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Sobre matamatama


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  1. Olha Cara Tem Esse Site Aqui.... (XTIBIA)Passando Um Otserv Para 8.60
  2. Olha já vi muita gente atras disso inclusive eu...mas eu não achava até que fui mexer nas npc e consegui O Que Isso Vai Fazer "OBIVIO" -Bom Tipow Vai De Sua Escolha Como Mudar Hi Pra Oi.. Etc.. Mão A Obra Bom Primeiro Eu Queria Falar O Seguinte Que Não é Todos Os Npcs Se o Npc For Assim dá : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <npc name="Akka Teleport" script="tst.lua" attackable="false" skull="0" emblem="0" walkinterval="5000" floorchange="false"> <health now="185" max="185"/> <look type="152" head="73" body="82" legs="94" feet="49" addons="3" corpse="2212"/> <parameters> <parameter key="travel" value="1" /> <parameter key="travel_destinations" value="Temple,958,1018,7,0;" /> </parameters> </npc> Mas Se Tiver O Massage_Greet Nas Própria Xml Não dá: <parameter key="message_greet" Bom Primeiro Vá Em Data>Npc>Lib>npcsystem> Abra O npchandler.lua e avera algo Parecido Com Isso -- Advanced NPC System (Created by Jiddo), -- Modified by Talaturen. if(NpcHandler == nil) then -- Constant talkdelay behaviors. TALKDELAY_NONE = 0 -- No talkdelay. Npc will reply immedeatly. TALKDELAY_ONTHINK = 1 -- Talkdelay handled through the onThink callback function. (Default) TALKDELAY_EVENT = 2 -- Not yet implemented -- Currently applied talkdelay behavior. TALKDELAY_ONTHINK is default. NPCHANDLER_TALKDELAY = TALKDELAY_ONTHINK -- Constant conversation behaviors. CONVERSATION_DEFAULT = 0 -- Conversation through default window, like it was before 8.2 update. CONVERSATION_PRIVATE = 1 -- Conversation through NPCs chat window, as of 8.2 update. (Default) --Small Note: Private conversations also means the NPC will use multi-focus system. -- Currently applied conversation behavior. CONVERSATION_PRIVATE is default. NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR = CONVERSATION_PRIVATE -- Constant indexes for defining default messages. MESSAGE_GREET = 1 -- When the player greets the npc. MESSAGE_FAREWELL = 2 -- When the player unGreets the npc. MESSAGE_BUY = 3 -- When the npc asks the player if he wants to buy something. MESSAGE_ONBUY = 4 -- When the player successfully buys something via talk. MESSAGE_BOUGHT = 5 -- When the player bought something through the shop window. MESSAGE_SELL = 6 -- When the npc asks the player if he wants to sell something. MESSAGE_ONSELL = 7 -- When the player successfully sells something via talk. MESSAGE_SOLD = 8 -- When the player sold something through the shop window. MESSAGE_MISSINGMONEY = 9 -- When the player does not have enough money. MESSAGE_NEEDMONEY = 10 -- Same as above, used for shop window. MESSAGE_MISSINGITEM = 11 -- When the player is trying to sell an item he does not have. MESSAGE_NEEDITEM = 12 -- Same as above, used for shop window. MESSAGE_NEEDSPACE = 13 -- When the player don't have any space to buy an item MESSAGE_NEEDMORESPACE = 14 -- When the player has some space to buy an item, but not enough space MESSAGE_IDLETIMEOUT = 15 -- When the player has been idle for longer then idleTime allows. MESSAGE_WALKAWAY = 16 -- When the player walks out of the talkRadius of the npc. MESSAGE_DECLINE = 17 -- When the player says no to something. MESSAGE_SENDTRADE = 18 -- When the npc sends the trade window to the player MESSAGE_NOSHOP = 19 -- When the npc's shop is requested but he doesn't have any MESSAGE_ONCLOSESHOP = 20 -- When the player closes the npc's shop window MESSAGE_ALREADYFOCUSED = 21 -- When the player already has the focus of this npc. MESSAGE_PLACEDINQUEUE = 22 -- When the player has been placed in the costumer queue. -- Constant indexes for callback functions. These are also used for module callback ids. CALLBACK_CREATURE_APPEAR = 1 CALLBACK_CREATURE_DISAPPEAR = 2 CALLBACK_CREATURE_SAY = 3 CALLBACK_ONTHINK = 4 CALLBACK_GREET = 5 CALLBACK_FAREWELL = 6 CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT = 7 CALLBACK_PLAYER_ENDTRADE = 8 CALLBACK_PLAYER_CLOSECHANNEL = 9 CALLBACK_ONBUY = 10 CALLBACK_ONSELL = 11 -- Addidional module callback ids CALLBACK_MODULE_INIT = 12 CALLBACK_MODULE_RESET = 13 -- Constant strings defining the keywords to replace in the default messages. TAG_PLAYERNAME = '|PLAYERNAME|' TAG_ITEMCOUNT = '|ITEMCOUNT|' TAG_TOTALCOST = '|TOTALCOST|' TAG_ITEMNAME = '|ITEMNAME|' TAG_QUEUESIZE = '|QUEUESIZE|' NpcHandler = { keywordHandler = nil, focuses = nil, talkStart = nil, idleTime = 90, talkRadius = 4, talkDelayTime = 1, -- Seconds to delay outgoing messages. queue = nil, talkDelay = nil, callbackFunctions = nil, modules = nil, shopItems = nil, -- They must be here since ShopModule uses "static" functions messages = { -- These are the default replies of all npcs. They can/should be changed individually for each npc. [MESSAGE_GREET] = 'Eae, |PLAYERNAME|! Eu Ja Esperava Você.', [MESSAGE_FAREWELL] = 'Té Mais, |PLAYERNAME|!', [MESSAGE_BUY] = 'Você Quer Comprar |ITEMCOUNT| |ITEMNAME| por |TOTALCOST| gps?', [MESSAGE_ONBUY] = 'Espero Sua Compra.', [MESSAGE_BOUGHT] = 'Bought |ITEMCOUNT|x |ITEMNAME| for |TOTALCOST| gold.', [MESSAGE_SELL] = 'Voce Realmente Quer Vender |ITEMCOUNT| |ITEMNAME| Por |TOTALCOST| gold coins?', [MESSAGE_ONSELL] = 'Obrigado |ITEMNAME|, |PLAYERNAME| gold.', [MESSAGE_SOLD] = 'Sold |ITEMCOUNT|x |ITEMNAME| for |TOTALCOST| gold.', [MESSAGE_MISSINGMONEY] = 'Você Num Tem A Grana.', [MESSAGE_NEEDMONEY] = 'NEED.', [MESSAGE_MISSINGITEM] = 'Você não tem o tal item, |PLAYERNAME|!', [MESSAGE_NEEDITEM] = 'Você não tem esse objeto.', [MESSAGE_NEEDSPACE] = 'Você Não Tem Cap.', [MESSAGE_NEEDMORESPACE] = 'Você Não Tem Cap Pra Todos Os Itens.', [MESSAGE_IDLETIMEOUT] = 'Proximo, Por Favor!', [MESSAGE_WALKAWAY] = 'Mal Educado Hunted (FOREVER)!', [MESSAGE_DECLINE] = 'Not good enough, is it... ?', [MESSAGE_SENDTRADE] = 'Esta E Minha Offerta, |PLAYERNAME|. Você Compra?', [MESSAGE_NOSHOP] = 'Eu Não Estou Ofertando Nada.', [MESSAGE_ONCLOSESHOP] = 'Obrigado,Volte Mais Tarde.', [MESSAGE_ALREADYFOCUSED]= '|PLAYERNAME|! Eu Estou Falando Com Você ...', [MESSAGE_PLACEDINQUEUE] = '|PLAYERNAME|, please wait for your turn. There are |QUEUESIZE| customers before you.' } } -- Creates a new NpcHandler with an empty callbackFunction stack. function NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) local obj = {} obj.callbackFunctions = {} obj.modules = {} if(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR ~= CONVERSATION_DEFAULT) then obj.focuses = {} obj.talkStart = {} else obj.queue = Queue:new(obj) obj.focuses = 0 obj.talkStart = 0 end obj.talkDelay = {} obj.keywordHandler = keywordHandler obj.messages = {} obj.shopItems = {} setmetatable(obj.messages, self.messages) self.messages.__index = self.messages setmetatable(obj, self) self.__index = self return obj end -- Re-defines the maximum idle time allowed for a player when talking to this npc. function NpcHandler:setMaxIdleTime(newTime) self.idleTime = newTime end -- Attackes a new keyword handler to this npchandler function NpcHandler:setKeywordHandler(newHandler) self.keywordHandler = newHandler end -- Function used to change the focus of this npc. function NpcHandler:addFocus(newFocus) if(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR ~= CONVERSATION_DEFAULT) then if(self:isFocused(newFocus)) then return end table.insert(self.focuses, newFocus) else self.focuses = newFocus end self:updateFocus() end NpcHandler.changeFocus = NpcHandler.addFocus --"changeFocus" looks better for CONVERSATION_DEFAULT -- Function used to verify if npc is focused to certain player function NpcHandler:isFocused(focus) if(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR ~= CONVERSATION_DEFAULT) then for k,v in pairs(self.focuses) do if v == focus then return true end end return false end return (self.focuses == focus) end -- This function should be called on each onThink and makes sure the npc faces the player it is talking to. -- Should also be called whenever a new player is focused. function NpcHandler:updateFocus() if(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR ~= CONVERSATION_DEFAULT) then for pos, focus in pairs(self.focuses) do if(focus ~= nil) then doNpcSetCreatureFocus(focus) return end end doNpcSetCreatureFocus(0) else doNpcSetCreatureFocus(self.focuses) end end -- Used when the npc should un-focus the player. function NpcHandler:releaseFocus(focus) if(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR ~= CONVERSATION_DEFAULT) then if(not self:isFocused(focus)) then return end local pos = nil for k,v in pairs(self.focuses) do if v == focus then pos = k end end table.remove(self.focuses, pos) self.talkStart[focus] = nil closeShopWindow(focus) --Even if it can not exist, we need to prevent it. self:updateFocus() else closeShopWindow(focus) self:changeFocus(0) end end -- Returns the callback function with the specified id or nil if no such callback function exists. function NpcHandler:getCallback(id) local ret = nil if(self.callbackFunctions ~= nil) then ret = self.callbackFunctions[id] end return ret end -- Changes the callback function for the given id to callback. function NpcHandler:setCallback(id, callback) if(self.callbackFunctions ~= nil) then self.callbackFunctions[id] = callback end end -- Adds a module to this npchandler and inits it. function NpcHandler:addModule(module) if(self.modules ~= nil) then table.insert(self.modules, module) module:init(self) end end -- Calls the callback function represented by id for all modules added to this npchandler with the given arguments. function NpcHandler:processModuleCallback(id, ...) local ret = true for i, module in pairs(self.modules) do local tmpRet = true if(id == CALLBACK_CREATURE_APPEAR and module.callbackOnCreatureAppear ~= nil) then tmpRet = module:callbackOnCreatureAppear(unpack(arg)) elseif(id == CALLBACK_CREATURE_DISAPPEAR and module.callbackOnCreatureDisappear ~= nil) then tmpRet = module:callbackOnCreatureDisappear(unpack(arg)) elseif(id == CALLBACK_CREATURE_SAY and module.callbackOnCreatureSay ~= nil) then tmpRet = module:callbackOnCreatureSay(unpack(arg)) elseif(id == CALLBACK_PLAYER_ENDTRADE and module.callbackOnPlayerEndTrade ~= nil) then tmpRet = module:callbackOnPlayerEndTrade(unpack(arg)) elseif(id == CALLBACK_PLAYER_CLOSECHANNEL and module.callbackOnPlayerCloseChannel ~= nil) then tmpRet = module:callbackOnPlayerCloseChannel(unpack(arg)) elseif(id == CALLBACK_ONBUY and module.callbackOnBuy ~= nil) then tmpRet = module:callbackOnBuy(unpack(arg)) elseif(id == CALLBACK_ONSELL and module.callbackOnSell ~= nil) then tmpRet = module:callbackOnSell(unpack(arg)) elseif(id == CALLBACK_ONTHINK and module.callbackOnThink ~= nil) then tmpRet = module:callbackOnThink(unpack(arg)) elseif(id == CALLBACK_GREET and module.callbackOnGreet ~= nil) then tmpRet = module:callbackOnGreet(unpack(arg)) elseif(id == CALLBACK_FAREWELL and module.callbackOnFarewell ~= nil) then tmpRet = module:callbackOnFarewell(unpack(arg)) elseif(id == CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT and module.callbackOnMessageDefault ~= nil) then tmpRet = module:callbackOnMessageDefault(unpack(arg)) elseif(id == CALLBACK_MODULE_RESET and module.callbackOnModuleReset ~= nil) then tmpRet = module:callbackOnModuleReset(unpack(arg)) end if(not tmpRet) then ret = false break end end return ret end -- Returns the message represented by id. function NpcHandler:getMessage(id) local ret = nil if(self.messages ~= nil) then ret = self.messages[id] end return ret end -- Changes the default response message with the specified id to newMessage. function NpcHandler:setMessage(id, newMessage) if(self.messages ~= nil) then self.messages[id] = newMessage end end -- Translates all message tags found in msg using parseInfo function NpcHandler:parseMessage(msg, parseInfo) local ret = msg for search, replace in pairs(parseInfo) do ret = string.gsub(ret, search, replace) end return ret end -- Makes sure the npc un-focuses the currently focused player function NpcHandler:unGreet(cid) if(not self:isFocused(cid)) then return end local callback = self:getCallback(CALLBACK_FAREWELL) if(callback == nil or callback()) then if(self:processModuleCallback(CALLBACK_FAREWELL)) then if(self.queue == nil or not self.queue:greetNext()) then local msg = self:getMessage(MESSAGE_FAREWELL) local parseInfo = { [TAG_PLAYERNAME] = getPlayerName(cid) } msg = self:parseMessage(msg, parseInfo) self:say(msg, cid) self:releaseFocus(cid) self:say(msg) end end end end -- Greets a new player. function NpcHandler:greet(cid) if(cid ~= 0) then local callback = self:getCallback(CALLBACK_GREET) if(callback == nil or callback(cid)) then if(self:processModuleCallback(CALLBACK_GREET, cid)) then local msg = self:getMessage(MESSAGE_GREET) local parseInfo = { [TAG_PLAYERNAME] = getCreatureName(cid) } msg = self:parseMessage(msg, parseInfo) self:say(msg) self:addFocus(cid) self:say(msg, cid) end end end end -- Handles onCreatureAppear events. If you with to handle this yourself, please use the CALLBACK_CREATURE_APPEAR callback. function NpcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) local callback = self:getCallback(CALLBACK_CREATURE_APPEAR) if(callback == nil or callback(cid)) then if(self:processModuleCallback(CALLBACK_CREATURE_APPEAR, cid)) then -- end end end -- Handles onCreatureDisappear events. If you with to handle this yourself, please use the CALLBACK_CREATURE_DISAPPEAR callback. function NpcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) local callback = self:getCallback(CALLBACK_CREATURE_DISAPPEAR) if(callback == nil or callback(cid)) then if(self:processModuleCallback(CALLBACK_CREATURE_DISAPPEAR, cid)) then if(self:isFocused(cid)) then self:unGreet(cid) end end end end -- Handles onCreatureSay events. If you with to handle this yourself, please use the CALLBACK_CREATURE_SAY callback. function NpcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, class, msg) local callback = self:getCallback(CALLBACK_CREATURE_SAY) if(callback == nil or callback(cid, class, msg)) then if(self:processModuleCallback(CALLBACK_CREATURE_SAY, cid, class, msg)) then if(not self:isInRange(cid)) then return end if(self.keywordHandler ~= nil) then if((self:isFocused(cid) and (class == TALKTYPE_PRIVATE_PN or NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT)) or not self:isFocused(cid)) then local ret = self.keywordHandler:processMessage(cid, msg) if(not ret) then local callback = self:getCallback(CALLBACK_MESSAGE_DEFAULT) if(callback ~= nil and callback(cid, class, msg)) then if(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR ~= CONVERSATION_DEFAULT) then self.talkStart[cid] = os.time() else self.talkStart = os.time() end end else if(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR ~= CONVERSATION_DEFAULT) then self.talkStart[cid] = os.time() else self.talkStart = os.time() end end end end end end end -- Handles onPlayerEndTrade events. If you wish to handle this yourself, use the CALLBACK_PLAYER_ENDTRADE callback. function NpcHandler:onPlayerEndTrade(cid) local callback = self:getCallback(CALLBACK_PLAYER_ENDTRADE) if(callback == nil or callback(cid)) then if(self:processModuleCallback(CALLBACK_PLAYER_ENDTRADE, cid, class, msg)) then if(self:isFocused(cid)) then local parseInfo = { [TAG_PLAYERNAME] = getPlayerName(cid) } local msg = self:parseMessage(self:getMessage(MESSAGE_ONCLOSESHOP), parseInfo) self:say(msg, cid) end end end end -- Handles onPlayerCloseChannel events. If you wish to handle this yourself, use the CALLBACK_PLAYER_CLOSECHANNEL callback. function NpcHandler:onPlayerCloseChannel(cid) local callback = self:getCallback(CALLBACK_PLAYER_CLOSECHANNEL) if(callback == nil or callback(cid)) then if(self:processModuleCallback(CALLBACK_PLAYER_CLOSECHANNEL, cid, class, msg)) then if(self:isFocused(cid)) then self:unGreet(cid) end end end end -- Handles onBuy events. If you wish to handle this yourself, use the CALLBACK_ONBUY callback. function NpcHandler:onBuy(cid, itemid, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks) local callback = self:getCallback(CALLBACK_ONBUY) if(callback == nil or callback(cid, itemid, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks)) then if(self:processModuleCallback(CALLBACK_ONBUY, cid, itemid, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks)) then -- end end end -- Handles onSell events. If you wish to handle this yourself, use the CALLBACK_ONSELL callback. function NpcHandler:onSell(cid, itemid, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks) local callback = self:getCallback(CALLBACK_ONSELL) if(callback == nil or callback(cid, itemid, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks)) then if(self:processModuleCallback(CALLBACK_ONSELL, cid, itemid, subType, amount, ignoreCap, inBackpacks)) then -- end end end -- Handles onThink events. If you wish to handle this yourself, please use the CALLBACK_ONTHINK callback. function NpcHandler:onThink() local callback = self:getCallback(CALLBACK_ONTHINK) if(callback == nil or callback()) then if(NPCHANDLER_TALKDELAY == TALKDELAY_ONTHINK) then if(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR ~= CONVERSATION_DEFAULT) then for cid, talkDelay in pairs(self.talkDelay) do if(talkDelay.time ~= nil and talkDelay.message ~= nil and os.time() >= talkDelay.time) then selfSay(talkDelay.message, cid) self.talkDelay[cid] = nil end end elseif(self.talkDelay.time ~= nil and self.talkDelay.message ~= nil and os.time() >= self.talkDelay.time) then selfSay(self.talkDelay.message) self.talkDelay.time = nil self.talkDelay.message = nil end end if(self:processModuleCallback(CALLBACK_ONTHINK)) then if(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR ~= CONVERSATION_DEFAULT) then for pos, focus in pairs(self.focuses) do if(focus ~= nil) then if(not self:isInRange(focus)) then self:onWalkAway(focus) elseif((os.time() - self.talkStart[focus]) > self.idleTime) then self:unGreet(focus) else self:updateFocus() end end end elseif(self.focuses ~= 0) then if(not self:isInRange(self.focuses)) then self:onWalkAway(self.focuses) elseif(os.time()-self.talkStart > self.idleTime) then self:unGreet(self.focuses) else self:updateFocus() end end end end end -- Tries to greet the player with the given cid. function NpcHandler:onGreet(cid) if(self:isInRange(cid)) then if(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_PRIVATE) then if(not self:isFocused(cid)) then self:greet(cid) return end elseif(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR == CONVERSATION_DEFAULT) then if(self.focuses == 0) then self:greet(cid) elseif(self.focuses == cid) then local msg = self:getMessage(MESSAGE_ALREADYFOCUSED) local parseInfo = { [TAG_PLAYERNAME] = getCreatureName(cid) } msg = self:parseMessage(msg, parseInfo) self:say(msg) else if(not self.queue:isInQueue(cid)) then self.queue:push(cid) end local msg = self:getMessage(MESSAGE_PLACEDINQUEUE) local parseInfo = { [TAG_PLAYERNAME] = getCreatureName(cid), [TAG_QUEUESIZE] = self.queue:getSize() } msg = self:parseMessage(msg, parseInfo) self:say(msg) end end end end -- Simply calls the underlying unGreet function. function NpcHandler:onFarewell(cid) self:unGreet(cid) end -- Should be called on this npc's focus if the distance to focus is greater then talkRadius. function NpcHandler:onWalkAway(cid) if(self:isFocused(cid)) then local callback = self:getCallback(CALLBACK_CREATURE_DISAPPEAR) if(callback == nil or callback()) then if(self:processModuleCallback(CALLBACK_CREATURE_DISAPPEAR, cid)) then if(self.queue == nil or not self.queue:greetNext()) then local msg = self:getMessage(MESSAGE_WALKAWAY) local parseInfo = { [TAG_PLAYERNAME] = getPlayerName(cid) } msg = self:parseMessage(msg, parseInfo) self:say(msg, cid) self:releaseFocus(cid) self:say(msg) end end end end end -- Returns true if cid is within the talkRadius of this npc. function NpcHandler:isInRange(cid) local distance = getDistanceTo(cid) or -1 if(distance == -1) then return false end return (distance <= self.talkRadius) end -- Resets the npc into it's initial state (in regard of the keyrodhandler). -- All modules are also receiving a reset call through their callbackOnModuleReset function. function NpcHandler:resetNpc() if(self:processModuleCallback(CALLBACK_MODULE_RESET)) then self.keywordHandler:reset() end end -- Makes the npc represented by this instance of NpcHandler say something. -- This implements the currently set type of talkdelay. -- shallDelay is a boolean value. If it is false, the message is not delayed. Default value is false. function NpcHandler:say(message, focus, shallDelay) local shallDelay = shallDelay or false if(NPCHANDLER_TALKDELAY == TALKDELAY_NONE or not shallDelay) then if(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR ~= CONVERSATION_DEFAULT) then selfSay(message, focus) return else selfSay(message) return end end -- TODO: Add an event handling method for delayed messages if(NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR ~= CONVERSATION_DEFAULT) then self.talkDelay[focus] = { message = message, time = os.time() + self.talkDelayTime, } else self.talkDelay = { message = message, time = os.time() + self.talkDelayTime } end end end Então Vamos Lá Procure Por Esta Frase -- These are the default replies of all npcs. They can/should be changed individually for each npc. Abaixo Disso A Varias Opções Tipow MESSAGE Great = Mensagem que o npc responde quando o player fala hi [MESSAGE_FAREWELL] = Quando O Cara Fala Bye E Por Ai Vai ... Mano Eu Nao Explico Tudo Por Como Eu Achei Isso Recentemente Nem Eu Sei...Mas Use O Tradutor e na Frente Das MESSAGE Sempre Vai Ter Uma Frase Ai Você Tradus EX: [MESSAGE_FAREWELL] = 'Bye,<< Traduza |PLAYERNAME|!', Bom Nesse .lua e so as message feche e salve e ponha como somente leitura... Mas Como Poim Somente Leitura ? So Clikar Com O Botão Direito Do Mouse No Arquivo E Depois Propriedades...La Vai Ter Somente Leitura Marca Clike Em Aplicar E Depois Em OK... Bom Agora Na Mesma Pasta (npcsystem) Abra O npcsystem.lua Bom La Vai Ter Algo Parecido A Isso: -- Advanced NPC System (Created by Jiddo), -- Modified by Talaturen. if(NpcSystem == nil) then -- Loads the underlying classes of the npcsystem. dofile(getDataDir() .. 'npc/lib/npcsystem/keywordhandler.lua') dofile(getDataDir() .. 'npc/lib/npcsystem/queue.lua') dofile(getDataDir() .. 'npc/lib/npcsystem/npchandler.lua') dofile(getDataDir() .. 'npc/lib/npcsystem/modules.lua') -- Global npc constants: -- Keyword nestling behavior. For more information look at the top of keywordhandler.lua KEYWORD_BEHAVIOR = BEHAVIOR_NORMAL_EXTENDED -- Greeting and unGreeting keywords. For more information look at the top of modules.lua FOCUS_GREETWORDS = {'hi', 'hello', 'oi'} FOCUS_FAREWELLWORDS = {'bye', 'farewell', 'cya'} -- The word for requesting trade window. For more information look at the top of modules.lua SHOP_TRADEREQUEST = {'offer', 'trade'} -- The word for accepting/declining an offer. CAN ONLY CONTAIN ONE FIELD! For more information look at the top of modules.lua SHOP_YESWORD = {'yes'} SHOP_NOWORD = {'no'} -- Pattern used to get the amount of an item a player wants to buy/sell. PATTERN_COUNT = '%d+' -- Talkdelay behavior. For more information, look at the top of npchandler.lua. NPCHANDLER_TALKDELAY = TALKDELAY_ONTHINK -- Conversation behavior. For more information, look at the top of npchandler.lua. NPCHANDLER_CONVBEHAVIOR = CONVERSATION_PRIVATE -- Constant strings defining the keywords to replace in the default messages. -- For more information, look at the top of npchandler.lua... TAG_PLAYERNAME = '|PLAYERNAME|' TAG_ITEMCOUNT = '|ITEMCOUNT|' TAG_TOTALCOST = '|TOTALCOST|' TAG_ITEMNAME = '|ITEMNAME|' TAG_QUEUESIZE = '|QUEUESIZE|' NpcSystem = {} -- Gets an npcparameter with the specified key. Returns nil if no such parameter is found. function NpcSystem.getParameter(key) local ret = getNpcParameter(tostring(key)) if((type(ret) == 'number' and ret == 0) or ret == nil) then return nil else return ret end end -- Parses all known parameters for the npc. Also parses parseable modules. function NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('idletime') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler.idleTime = tonumber(ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('talkradius') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler.talkRadius = tonumber(ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_greet') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_GREET, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_farewell') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_FAREWELL, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_decline') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_DECLINE, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_needmorespace') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_NEEDMORESPACE, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_needspace') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_NEEDSPACE, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_sendtrade') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_SENDTRADE, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_noshop') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_NOSHOP, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_oncloseshop') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_ONCLOSESHOP, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_onbuy') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_ONBUY, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_onsell') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_ONSELL, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_missingmoney') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_MISSINGMONEY, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_needmoney') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_NEEDMONEY, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_missingitem') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_MISSINGITEM, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_needitem') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_NEEDITEM, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_idletimeout') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_IDLETIMEOUT, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_walkaway') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_WALKAWAY, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_alreadyfocused') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_ALREADYFOCUSED, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_placedinqueue') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_PLACEDINQUEUE, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_buy') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_BUY, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_sell') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_SELL, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_bought') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_BOUGHT, ret) end local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter('message_sold') if(ret ~= nil) then npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_SOLD, ret) end -- Parse modules. for parameter, module in pairs(Modules.parseableModules) do local ret = NpcSystem.getParameter(parameter) if(ret ~= nil) then local number = tonumber(ret) if(number ~= 0 and module.parseParameters ~= nil) then local instance = module:new() npcHandler:addModule(instance) instance:parseParameters() end end end end end Bom Como Acho Que Está Obivio...Mas Vamos A Explicação -- Greeting and unGreeting keywords. For more information look at the top of modules.lua FOCUS_GREETWORDS = {'hi', 'hello', 'hey'} FOCUS_FAREWELLWORDS = {'bye', 'farewell', 'cya'} Bom Em Hi,Hello,Hey São As Tres Palavras Do "Hi" para o npc Ai Fica A Sua Escolha Eu Pus Oi,Ola,Eae E No Bye,FareWell,Cya Palavras Do "bye" para o npc Eu Pus Xau,Tchau,Flw Na Linha -- The word for accepting/declining an offer. CAN ONLY CONTAIN ONE FIELD! For more information look at the top of modules.lua SHOP_YESWORD = {'yes'} SHOP_NOWORD = {'no'} no yes e a resposta que o player da quando o npc pergunta e o no para cancelar oque voce falo O Resto Recomendo Não Mecher Porque Eu Não Sei... Se Alguem Saber Mais Opções Me Avisa... MSN: Desculpe Pelos Os Erros De Porugues E Que Eu Não Do Conta De Escrever Certo No PC... Me Irrita Escrever Certo
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