skull: 7 Frag time: 6 hours REGISTER NOW! JOIN US AT DISCORD! Animera
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