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Ajuda arrumar sistema de raid



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Alguém me ajuda a arrumar meu sistema de raid!




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <singlespawn name="Orshabaal" delay="0" message="Raid: Orshabaal" x="368" y="1588" z="7">



<globalevent name="Invasion" time="03:22:00" script="raids.lua" />




local now ="*t")
local raids = {

if now.wday == 7 or now.wday == 1 then -- if today is monday (wday can be 1-7 and starts with Sunday as 1)
  executeRaid(raids[math.random(1, #raids)])



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diminui esse interval pra
<globalevent name="randomentreraidfds" interval="1000" event="script" value="raid.lua"/>

e esse para

<raid name="Orshabaal" file="scripts/Orshabaal.xml" interval2="15" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>

aí vc tenta usar /raid orshabaal.. Se der certo a gente sabe que a raid funciona. Aí vc precisa abrir o sv uns 10 minutos antes da hora que vc colocou lá. Se vc colocou 5 horas, então tenha ctza que 4:50 da manhã o sv vai estar aberto e espera até pelo menos 5:10 pra ver se ele executou ou não.

presta atenção nos dias configurados e lembra que a hora é aleatória, o script está correto;


- hour should be exact SERVER hour
- to do the raid at clock 00 minutes 00
- to do the raid at exaxt date use type "exact"
- to do the raid weekly use type "weekly"
- days names are used only for weekly type and should be
- "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"
- also should be inside a array -> {}

    local invasoes = {'Orshabaal'}    
    local hours = {5, 10}

    local raids =
        [1] =
            days = {'sunday'},
            hour = hours[math.random(1, #hours)],
            minu = 00
        [2] =
            days = {'friday'},
            hour = hours[math.random(1, #hours)],
            minu = 00
        [3] =
            days = {'saturday'},
            hour = hours[math.random(1, #hours)],
            minu = 00
local last_execsutes = {}

function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval)
    local static_time = os.time()
    for k, raid in ipairs(raids) do
        local day ="%A", static_time):lower()
        if isInArray(raid.days, day) then
            local hour = tonumber("%H", static_time))
            if (raid.hour == hour) then
                local minute = tonumber("%M", static_time))
                if (raid.minu == minute) then
                    local day_number = tonumber("%d", static_time))
                    if (last_execsutes[k] ~= day_number) then
                        last_execsutes[k] = day_number
                        executeRaid(invasoes[math.random(1, #invasoes)])
    return true

e não precisa me citar pra responder minhas perguntas, e lembra de usar [.spoiler] [./spoiler] sem os pontos pra garantir que o código fique minimizado, se não fica foda ficar lendo oque vc escreve.


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cara, isso n é um sistema de raid.. usa o meu:



- hour should be exact SERVER hour
- to do the raid at clock 00 minutes 00
- to do the raid at exaxt date use type "exact"
- to do the raid weekly use type "weekly"
- days names are used only for weekly type and should be 
- "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"
- also should be inside a array -> {}

local raids =
		[1] = 
				name = 'Morgaroth',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'friday'},
				hour = 18,
				minu = 00
		[2] = 
				name = 'Zulazza the Corruptor',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'tuesday'},
				hour = 20,
				minu = 00
		[3] = 
				name = 'RatsThais',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'monday'},
				hour = 8,
				minu = 00
		[4] = 
				name = 'OrcsThais',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'wednesday'},
				hour = 12,
				minu = 00
		[5] = 
				name = 'Barbarian',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'thursday'},
				hour = 10,
				minu = 00
		[6] = 
				name = 'Demodras',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'sunday'},
				hour = 15,
				minu = 00
		[7] = 
				name = 'Elfos',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'tuesday'},
				hour = 10,
				minu = 00
		[8] = 
				name = 'Ferumbras',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'saturday'},
				hour = 22,
				minu = 00
		[9] = 
				name = 'Ghazbaran',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'monday'},
				hour = 16,
				minu = 00
		[10] = 
				name = 'Horned Fox',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'sunday'},
				hour = 8,
				minu = 00
		[11] = 
				name = 'Necropharus',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'thursday'},
				hour = 20,
				minu = 00
		[12] = 
				name = 'Nomads',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'wednesday'},
				hour = 8,
				minu = 00
		[13] = 
				name = 'Orshabaal',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'sunday'},
				hour = 18,
				minu = 00
		[14] = 
				name = 'Pirates',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'saturday'},
				hour = 6,
				minu = 00
		[15] = 
				name = 'Quaras',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'friday'},
				hour = 4,
				minu = 00
		[16] = 
				name = 'Scarabs',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'tuesday'},
				hour = 5,
				minu = 00
		[17] = 
				name = 'Old Widow',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'wednesday'},
				hour = 19,
				minu = 00
		[18] = 
				name = 'Undead Army',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'thursday'},
				hour = 20,
				minu = 00
		[19] = 
				name = 'Undead Darashia',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'friday'},
				hour = 12,
				minu = 00
		[20] = 
				name = 'Sir Valorcrest',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'monday'},
				hour = 11,
				minu = 00
		[21] = 
				name = 'Zevelong Duskbringer',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'tuesday'},
				hour = 3,
				minu = 00
		[22] = 
				name = 'Diblis The Fair',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'saturday'},
				hour = 12,
				minu = 00
		[23] = 
				name = 'Arachir the Ancient One',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'monday'},
				hour = 15,
				minu = 00
		[24] = 
				name = 'Halloween Hare',
				type = 'exact',
				date = {day = 31, month = 10},
				hour = 16,
				minu = 00
local last_execsutes = {}

function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval)
	local static_time = os.time()
	for k, raid in ipairs(raids) do
		if (raid.type == 'weekly') then
			local day ="%A", static_time):lower()
			if isInArray(raid.days, day) then
				local hour = tonumber("%H", static_time))
				if (raid.hour == hour) then
					local minute = tonumber("%M", static_time))
					if (raid.minu == minute) then
						local day_number = tonumber("%d", static_time))
						if (last_execsutes[k] ~= day_number) then
							last_execsutes[k] = day_number
		elseif (raid.type == 'exact') then
			local month = tonumber("%m", static_time))
			if ( == month) then
				local day = tonumber("%d", static_time))
				if ( == day) then
					local hour = tonumber("%H", static_time))
					if (raid.hour == hour) then
						local minute = tonumber("%M", static_time))
						if (raid.minu == minute) then
							if (last_execsutes[k] ~= day) then
								last_execsutes[k] = day
	return true



<globalevent name="raids" interval="60000" event="script" value="raid.lua"/>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<raid name="Barbarian" file="Barbarian.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Demodras" file="Demodras.xml" interval2="35" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Elfs" file="Elfs.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Ferumbras" file="Ferumbras.xml" interval2="60" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Necropharus" file="Necropharus.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="OrcsThais" file="OrcsThais.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Orshabaal" file="Orshabaal.xml" interval2="45" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Pirates" file="Pirates.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Quara" file="Quara.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Rats" file="Rats.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Scarabs" file="Scarabs.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="The Old Widow" file="The Old Widow.xml" interval2="35" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="UndeadDarashia" file="UndeadDarashia.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="UndeadArmy" file="UndeadArmy.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Wolfsraid" file="Wolfsraid.xml" interval2="25" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Necropharus" file="Necropharus.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Hornedfox" file="Hornedfox.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Halloweenhare" file="Halloweenhare.xml" interval2="40" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Undead Jester" file="Undead Jester.xml" interval2="40" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="goblin" file="grynch clan goblin.xml" interval2="40" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Morgaroth" file="Morgaroth.xml" interval2="40" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>

e os scripts tem que ser da forma:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	// Raid System by 5mok3

  <announce delay="1000" type="Event" message="An ancient evil is awakening in the mines beneath Hrodmir." />
  <announce delay="30000" type="Event" message="Demonic entities are entering the mortal realm in the Hrodmir mines." />
  <announce delay="60000" type="Event" message="The demonic master has revealed itself in the mines of Hrodmir." />
  <!--Single Spawns-->
  <singlespawn delay="60000" name="Ghazbaran" x="32228" y="31163" z="15" />
  <!--Area Spawns-->
  <areaspawn delay="53000" fromx="32194" fromy="30986" fromz="14" tox="32213" toy="31012" toz="14">
    <monster name="Deathslicer" amount="12" />
  <areaspawn delay="55000" fromx="32194" fromy="30986" fromz="14" tox="32213" toy="31012" toz="14">
    <monster name="Juggernaut" amount="5" />
  <areaspawn delay="56000" fromx="32194" fromy="30986" fromz="14" tox="32213" toy="31012" toz="14">
    <monster name="Fury" amount="8" />
  <areaspawn delay="58000" fromx="32194" fromy="30986" fromz="14" tox="32213" toy="31012" toz="14">
    <monster name="Demon" amount="6" />



Agora é só retirar os que você não vai usar que dá certinho.

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cara, isso n é um sistema de raid.. usa o meu:





- hour should be exact SERVER hour
- to do the raid at clock 00 minutes 00
- to do the raid at exaxt date use type "exact"
- to do the raid weekly use type "weekly"
- days names are used only for weekly type and should be 
- "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"
- also should be inside a array -> {}

local raids =
		[1] = 
				name = 'Morgaroth',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'friday'},
				hour = 18,
				minu = 00
		[2] = 
				name = 'Zulazza the Corruptor',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'tuesday'},
				hour = 20,
				minu = 00
		[3] = 
				name = 'RatsThais',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'monday'},
				hour = 8,
				minu = 00
		[4] = 
				name = 'OrcsThais',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'wednesday'},
				hour = 12,
				minu = 00
		[5] = 
				name = 'Barbarian',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'thursday'},
				hour = 10,
				minu = 00
		[6] = 
				name = 'Demodras',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'sunday'},
				hour = 15,
				minu = 00
		[7] = 
				name = 'Elfos',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'tuesday'},
				hour = 10,
				minu = 00
		[8] = 
				name = 'Ferumbras',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'saturday'},
				hour = 22,
				minu = 00
		[9] = 
				name = 'Ghazbaran',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'monday'},
				hour = 16,
				minu = 00
		[10] = 
				name = 'Horned Fox',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'sunday'},
				hour = 8,
				minu = 00
		[11] = 
				name = 'Necropharus',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'thursday'},
				hour = 20,
				minu = 00
		[12] = 
				name = 'Nomads',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'wednesday'},
				hour = 8,
				minu = 00
		[13] = 
				name = 'Orshabaal',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'sunday'},
				hour = 18,
				minu = 00
		[14] = 
				name = 'Pirates',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'saturday'},
				hour = 6,
				minu = 00
		[15] = 
				name = 'Quaras',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'friday'},
				hour = 4,
				minu = 00
		[16] = 
				name = 'Scarabs',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'tuesday'},
				hour = 5,
				minu = 00
		[17] = 
				name = 'Old Widow',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'wednesday'},
				hour = 19,
				minu = 00
		[18] = 
				name = 'Undead Army',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'thursday'},
				hour = 20,
				minu = 00
		[19] = 
				name = 'Undead Darashia',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'friday'},
				hour = 12,
				minu = 00
		[20] = 
				name = 'Sir Valorcrest',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'monday'},
				hour = 11,
				minu = 00
		[21] = 
				name = 'Zevelong Duskbringer',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'tuesday'},
				hour = 3,
				minu = 00
		[22] = 
				name = 'Diblis The Fair',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'saturday'},
				hour = 12,
				minu = 00
		[23] = 
				name = 'Arachir the Ancient One',
				type = 'weekly',
				days = {'monday'},
				hour = 15,
				minu = 00
		[24] = 
				name = 'Halloween Hare',
				type = 'exact',
				date = {day = 31, month = 10},
				hour = 16,
				minu = 00
local last_execsutes = {}

function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval)
	local static_time = os.time()
	for k, raid in ipairs(raids) do
		if (raid.type == 'weekly') then
			local day ="%A", static_time):lower()
			if isInArray(raid.days, day) then
				local hour = tonumber("%H", static_time))
				if (raid.hour == hour) then
					local minute = tonumber("%M", static_time))
					if (raid.minu == minute) then
						local day_number = tonumber("%d", static_time))
						if (last_execsutes[k] ~= day_number) then
							last_execsutes[k] = day_number
		elseif (raid.type == 'exact') then
			local month = tonumber("%m", static_time))
			if ( == month) then
				local day = tonumber("%d", static_time))
				if ( == day) then
					local hour = tonumber("%H", static_time))
					if (raid.hour == hour) then
						local minute = tonumber("%M", static_time))
						if (raid.minu == minute) then
							if (last_execsutes[k] ~= day) then
								last_execsutes[k] = day
	return true






<globalevent name="raids" interval="60000" event="script" value="raid.lua"/>




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<raid name="Barbarian" file="Barbarian.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Demodras" file="Demodras.xml" interval2="35" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Elfs" file="Elfs.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Ferumbras" file="Ferumbras.xml" interval2="60" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Necropharus" file="Necropharus.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="OrcsThais" file="OrcsThais.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Orshabaal" file="Orshabaal.xml" interval2="45" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Pirates" file="Pirates.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Quara" file="Quara.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Rats" file="Rats.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Scarabs" file="Scarabs.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="The Old Widow" file="The Old Widow.xml" interval2="35" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="UndeadDarashia" file="UndeadDarashia.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="UndeadArmy" file="UndeadArmy.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Wolfsraid" file="Wolfsraid.xml" interval2="25" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Necropharus" file="Necropharus.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Hornedfox" file="Hornedfox.xml" interval2="30" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Halloweenhare" file="Halloweenhare.xml" interval2="40" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Undead Jester" file="Undead Jester.xml" interval2="40" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="goblin" file="grynch clan goblin.xml" interval2="40" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
	<raid name="Morgaroth" file="Morgaroth.xml" interval2="40" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>

e os scripts tem que ser da forma:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	// Raid System by 5mok3

  <announce delay="1000" type="Event" message="An ancient evil is awakening in the mines beneath Hrodmir." />
  <announce delay="30000" type="Event" message="Demonic entities are entering the mortal realm in the Hrodmir mines." />
  <announce delay="60000" type="Event" message="The demonic master has revealed itself in the mines of Hrodmir." />
  <!--Single Spawns-->
  <singlespawn delay="60000" name="Ghazbaran" x="32228" y="31163" z="15" />
  <!--Area Spawns-->
  <areaspawn delay="53000" fromx="32194" fromy="30986" fromz="14" tox="32213" toy="31012" toz="14">
    <monster name="Deathslicer" amount="12" />
  <areaspawn delay="55000" fromx="32194" fromy="30986" fromz="14" tox="32213" toy="31012" toz="14">
    <monster name="Juggernaut" amount="5" />
  <areaspawn delay="56000" fromx="32194" fromy="30986" fromz="14" tox="32213" toy="31012" toz="14">
    <monster name="Fury" amount="8" />
  <areaspawn delay="58000" fromx="32194" fromy="30986" fromz="14" tox="32213" toy="31012" toz="14">
    <monster name="Demon" amount="6" />



Agora é só retirar os que você não vai usar que dá certinho.


O problema é que o seu não é do jeito que eu queria, poderia adaptar pra mim? O seu tem dia e hora marada


O meu que eu to tentando fazer (juntando varias partes de scripts q eu acho, sou noob)

Era tipo assim

Todo sabado e todo domingo teria uma invasão, randomica entre todas as invasões


Tipo tem ferumbras,rat e cave rat

Sabada da um random entre esses 3, cai 1

Domingo a msm coisa


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coloca as raids que vc quer nos horários/dias que vc quer e aí vc faz o script ao invés de rodar aquela raid em questão ele rodar um aleatorio entre elas.

doExecuteRaid(raids[math.random(1, #raids)].name)


Acho que eu to fazendo certo...

Acho que já consegui fazer pra sair invasões aleatorias entre todas as invasões, agora me ajuda a fazer pras invasões acontecerem em horarios aleatorios?


Tipo a invasão acontece sabado, mas pode sair entre esses horarios

12:00, 14:00, 18:00,19:00,20:00,22:00,00:00,02:00



- hour should be exact SERVER hour
- to do the raid at clock 00 minutes 00
- to do the raid at exaxt date use type "exact"
- to do the raid weekly use type "weekly"
- days names are used only for weekly type and should be
- "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"
- also should be inside a array -> {}

    local invasoes = {

    local raids =
        [1] =
            type = 'weekly',
            days = {'sunday'},
            hour = 18,
            minu = 00
        [2] =
            type = 'weekly',
            days = {'saturday'},
            hour = 18,
            minu = 00
local last_execsutes = {}

function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval)
    local static_time = os.time()
    for k, raid in ipairs(raids) do
        if (raid.type == 'weekly') then
            local day ="%A", static_time):lower()
            if isInArray(raid.days, day) then
                local hour = tonumber("%H", static_time))
                if (raid.hour == hour) then
                    local minute = tonumber("%M", static_time))
                    if (raid.minu == minute) then
                        local day_number = tonumber("%d", static_time))
                        if (last_execsutes[k] ~= day_number) then
                            last_execsutes[k] = day_number
                            executeRaid(invasoes[math.random(1, #invasoes)])
    return true
Editado por warriorfrog
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é só criar a raid cara...

 local raids =
        [1] =
            type = 'weekly',
            days = {'sunday'},
            hour = 18,
            minu = 00
        [2] =
            type = 'weekly',
            days = {'saturday'},
            hour = 18,
            minu = 00
        [3] =
            type = 'weekly',
            days = {'saturday'},
            hour = 14,
            minu = 00

vai adicionando todos os dias e horários que vc quer...

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é só criar a raid cara...


 local raids =
        [1] =
            type = 'weekly',
            days = {'sunday'},
            hour = 18,
            minu = 00
        [2] =
            type = 'weekly',
            days = {'saturday'},
            hour = 18,
            minu = 00
        [3] =
            type = 'weekly',
            days = {'saturday'},
            hour = 14,
            minu = 00

vai adicionando todos os dias e horários que vc quer...


Não cara, ele quer que a invasão do dia seja em horario randomico entre aqueles horarios lá


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toda vez que reiniciar o servidor ele vai definir um horário que vai ficar imutável até o sv reiniciar novamente, então sugiro fechar o sv ou dar um reload em globalevents a cada semana pra isso daqui ficar certinho:

- hour should be exact SERVER hour
- to do the raid at clock 00 minutes 00
- to do the raid at exaxt date use type "exact"
- to do the raid weekly use type "weekly"
- days names are used only for weekly type and should be
- "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"
- also should be inside a array -> {}

    local invasoes = {
	local hours = {12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 22, 00, 02}

    local raids =
        [1] =
            type = 'weekly',
            days = {'sunday'},
            hour = hours[math.random(1, #hours)],
            minu = 00
        [2] =
            type = 'weekly',
            days = {'saturday'},
            hour = hours[math.random(1, #hours)],
            minu = 00
local last_execsutes = {}

function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval)
    local static_time = os.time()
    for k, raid in ipairs(raids) do
        if (raid.type == 'weekly') then
            local day ="%A", static_time):lower()
            if isInArray(raid.days, day) then
                local hour = tonumber("%H", static_time))
                if (raid.hour == hour) then
                    local minute = tonumber("%M", static_time))
                    if (raid.minu == minute) then
                        local day_number = tonumber("%d", static_time))
                        if (last_execsutes[k] ~= day_number) then
                            last_execsutes[k] = day_number
                            executeRaid(invasoes[math.random(1, #invasoes)])
    return true
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toda vez que reiniciar o servidor ele vai definir um horário que vai ficar imutável até o sv reiniciar novamente, então sugiro fechar o sv ou dar um reload em globalevents a cada semana pra isso daqui ficar certinho:


- hour should be exact SERVER hour
- to do the raid at clock 00 minutes 00
- to do the raid at exaxt date use type "exact"
- to do the raid weekly use type "weekly"
- days names are used only for weekly type and should be
- "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"
- also should be inside a array -> {}

    local invasoes = {
	local hours = {12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 22, 00, 02}

    local raids =
        [1] =
            type = 'weekly',
            days = {'sunday'},
            hour = hours[math.random(1, #hours)],
            minu = 00
        [2] =
            type = 'weekly',
            days = {'saturday'},
            hour = hours[math.random(1, #hours)],
            minu = 00
local last_execsutes = {}

function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval)
    local static_time = os.time()
    for k, raid in ipairs(raids) do
        if (raid.type == 'weekly') then
            local day ="%A", static_time):lower()
            if isInArray(raid.days, day) then
                local hour = tonumber("%H", static_time))
                if (raid.hour == hour) then
                    local minute = tonumber("%M", static_time))
                    if (raid.minu == minute) then
                        local day_number = tonumber("%d", static_time))
                        if (last_execsutes[k] ~= day_number) then
                            last_execsutes[k] = day_number
                            executeRaid(invasoes[math.random(1, #invasoes)])
    return true




Desculpa a demora pra responder, estava sem net


Tentei aqui e não funcionou! Tem algo errado?

<globalevent name="randomentreraidfds" interval="50000" event="script" value="raid.lua"/>
- hour should be exact SERVER hour
- to do the raid at clock 00 minutes 00
- to do the raid at exaxt date use type "exact"
- to do the raid weekly use type "weekly"
- days names are used only for weekly type and should be
- "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"
- also should be inside a array -> {}

    local invasoes = {
    local hours = {5, 5, 5}

    local raids =
        [1] =
            days = {'sunday'},
            hour = hours[math.random(1, #hours)],
            minu = 00
        [2] =
            days = {'friday'},
            hour = hours[math.random(1, #hours)],
            minu = 00
        [3] =
            days = {'saturday'},
            hour = hours[math.random(1, #hours)],
            minu = 00
local last_execsutes = {}

function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval)
    local static_time = os.time()
    for k, raid in ipairs(raids) do
        local day ="%A", static_time):lower()
        if isInArray(raid.days, day) then
            local hour = tonumber("%H", static_time))
            if (raid.hour == hour) then
                local minute = tonumber("%M", static_time))
                if (raid.minu == minute) then
                    local day_number = tonumber("%d", static_time))
                    if (last_execsutes[k] ~= day_number) then
                        last_execsutes[k] = day_number
                        executeRaid(invasoes[math.random(1, #invasoes)])
    return true


<raid name="Orshabaal" file="scripts/Orshabaal.xml" interval2="45" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <announce delay="1000" type="Event" message="Orshabaal's minions are working on his return to the World. LEAVE Edron at once, mortals." />
  <announce delay="20000" type="Event" message="Orshabaal is about to make his way into the mortal realm. Run for your lives!" />
  <announce delay="60000" type="Event" message="Orshabaal has been summoned from hell to plague the lands of mortals once again." />
  <!--Single Spawns-->
  <singlespawn delay="60000" name="Orshabaal" x="368" y="1588" z="7" />
  <!--Area Spawns-->
Editado por warriorfrog
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diminui esse interval pra

<globalevent name="randomentreraidfds" interval="1000" event="script" value="raid.lua"/>


e esse para


<raid name="Orshabaal" file="scripts/Orshabaal.xml" interval2="15" margin="1800" enabled="yes"/>


aí vc tenta usar /raid orshabaal.. Se der certo a gente sabe que a raid funciona. Aí vc precisa abrir o sv uns 10 minutos antes da hora que vc colocou lá. Se vc colocou 5 horas, então tenha ctza que 4:50 da manhã o sv vai estar aberto e espera até pelo menos 5:10 pra ver se ele executou ou não.


presta atenção nos dias configurados e lembra que a hora é aleatória, o script está correto;




- hour should be exact SERVER hour
- to do the raid at clock 00 minutes 00
- to do the raid at exaxt date use type "exact"
- to do the raid weekly use type "weekly"
- days names are used only for weekly type and should be
- "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"
- also should be inside a array -> {}

    local invasoes = {'Orshabaal'}    
    local hours = {5, 10}

    local raids =
        [1] =
            days = {'sunday'},
            hour = hours[math.random(1, #hours)],
            minu = 00
        [2] =
            days = {'friday'},
            hour = hours[math.random(1, #hours)],
            minu = 00
        [3] =
            days = {'saturday'},
            hour = hours[math.random(1, #hours)],
            minu = 00
local last_execsutes = {}

function onThink(interval, lastExecution, thinkInterval)
    local static_time = os.time()
    for k, raid in ipairs(raids) do
        local day ="%A", static_time):lower()
        if isInArray(raid.days, day) then
            local hour = tonumber("%H", static_time))
            if (raid.hour == hour) then
                local minute = tonumber("%M", static_time))
                if (raid.minu == minute) then
                    local day_number = tonumber("%d", static_time))
                    if (last_execsutes[k] ~= day_number) then
                        last_execsutes[k] = day_number
                        executeRaid(invasoes[math.random(1, #invasoes)])
    return true



e não precisa me citar pra responder minhas perguntas, e lembra de usar [.spoiler] [./spoiler] sem os pontos pra garantir que o código fique minimizado, se não fica foda ficar lendo oque vc escreve.



Obrigado! Era estupidez minha mesmo, tá funcionando! Obrigado!

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