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Sobre cadu12299


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  1. cadu12299


    Eae Pessoal to com um problema no meu site de pokemon, é que tipo ele cria boneco na boa, entra no serve tudo certo só que quando eu entro no serve o boneco começa sem nada, tipo ( sem bag, sem a vara de pesca, sem pokedex e todo o resto.) então eu queria saber onde e que configura isso. Aqui uma Print :
  2. Naruto Legends Online Informações Básicas: Exp: 10 Ip: Serve Pvp-Enforced Versão: 7.81 Serve : Novo Serve de Naruto Online 7.81, Nosso Serve contem novos Jutsus e tambem Jutsus aprimorados, Sistemas Novos!!Como: Sistema Teste Chunnin e Jounnin Susanoo Do Itachi Completo!! Manda - katsuyu e Gamabunta Arrumados Client Proprio Bijuus Completamente Editadas!!! Muito melhores!!! E muito +++ acesse nosso site para conferir todas as novidades! Site: A Inauguração Foi Dia : 22/02/2012
  3. Novo Serve de Naruto 7.81 Exp: 100 Ip: Serve Pvp Versão: 7.81 Leia mais:
  4. WODBO Brasil Online Informações: Rate EXP: 100 Rate Magic: 12 Rate Skill: 10 Mundo Vip Novas Transforms ssj5-ssj6 e em breve ssj7!! ( o ssj7 estou vendo vou ver qual a opinião dos jogadores para ver se eles concordam ) Site: Imagens Do Serve :
  5. Foi mal postei 2 tópicos iguais o certo :
  6. Eae Galera to com um problema no meu serve de WoDBO, não to conseguindo criar um cliente próprio, toda vez que eu crio o cliente da pra entra nele de boa mas quando eu falo algo o cliente automaticamente fecha, como eu arrumo isso!! eu uso o serve by bianco v6.
  7. cadu12299


    Pess0a: O que foi dito acima e: sqlType = "sqlite" PARA sqlType = "mysql" fiz isso mas quando boto mysql não entra no serve fala account invalida ate com a do god e no account manager fala : temple position is wrong.Contact with the administration. , e agora Y.Y. Lembrando uso o serve by PF Guuh Mello.
  8. cadu12299


    Galera alguém me ajuda eu não consigo conectar meu site com meu serve não sei onde to errando olha aki: Config do serve: sqlType = "sqlite" sqlHost = "localhost" sqlPort = 3306 sqlUser = "root" sqlPass = "" sqlDatabase = "pkmflash" sqlFile = "pkmflash.s3db" sqlKeepAlive = 0 mysqlReadTimeout = 10 mysqlWriteTimeout = 10 encryptionType = "plain" Config Do Site: # Set data directory of your OT server $cfg['dirdata'] = 'C:\Pokemon X Extreme\Pokemon X Extreme\data/'; $cfg['house_file'] = 'world/Pokemon_water-house.xml'; # MySQL server settings $cfg['SQL_Server'] = 'localhost'; $cfg['SQL_User'] = 'root'; $cfg['SQL_Password'] = ''; $cfg['SQL_Database'] = 'pkmflash'; # Must correspond to your OTServ configuration # Options: plain, md5, sha1 $cfg['password_type'] = 'plain'; # Not currently supported by OTServ, leave empty $cfg['password_salt'] = ''; Ajuda Please!!
  9. nossa cara tah muito bom gostei muito ganho meu rep+, so que tenho algumas duvidas : 1º: não consigo conectar meu site com o meu serve, quando crio uma conta no site no jogo não pega. 2º: como posso editar, tipo escrever no news algo, como add + opções no navegador? pf responde ae
  10. cadu12299


    foi mal postei 2 topicos sem querer
  11. cadu12299


    Galera to com um problema aki meu site, é que ele não esta se conectando com o serve tipo eu botei a pasta do dat, fiz a database tudo certo mas ainda não pega, quando cria uma conta no site no jogo da conta invalida, e quando cria uma conta no jogo e tenta logar no site mesma coisa : do site : config do serve: Alguém ajuda ae
  12. Ae galera to com um problema aki no meu serve, fica dando debug quando vai abrir a BaDGe e também o systema de quando o jogador tiver 6 pokemons ao captura o 7º ele va para o Cp. Itens XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <items> <item id="100" name="void" /> <item id="101" name="earth" /> <item id="102" article="a" name="pokemon portfoil"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="legs" /> </item> <item id="103" name="dirt" /> <item id="104" name="sand" /> <item id="105" article="a" name="defeated shiny magikarp"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="106" name="grass" /> <item id="107" article="a" name="pokemon portfoil"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="legs" /> </item> <item fromid="108" toid="109" name="flowers" /> <item id="110" article="a" name="defeated shiny rattata"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item fromid="111" toid="113" article="a" name="pokemon portfoil"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="legs" /> </item> <item id="114" article="a" name="defeated shiny zubat"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="115" article="a" name="defeated shiny oddish"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="116" article="a" name="defeated shiny paras"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="117" article="a" name="defeated shiny growlithe"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="118" article="a" name="defeated shiny dratini"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="119" article="a" name="defeated shiny farfetchd"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="120" article="a" name="defeated shiny arcanine"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="121" article="a" name="defeated shiny muk"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="122" article="a" name="defeated shiny tentacool"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="123" article="a" name="defeated shiny grimer"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="124" article="a" name="defeated shiny electrode"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="125" article="a" name="defeated shiny voltorb"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="126" article="a" name="defeated shiny krabby"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="127" article="a" name="defeated shiny parasect"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="128" article="a" name="defeated shiny tentacruel"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="129" article="a" name="defeated shiny jynx"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="130" article="a" name="defeated shiny venonat"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="131" article="a" name="defeated shiny seadra"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="132" article="a" name="defeated shiny venomoth"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="133" article="a" name="defeated shiny butterfree"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="134" article="a" name="defeated shiny blastoise"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="135" article="a" name="defeated shiny venusaur"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="50" /> </item> <item id="136" article="a" name="defeated shiny raticate"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="137" article="a" name="defeated shiny beedril"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="138" article="a" name="defeated shiny kingler"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="139" article="a" name="defeated shiny horsea"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="140" article="a" name="defeated shiny raichu"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="141" article="a" name="defeated shiny abra"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="50" /> </item> <item id="142" article="a" name="defeated shiny scyther"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="143" article="a" name="defeated shiny electabuzz"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="144" article="a" name="defeated shiny gyarados"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item fromid="145" toid="174" article="a" name="pokemon portfoil"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="legs" /> </item> <item id="194" name="dirt" /> <item id="231" name="sand" /> <item id="280" name="earth ground" /> <item id="293" name="grass" /> <item id="294" article="a" name="pitfall"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="293" /> <attribute key="duration" value="300" /> </item> <item fromid="351" toid="353" name="dirt floor" /> <item fromid="354" toid="355" name="muddy floor" /> <item fromid="356" toid="367" article="a" name="dirt wall" /> <item id="368" name="earth ground" /> <item fromid="369" toid="370" article="a" name="trapdoor"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item fromid="371" toid="382" article="a" name="stone wall" /> <item id="383" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="384" article="a" name="rope spot"> <attribute key="description" value="There is a hole in the ceiling." /> </item> <item id="385" article="a" name="small hole"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems too narrow to climb through." /> </item> <item fromid="386" toid="387" name="stalagmites" /> <item id="388" article="a" name="lava hole"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to be inactive." /> </item> <item id="389" article="a" name="lava hole"> <attribute key="description" value="It emits heat and light." /> </item> <item fromid="390" toid="391" name="stalagmites" /> <item id="392" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="354" /> <attribute key="duration" value="300" /> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="405" name="wooden flooring" /> <item id="406" article="a" name="white marble tile" /> <item id="407" article="a" name="black marble tile" /> <item fromid="408" toid="409" article="a" name="trapdoor"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item fromid="410" toid="411" name="stairs"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="412" article="a" name="sandstone tile" /> <item id="413" article="a" name="stone tile" /> <item id="414" article="a" name="tiled floor" /> <item id="415" article="a" name="stone tile" /> <item fromid="416" toid="417" article="a" name="stone tile"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to be a switch." /> </item> <item id="418" article="a" name="stone tile"> <attribute key="description" value="There is a hole in the ceiling." /> </item> <item id="419" article="a" name="sandstone tile" /> <item id="420" article="a" name="tiled floor" /> <item fromid="421" toid="422" article="a" name="sandstone floor" /> <item id="423" name="stairs"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="424" article="a" name="stone tile" /> <item fromid="425" toid="426" article="a" name="stone tile"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to be a switch." /> </item> <item id="427" article="a" name="trapdoor"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="428" article="a" name="ladder"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="429" article="a" name="trapdoor"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="430" article="a" name="sewer grate" /> <item id="431" name="stone floor" /> <item fromid="432" toid="433" name="stairs"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item fromid="434" toid="445" name="wooden floor" /> <item fromid="446" toid="447" name="wooden floor"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to be a switch." /> </item> <item fromid="448" toid="456" name="wooden floor" /> <item id="457" article="a" name="white stone tile" /> <item id="458" name="wooden floor" /> <item id="459" name="stairs"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="460" name="void" /> <item id="461" article="a" name="closed trapdoor" /> <item id="462" article="an" name="open trapdoor"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="461" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> </item> <item id="463" article="a" name="pedestal" /> <item id="464" article="a" name="sandstone wall" /> <item id="465" article="a" name="stone tile"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to be a switch." /> </item> <item id="466" article="a" name="sandstone wall" /> <item id="467" article="a" name="stone tile"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to be a switch." /> </item> <item id="468" article="a" name="diggable hole" /> <item id="469" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="468" /> <attribute key="duration" value="5" /> </item> <item id="470" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item fromid="471" toid="474" article="a" name="time tile" /> <item fromid="475" toid="476" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item fromid="477" toid="478" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item fromid="479" toid="480" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="481" article="a" name="diggable hole" /> <item id="482" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="481" /> <attribute key="duration" value="5" /> </item> <item id="483" article="a" name="diggable hole" /> <item id="484" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="483" /> <attribute key="duration" value="5" /> </item> <item id="485" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item id="486" article="a" name="heap of snow" /> <item fromid="487" toid="488" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="489" article="a" name="hole"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="231" /> <attribute key="duration" value="30" /> </item> <item id="493" name="water"> <attribute key="type" value="trashholder" /> <attribute key="effect" value="bluebubble" /> <attribute key="allowpickupable" value="1" /> </item> <item fromid="598" toid="601" name="lava"> <attribute key="type" value="trashholder" /> <attribute key="effect" value="fire" /> <attribute key="allowpickupable" value="1" /> </item> <item id="670" name="snow" /> <item id="671" name="ice" /> <item fromid="708" toid="711" name="tar"> <attribute key="type" value="trashholder" /> <attribute key="effect" value="poff" /> <attribute key="allowpickupable" value="1" /> </item> <item id="724" name="cobbled pavement" /> <item fromid="777" toid="790" name="sandstone floor" /> <item id="791" name="grass" /> <item id="804" name="dirt" /> <item id="806" name="dirt" /> <item id="836" name="sand" /> <item fromid="873" toid="878" article="a" name="mountain" /> <item fromid="891" toid="902" name="rocks" /> <item fromid="903" toid="913" article="a" name="mountain" /> <item fromid="914" toid="917" article="an" name="archway" /> <item fromid="918" toid="919" article="a" name="mountain" /> <item fromid="920" toid="923" article="a" name="flat roof" /> <item id="924" article="a" name="trapdoor"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="down" /> </item> <item fromid="925" toid="944" article="a" name="tiled roof" /> <item fromid="945" toid="964" article="a" name="wooden roof" /> <item fromid="965" toid="966" article="a" name="chess board" /> <item fromid="967" toid="1015" article="a" name="mill board" /> <item fromid="1016" toid="1024" article="a" name="tic-tac-toe board" /> <item fromid="1025" toid="1035" article="a" name="brick wall" /> <item fromid="1036" toid="1048" article="a" name="framework wall" /> <item fromid="1049" toid="1059" article="a" name="stone wall" /> <item fromid="1060" toid="1070" article="a" name="sandstone wall" /> <item id="1071" name="sandstone" /> <item fromid="1072" toid="1083" article="a" name="sandstone roof" /> <item fromid="1084" toid="1088" article="a" name="broken wall" /> <item fromid="1089" toid="1093" article="a" name="metal wall" /> <item fromid="1095" toid="1099" article="a" name="metal wall" /> <item fromid="1100" toid="1110" article="a" name="sandstone wall" /> <item fromid="1111" toid="1119" article="a" name="white stone wall" /> <item fromid="1120" toid="1127" article="an" name="archway" /> <item fromid="1128" toid="1153" article="an" name="ornamented wall" /> <item fromid="1154" toid="1157" article="a" name="wall fountain"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="water" /> </item> <item fromid="1158" toid="1163" article="an" name="archway" /> <item fromid="1164" toid="1169" article="an" name="ornamented wall" /> <item fromid="1170" toid="1175" article="a" name="paravent" /> <item fromid="1176" toid="1193" article="an" name="ornamented wall" /> <item fromid="1194" toid="1195" article="a" name="wall fountain"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="water" /> </item> <item fromid="1196" toid="1204" article="a" name="lava wall" /> <item fromid="1205" toid="1208" article="an" name="archway" /> <item fromid="1209" toid="1210" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is locked." /> </item> <item id="1211" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1212" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is locked." /> </item> <item id="1213" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1214" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item fromid="1215" toid="1218" article="a" name="buttress" /> <item id="1219" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1220" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1221" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1222" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1223" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1224" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1225" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1226" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1227" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="levelDoor" value="1000" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1228" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1229" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="levelDoor" value="1000" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1230" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1231" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is locked." /> </item> <item id="1232" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1233" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1234" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is locked." /> </item> <item id="1235" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1236" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1237" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1238" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1239" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1240" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1241" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1242" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1243" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1244" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1245" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="levelDoor" value="1000" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1246" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1247" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="levelDoor" value="1000" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1248" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1249" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is locked." /> </item> <item id="1250" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1251" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1252" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is locked." /> </item> <item id="1253" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1254" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1255" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1256" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1257" article="a" name="closed door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1258" article="an" name="open door"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1259" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="levelDoor" value="1000" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1260" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1261" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="levelDoor" value="1000" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1262" article="a" name="gate of expertise"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item fromid="1263" toid="1264" article="a" name="framework window" /> <item fromid="1265" toid="1266" article="a" name="brick window" /> <item fromid="1267" toid="1268" article="a" name="stone window" /> <item fromid="1269" toid="1272" article="a" name="white stone wall window" /> <item fromid="1273" toid="1276" article="a" name="sandstone window" /> <item id="1277" article="a" name="wooden pillar" /> <item fromid="1278" toid="1279" article="a" name="sail" /> <item fromid="1280" toid="1283" article="a" name="rudder of the boat" /> <item id="1284" article="a" name="drawbridge" /> <item id="1285" article="a" name="smashable rock" /> <item fromid="1286" toid="1292" article="a" name="stone" /> <item id="1293" article="a" name="stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item id="1294" article="a" name="small stone" plural="small stones"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="Little stones that rock pokemons drop." /> </item> <item id="1295" article="a" name="stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="3000" /> </item> <item fromid="1296" toid="1352" article="a" name="stone" /> <item id="1353" article="a" name="mossy stone" /> <item fromid="1354" toid="1359" article="a" name="stone" /> <item fromid="1360" toid="1363" article="a" name="fountain"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="water" /> </item> <item fromid="1364" toid="1367" article="a" name="water basin"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="water" /> </item> <item fromid="1368" toid="1369" article="a" name="draw well" /> <item fromid="1370" toid="1377" article="a" name="marble fountain" /> <item id="1378" article="a" name="small basin" /> <item fromid="1379" toid="1384" article="a" name="mill" /> <item id="1385" name="stairs"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="north" /> </item> <item id="1386" article="a" name="ladder" /> <item id="1387" article="a" name="magic forcefield"> <attribute key="description" value="You can see the other side through it." /> <attribute key="type" value="teleport" /> </item> <item id="1388" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="east" /> </item> <item id="1389" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1390" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="west" /> </item> <item id="1391" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1392" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="south" /> </item> <item id="1393" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1394" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="north" /> </item> <item id="1395" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1396" name="stairs"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="north" /> </item> <item id="1397" article="a" name="mystic flame" /> <item id="1398" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="east" /> </item> <item id="1399" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1400" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="west" /> </item> <item id="1401" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1402" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="south" /> </item> <item id="1403" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1404" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="north" /> </item> <item id="1405" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1406" article="a" name="grave" /> <item fromid="1407" toid="1409" article="a" name="gravestone" /> <item id="1410" article="a" name="stone coffin"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1411" article="a" name="stone coffin" /> <item fromid="1412" toid="1414" article="a" name="stone coffin"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item fromid="1415" toid="1416" article="a" name="buried coffin" /> <item id="1417" article="a" name="sarcophagus"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1418" article="a" name="sarcophagus" /> <item id="1419" article="a" name="sarcophagus"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1420" article="a" name="sarcophagus" /> <item fromid="1421" toid="1422" article="a" name="campfire" /> <item fromid="1423" toid="1425" article="a" name="campfire"> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="damage" value="20" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="4000" /> <attribute key="count" value="2" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1426" article="an" name="unlit campfire" /> <item fromid="1427" toid="1428" article="a" name="campfire" /> <item fromid="1429" toid="1434" article="a" name="sign" /> <item id="1435" article="a" name="dragon flag" /> <item id="1436" article="a" name="castle flag" /> <item id="1437" article="a" name="flag of Tibia" /> <item fromid="1438" toid="1439" article="a" name="street sign" /> <item fromid="1440" toid="1441" article="a" name="sign" /> <item id="1442" article="a" name="statue"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1476" /> </item> <item id="1443" article="a" name="statue" /> <item id="1444" article="a" name="hero statue" /> <item id="1445" article="a" name="monument" /> <item id="1446" article="a" name="black plasma television"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1447" /> </item> <item id="1447" article="a" name="black plasma television"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1446" /> </item> <item id="1448" article="an" name="angel statue" /> <item id="1449" article="a" name="dwarven statue" /> <item id="1450" article="a" name="watchdog statue" /> <item id="1451" article="a" name="sandstone statue" /> <item id="1452" article="a" name="wooden television"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1453" /> </item> <item id="1453" article="a" name="wooden television"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1452" /> </item> <item fromid="1454" toid="1455" article="a" name="gargoyle statue" /> <item fromid="1456" toid="1459" article="a" name="pedestal" /> <item id="1460" article="a" name="white oven"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1461" /> </item> <item id="1461" article="a" name="white oven"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1460" /> </item> <item id="1462" article="a" name="black oven"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1463" /> </item> <item id="1463" article="a" name="black oven"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1462" /> </item> <item id="1464" article="a" name="goblin statue"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1463" /> </item> <item id="1465" article="a" name="goblin statue"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1447" /> </item> <item id="1466" article="a" name="pedestal" /> <item fromid="1467" toid="1468" article="a" name="cobra statue" /> <item id="1469" article="a" name="pedestal" /> <item fromid="1470" toid="1473" article="a" name="cobra statue" /> <item id="1474" article="a" name="market poster" /> <item id="1475" article="a" name="cobra statue" /> <item id="1476" article="a" name="statue"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1477" /> </item> <item id="1477" article="a" name="statue"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1478" /> </item> <item id="1478" article="a" name="statue"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1442" /> </item> <item fromid="1479" toid="1480" article="a" name="street lamp" /> <item fromid="1481" toid="1485" article="a" name="coal basin" /> <item id="1486" article="a" name="stone coal basin" /> <item id="1487" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="damage" value="20" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="count" value="7" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1488" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="count" value="7" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1489" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire" /> </item> <item id="1490" article="a" name="poison field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="poison"> <attribute key="ticks" value="5000" /> <attribute key="start" value="5" /> <attribute key="damage" value="100" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1491" article="an" name="energy field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="energy"> <attribute key="damage" value="30" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="damage" value="25" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1492" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1493" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="damage" value="20" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="count" value="7" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1493" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1494" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="count" value="7" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1494" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire" /> </item> <item id="1495" article="an" name="energy field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> <attribute key="field" value="energy"> <attribute key="damage" value="30" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="damage" value="25" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1496" article="a" name="poison field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> <attribute key="field" value="poison"> <attribute key="ticks" value="5000" /> <attribute key="start" value="5" /> <attribute key="damage" value="100" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1497" article="a" name="magic wall"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="20" /> </item> <item id="1498" article="a" name="magic wall"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> </item> <item id="1499" article="a" name="rush wood"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="45" /> </item> <item id="1500" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1501" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="damage" value="20" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="count" value="7" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1501" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1502" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="count" value="7" /> <attribute key="damage" value="10" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1502" article="a" name="fire field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire" /> </item> <item id="1503" article="a" name="poison gas"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="field" value="poison"> <attribute key="ticks" value="5000" /> <attribute key="start" value="5" /> <attribute key="damage" value="100" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1504" article="an" name="energy field"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="field" value="energy"> <attribute key="damage" value="30" /> <attribute key="ticks" value="10000" /> <attribute key="damage" value="25" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1505" name="smoke"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> </item> <item id="1506" article="a" name="searing fire"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1507" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="damage" value="300" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1507" article="a" name="searing fire"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1508" /> <attribute key="duration" value="10" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> <attribute key="field" value="fire"> <attribute key="damage" value="300" /> </attribute> </item> <item id="1508" name="ashes"> <attribute key="type" value="magicfield" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="1506" /> <attribute key="duration" value="5" /> <attribute key="replaceable" value="0" /> </item> <item id="1509" name="lava" /> <item id="1510" name="slits" /> <item id="1511" name="blades" /> <item id="1512" name="holes" /> <item id="1513" name="spikes" /> <item id="1514" article="a" name="pillar" /> <item id="1515" article="a" name="marble pillar" /> <item fromid="1516" toid="1523" article="a" name="wooden railing" /> <item fromid="1524" toid="1532" article="a" name="stone railing" /> <item fromid="1533" toid="1538" article="a" name="fence" /> <item id="1539" article="a" name="closed fence gate"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1540" article="an" name="open fence gate"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1541" article="a" name="closed fence gate"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1542" article="an" name="open fence gate"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item fromid="1543" toid="1547" article="a" name="fence" /> <item id="1548" article="a" name="strange carving" /> <item id="1549" article="a" name="sandstone pillar" /> <item id="1550" article="a" name="sandstone statue" /> <item id="1551" article="an" name="oriental pillar" /> <item id="1552" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1553" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="north" /> <attribute key="floorchange" value="west" /> </item> <item id="1554" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1555" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="north" /> <attribute key="floorchange" value="east" /> </item> <item id="1556" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1557" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="south" /> <attribute key="floorchange" value="east" /> </item> <item id="1558" article="a" name="ramp" /> <item id="1559" article="a" name="ramp"> <attribute key="floorchange" value="south" /> <attribute key="floorchange" value="west" /> </item> <item id="1560" article="an" name="obelisk" /> <item id="1561" article="a" name="broken obelisk" /> <item fromid="1562" toid="1577" article="a" name="sandstone railing" /> <item fromid="1578" toid="1581" name="sandstone" /> <item fromid="1582" toid="1593" article="a" name="white stone railing" /> <item fromid="1594" toid="1601" article="a" name="metal railing" /> <item fromid="1602" toid="1614" article="a" name="big table" /> <item id="1615" article="a" name="square table" /> <item id="1616" article="a" name="small round table" /> <item id="1617" article="a" name="stone table" /> <item id="1618" article="a" name="black round seat" /> <item id="1619" article="a" name="black counter" /> <item fromid="1620" toid="1621" article="a" name="counter" /> <item fromid="1622" toid="1633" article="a" name="table" /> <item fromid="1634" toid="1638" article="a" name="table"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item id="1639" article="a" name="table"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> <attribute key="blockprojectile" value="1" /> </item> <item fromid="1640" toid="1641" article="a" name="table"> <attribute key="type" value="door" /> </item> <item fromid="1642" toid="1645" article="a" name="stone table" /> <item id="1646" article="a" name="green freezer"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1647" /> </item> <item id="1647" article="a" name="green freezer"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1646" /> </item> <item id="1648" article="a" name="white freezer"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1649" /> </item> <item id="1649" article="a" name="white freezer"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1648" /> </item> <item id="1650" article="a" name="wooden chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1651" /> </item> <item id="1651" article="a" name="wooden chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1652" /> </item> <item id="1652" article="a" name="wooden chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1653" /> </item> <item id="1653" article="a" name="wooden chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1650" /> </item> <item fromid="1654" toid="1657" article="a" name="throne" /> <item id="1658" article="a" name="blue chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1659" /> </item> <item id="1659" article="a" name="blue chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1660" /> </item> <item id="1660" article="a" name="blue chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1661" /> </item> <item id="1661" article="a" name="blue chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1658" /> </item> <item fromid="1662" toid="1665" article="a" name="bench" /> <item id="1666" article="a" name="black chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1669" /> </item> <item id="1667" article="a" name="black chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1668" /> </item> <item id="1668" article="a" name="black chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1666" /> </item> <item id="1669" article="a" name="black chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1667" /> </item> <item id="1670" article="a" name="green cushioned chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1672" /> </item> <item id="1671" article="a" name="green cushioned chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1673" /> </item> <item id="1672" article="a" name="green cushioned chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1671" /> </item> <item id="1673" article="a" name="green cushioned chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1670" /> </item> <item id="1674" article="a" name="rocking chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1676" /> </item> <item id="1675" article="a" name="rocking chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1677" /> </item> <item id="1676" article="a" name="rocking chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1675" /> </item> <item id="1677" article="a" name="rocking chair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1674" /> </item> <item id="1678" article="a" name="purple pillow"> <attribute key="weight" value="1200" /> </item> <item id="1679" article="a" name="green pillow"> <attribute key="weight" value="1200" /> </item> <item id="1680" article="a" name="red pillow"> <attribute key="weight" value="1200" /> </item> <item id="1681" article="a" name="blue pillow"> <attribute key="weight" value="1200" /> </item> <item id="1682" article="an" name="orange armchair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1683" /> </item> <item id="1683" article="a" name="orange armchair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1684" /> </item> <item id="1684" article="a" name="orange armchair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1685" /> </item> <item id="1685" article="an" name="orange armchair"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1682" /> </item> <item id="1686" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item id="1687" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item id="1688" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item id="1689" article="a" name="yellow round pillow"> <attribute key="weight" value="1600" /> </item> <item id="1690" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item id="1691" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item id="1692" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item id="1693" article="a" name="sofa"> </item> <item fromid="1694" toid="1709" article="a" name="sofa" /> <item fromid="1710" toid="1713" article="a" name="wardrobe"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> </item> <item id="1714" name="drawers"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1715" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1715" name="drawers"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1716" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1716" name="drawers"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1717" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1717" name="drawers"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1714" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item fromid="1718" toid="1723" article="a" name="sale shelf"> </item> <item id="1724" article="a" name="dresser"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1725" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1725" article="a" name="dresser"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1726" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1726" article="a" name="dresser"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1727" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1727" article="a" name="dresser"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1724" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item id="1728" article="a" name="pendulum clock"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1729" /> </item> <item id="1729" article="a" name="pendulum clock"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1730" /> </item> <item id="1730" article="a" name="pendulum clock"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1731" /> </item> <item id="1731" article="a" name="pendulum clock"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1728" /> </item> <item id="1732" article="a" name="locker"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1733" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> </item> <item id="1733" article="a" name="locker"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1734" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> </item> <item id="1734" article="a" name="locker"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1735" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> </item> <item id="1735" article="a" name="locker"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1732" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> </item> <item id="1736" article="a" name="standing mirror"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1737" /> </item> <item id="1737" article="a" name="standing mirror"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1736" /> </item> <item id="1738" article="a" name="box"> <attribute key="weight" value="8000" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1739" article="a" name="crate"> <attribute key="weight" value="8000" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1740" article="a" name="chest"> <attribute key="weight" value="12000" /> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1748" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1741" article="a" name="box"> <attribute key="weight" value="12000" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="10" /> </item> <item fromid="1742" toid="1745" article="a" name="wooden coffin" /> <item id="1746" article="a" name="treasure chest"> <attribute key="weight" value="12000" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1747" article="a" name="chest"> <attribute key="weight" value="12000" /> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1749" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1748" article="a" name="chest"> <attribute key="weight" value="12000" /> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1747" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1749" article="a" name="chest"> <attribute key="weight" value="12000" /> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1740" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="15" /> </item> <item id="1750" article="a" name="large trunk"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1752" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="18" /> </item> <item id="1751" article="a" name="large trunk"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1753" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="18" /> </item> <item id="1752" article="a" name="large trunk"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1751" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="18" /> </item> <item id="1753" article="a" name="large trunk"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="1750" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="18" /> </item> <item id="1754" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="2" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1762" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7778" /> </item> <item id="1755" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="0" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1763" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="1763" /> </item> <item id="1756" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="1" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1768" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7783" /> </item> <item id="1757" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="3" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1769" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7784" /> </item> <item id="1758" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="2" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1766" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7781" /> </item> <item id="1759" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="0" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1767" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7782" /> </item> <item id="1760" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="1" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1764" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7779" /> </item> <item id="1761" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="3" /> <attribute key="maleTransformTo" value="1765" /> <attribute key="femaleTransformTo" value="7780" /> </item> <item id="1762" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="2" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1754" /> </item> <item id="1763" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1755" /> </item> <item id="1764" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="1" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1760" /> </item> <item id="1765" article="a" name="bed"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="3" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1761" /> </item> <item id="1766" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="2" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1758" /> </item> <item id="1767" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1759" /> </item> <item id="1768" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="1" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1756" /> </item> <item id="1769" article="a" name="cot"> <attribute key="type" value="bed" /> <attribute key="partnerDirection" value="3" /> <attribute key="transformTo" value="1757" /> </item> <item id="1770" article="a" name="barrel"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="25" /> </item> <item id="1771" article="a" name="water cask"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="water" /> </item> <item id="1772" article="a" name="beer cask"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="beer" /> </item> <item id="1773" article="a" name="wine cask"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="wine" /> </item> <item id="1774" article="a" name="barrel"> <attribute key="containerSize" value="25" /> </item> <item id="1775" article="a" name="trough" /> <item id="1776" article="a" name="lemonade cask"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="lemonade" /> </item> <item id="1777" article="a" name="dustbin"> <attribute key="type" value="trashholder" /> <attribute key="allowpickupable" value="1" /> </item> <item fromid="1778" toid="1785" article="a" name="big wine cask"> <attribute key="fluidSource" value="wine" /> </item> <item fromid="1786" toid="1793" article="an" name="oven" /> <item fromid="1794" toid="1802" article="a" name="red carpet" /> <item fromid="1803" toid="1808" article="an" name="oriental carpet" /> <item id="1809" article="a" name="painting" /> <item id="1810" article="a" name="blackboard" /> <item id="1811" article="a" name="blackboard"> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="1024" /> </item> <item fromid="1812" toid="1813" article="a" name="tapestry" /> <item id="1814" article="a" name="painting" /> <item id="1815" article="a" name="blackboard" /> <item fromid="1816" toid="1817" article="a" name="mirror" /> <item id="1818" article="a" name="blackboard"> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="200" /> </item> <item id="1819" article="a" name="banner" /> <item id="1820" article="an" name="emblem" /> <item id="1821" article="a" name="pokemon center" /> <item fromid="1822" toid="1824" article="a" name="banner" /> <item fromid="1825" toid="1830" article="a" name="painting" /> <item fromid="1831" toid="1842" article="a" name="picture" /> <item fromid="1843" toid="1844" article="a" name="wall mirror" /> <item id="1845" article="a" name="wall mirror"> <attribute key="weight" value="600" /> </item> <item fromid="1846" toid="1847" article="a" name="wall mirror" /> <item id="1848" article="a" name="wall mirror"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1849" toid="1850" article="a" name="wall mirror" /> <item id="1851" article="a" name="wall mirror"> <attribute key="weight" value="700" /> </item> <item fromid="1852" toid="1854" article="a" name="picture"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item fromid="1855" toid="1856" article="a" name="purple tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1857" article="a" name="purple tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1858" toid="1859" article="a" name="green tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1860" article="a" name="green tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1861" toid="1862" article="a" name="yellow tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1863" article="a" name="yellow tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1864" toid="1865" article="an" name="orange tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1866" article="an" name="orange tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1867" toid="1868" article="a" name="red tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1869" article="a" name="red tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1870" toid="1871" article="a" name="blue tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1872" article="a" name="blue tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1873" toid="1876" article="a" name="cuckoo clock"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1877" article="a" name="cuckoo clock"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item fromid="1878" toid="1879" article="a" name="white tapestry"> <attribute key="forceSerialize" value="1" /> </item> <item id="1880" article="a" name="white tapestry"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item id="1881" article="a" name="cuckoo clock"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item fromid="1882" toid="1883" article="a" name="pokemon poster" /> <item fromid="1884" toid="1885" article="a" name="wolf trophy" /> <item fromid="1886" toid="1887" article="an" name="orc trophy" /> <item fromid="1888" toid="1889" article="a" name="behemnot trophy" /> <item fromid="1890" toid="1891" article="a" name="deer trophy" /> <item fromid="1892" toid="1893" article="a" name="cyclops trophy" /> <item fromid="1894" toid="1895" article="a" name="dragon trophy" /> <item fromid="1896" toid="1897" article="an" name="lion trophy" /> <item fromid="1898" toid="1899" article="a" name="minotaur trophy" /> <item fromid="1900" toid="1905" article="a" name="bloodspot" /> <item fromid="1906" toid="1908" name="cobwebs" /> <item fromid="1909" toid="1920" article="a" name="flowery wall" /> <item fromid="1921" toid="1933" article="a" name="mossy wall" /> <item fromid="1935" toid="1937" article="a" name="mossy wall" /> <item fromid="1939" toid="1944" article="a" name="mossy wall" /> <item fromid="1945" toid="1946" article="a" name="switch" /> <item id="1947" article="a" name="blank paper"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="512" /> <attribute key="writeOnceItemId" value="1954" /> </item> <item id="1948" article="a" name="parchment"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="512" /> <attribute key="writeOnceItemId" value="1967" /> </item> <item id="1949" article="a" name="scroll"> <attribute key="weight" value="50" /> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="256" /> </item> <item id="1950" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="1951" article="a" name="parchment"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="512" /> <attribute key="writeOnceItemId" value="1953" /> </item> <item id="1952" article="a" name="document"> <attribute key="weight" value="150" /> <attribute key="writeable" value="1" /> <attribute key="maxTextLen" value="512" /> <attribute key="writeOnceItemId" value="1968" /> </item> <item id="1953" article="a" name="parchment"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="1954" article="a" name="paper"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="1955" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item id="1956" article="a" name="map"> <attribute key="weight" value="830" /> </item> <item id="1957" article="a" name="map"> <attribute key="weight" value="790" /> </item> <item id="1958" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> </item> <item id="1959" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item fromid="1960" toid="1963" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="1964" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="2000" /> </item> <item fromid="1965" toid="1966" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="1967" article="a" name="parchment"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="1968" article="a" name="document"> <attribute key="weight" value="150" /> </item> <item id="1969" article="a" name="written parchment"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="1970" article="a" name="Cerulean book"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item fromid="1971" toid="1975" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="1976" article="a" name="gemmed book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item fromid="1977" toid="1978" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="1979" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> </item> <item id="1980" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1100" /> </item> <item id="1981" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item id="1982" article="a" name="purple tome"> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is a volume of The Mystic Secrets of Tibia." /> </item> <item id="1983" article="a" name="green tome"> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is a volume of The Mystic Secrets of Tibia." /> </item> <item id="1984" article="a" name="blue tome"> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is a volume of The Mystic Secrets of Tibia." /> </item> <item id="1985" article="a" name="grey tome"> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is a volume of The Mystic Secrets of Tibia." /> </item> <item id="1986" article="a" name="red tome"> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> <attribute key="description" value="It is a volume of The Mystic Secrets of Tibia." /> </item> <item id="1987" article="a" name="pokebag"> <attribute key="weight" value="39380" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="28" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1988" article="your" name="badge case"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1989" article="a" name="basket"> <attribute key="weight" value="950" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="5" /> </item> <item id="1990" article="a" name="present"> <attribute key="weight" value="600" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="5" /> </item> <item id="1991" article="a" name="green bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1992" article="a" name="yellow bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1993" article="a" name="red bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1994" article="a" name="Poke bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1995" article="a" name="blue bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1996" article="a" name="grey bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="8" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1997" article="a" name="Great bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="16" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1998" article="a" name="green backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="1999" article="a" name="yellow backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="2000" article="a" name="red backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="2001" article="a" name="purple backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="2002" article="a" name="blue backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="2003" article="a" name="grey backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="2004" article="a" name="golden backpack"> <attribute key="weight" value="1800" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="20" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="backpack" /> </item> <item id="2005" article="a" name="bucket"> <attribute key="weight" value="2000" /> </item> <item id="2006" article="a" name="vial"> <attribute key="weight" value="180" /> </item> <item id="2007" article="a" name="blue bottle"> <attribute key="weight" value="250" /> </item> <item id="2008" article="a" name="vase"> <attribute key="weight" value="940" /> </item> <item id="2009" article="a" name="green flask"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> </item> <item id="2010" article="a" name="broken bottle"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2011" article="a" name="blue amphora"> <attribute key="weight" value="850" /> </item> <item id="2012" article="a" name="mug"> <attribute key="weight" value="250" /> </item> <item id="2013" article="a" name="cup"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="2014" article="a" name="jug"> <attribute key="weight" value="750" /> </item> <item id="2015" article="a" name="brown flask"> <attribute key="weight" value="250" /> </item> <item id="2016" article="a" name="pool"> </item> <item id="2017" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2018" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2019" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2020" article="a" name="agua"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="50" /> <attribute key="containerSize" value="6" /> </item> <item id="2021" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2022" article="a" name="broken bottle"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> </item> <item id="2023" article="an" name="amphora"> <attribute key="weight" value="9700" /> </item> <item id="2024" article="a" name="broken brown glass"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2025" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2026" article="a" name="pool"> </item> <item id="2027" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2028" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2029" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2030" article="a" name="pool"> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2031" article="a" name="waterskin"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> </item> <item id="2032" article="a" name="bowl"> <attribute key="weight" value="380" /> </item> <item id="2033" article="a" name="golden mug"> <attribute key="weight" value="470" /> </item> <item id="2034" article="a" name="large amphora" /> <item id="2035" article="a" name="plate"> <attribute key="weight" value="150" /> </item> <item id="2036" article="a" name="watch"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2037" article="a" name="wall lamp" /> <item id="2038" article="a" name="lit wall lamp" /> <item id="2039" article="a" name="wall lamp" /> <item id="2040" article="a" name="lit wall lamp" /> <item id="2041" article="a" name="candelabrum"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2042" article="a" name="candelabrum"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2043" /> <attribute key="duration" value="180" /> </item> <item id="2043" article="a" name="used candelabrum"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> </item> <item id="2044" article="a" name="lamp"> <attribute key="weight" value="3000" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2045" article="a" name="lamp"> <attribute key="weight" value="3000" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2046" /> <attribute key="duration" value="180" /> </item> <item id="2046" article="a" name="lamp"> <attribute key="weight" value="3000" /> </item> <item id="2047" article="a" name="candlestick"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2048" article="a" name="candlestick"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2049" /> <attribute key="duration" value="240" /> </item> <item id="2049" article="a" name="candlestick"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="2050" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2051" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2053" /> <attribute key="duration" value="180" /> </item> <item id="2052" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2053" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2055" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2054" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2055" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2056" /> <attribute key="duration" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2056" article="a" name="torch"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> </item> <item id="2057" article="a" name="candelabrum"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2041" /> <attribute key="duration" value="180" /> </item> <item id="2058" article="a" name="torch bearer" /> <item id="2059" article="a" name="lit torch bearer" /> <item id="2060" article="a" name="torch bearer" /> <item id="2061" article="a" name="lit torch bearer" /> <item id="2062" article="a" name="small oil lamp"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="duration" value="60" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2063" article="a" name="small oil lamp"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> </item> <item fromid="2064" toid="2065" article="a" name="table lamp" /> <item fromid="2066" toid="2069" article="a" name="wall lamp" /> <item id="2070" article="a" name="flute"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="2071" article="a" name="lyre"> <attribute key="weight" value="1250" /> </item> <item id="2072" article="a" name="lute"> <attribute key="weight" value="3400" /> </item> <item id="2073" article="a" name="drum"> <attribute key="weight" value="3200" /> </item> <item id="2074" name="panpipes"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2075" article="a" name="simple fanfare"> <attribute key="weight" value="2200" /> </item> <item id="2076" article="a" name="fanfare"> <attribute key="weight" value="2300" /> </item> <item id="2077" article="a" name="royal fanfare"> <attribute key="weight" value="2300" /> </item> <item id="2078" article="a" name="post horn"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item id="2079" article="a" name="horn"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2080" article="a" name="piano"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2082" /> </item> <item id="2081" article="a" name="piano"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2083" /> </item> <item id="2082" article="a" name="piano"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2081" /> </item> <item id="2083" article="a" name="piano"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2080" /> </item> <item id="2084" article="a" name="harp"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2085" /> </item> <item id="2085" article="a" name="harp"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2084" /> </item> <item id="2086" article="a" name="purple key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2087" article="a" name="wooden key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2088" article="a" name="silver key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2089" article="a" name="copper key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2090" article="a" name="crystal key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2091" article="a" name="golden key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2092" article="a" name="bone key"> <attribute key="type" value="key" /> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2093" article="a" name="water-pipe"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item fromid="2094" toid="2095" article="a" name="bird cage" /> <item fromid="2096" toid="2097" article="a" name="pumpkinhead"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> </item> <item id="2098" article="a" name="globe" /> <item id="2099" article="a" name="water-pipe"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> </item> <item id="2100" name="god flowers"> <attribute key="weight" value="1100" /> </item> <item id="2101" article="an" name="indoor plant" /> <item id="2102" article="a" name="flower bowl"> <attribute key="weight" value="1100" /> </item> <item id="2103" article="a" name="honey flower"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item id="2104" article="a" name="potted flower"> <attribute key="weight" value="2300" /> </item> <item id="2105" article="a" name="christmas tree" /> <item id="2106" article="a" name="big flowerpot" /> <item id="2107" article="an" name="exotic flower"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2108" article="a" name="wooden doll"> <attribute key="weight" value="860" /> </item> <item id="2109" article="a" name="football" /> <item id="2110" article="a" name="cash register"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2111" article="a" name="snowball" plural="snowballs"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="distance" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="snowball" /> <attribute key="range" value="5" /> <attribute key="ammoAction" value="removecount" /> </item> <item id="2112" article="a" name="teddy bear"> <attribute key="weight" value="700" /> </item> <item id="2113" article="a" name="model ship"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="2114" article="a" name="piggy bank"> <attribute key="weight" value="150" /> </item> <item id="2115" article="a" name="broken piggy bank"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2116" article="a" name="plate"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2117" /> </item> <item id="2117" article="a" name="plate"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2118" /> </item> <item id="2118" article="a" name="plate"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2119" /> </item> <item id="2119" article="a" name="plate"> <attribute key="rotateTo" value="2116" /> </item> <item id="2120" article="a" name="pokerope"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="head" /> </item> <item id="2121" article="a" name="raichu doll"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A very rare toy." /> </item> <item id="2122" article="a" name="bulbasaur doll"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A very rare toy." /> </item> <item id="2123" article="a" name="jiglypuff doll"> <attribute key="description" value="A very rare toy." /> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2124" article="a" name="marowak doll"> <attribute key="description" value="A very rare toy." /> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2125" article="a" name="crystal necklace"> <attribute key="weight" value="490" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2126" article="a" name="bronzen necklace"> <attribute key="weight" value="700" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2127" article="an" name="emerald bangle"> <attribute key="weight" value="170" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> </item> <item id="2128" article="a" name="crown"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item id="2129" article="a" name="wolf tooth chain"> <attribute key="weight" value="330" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2130" article="a" name="articuno feather"> <attribute key="description" value="Uma pena rara da asa de um articuno." /> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2131" article="a" name="zapdos feather"> <attribute key="description" value="Uma pena rara da asa de um zapdos." /> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2132" article="a" name="moltres feather"> <attribute key="description" value="Uma pena rara da asa de um moltres." /> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2133" article="a" name="ruby necklace"> <attribute key="weight" value="570" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2134" article="a" name="slowbro doll"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A very rare toy." /> </item> <item id="2135" article="a" name="Dome fossil"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2136" article="a" name="demonbone amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="700" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2137" name="some golden fruits"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> </item> <item id="2138" article="a" name="Bulb"> <attribute key="description" value="Item raro que cai das costas de um bulbasaur." /> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2139" article="an" name="ancient tiara"> <attribute key="weight" value="450" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2140" article="a" name="Helix Fossil"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2141" article="a" name=" Fossil"> <attribute key="weight" value="840" /> </item> <item id="2142" article="an" name="Diamond"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2143" article="a" name="white pearl" plural="white pearls"> <attribute key="weight" value="20" /> </item> <item id="2144" article="a" name="tracker device" plural="tracker devices"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2145" article="a" name="small diamond" plural="small diamonds"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2146" article="a" name="ultra ball" plural="ultra balls"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2147" article="a" name="poke ball" plural="poke balls"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2148" article="a" name="cent" plural="cents"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="worth" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2149" article="a" name="small emerald" plural="small emeralds"> <attribute key="weight" value="10" /> </item> <item id="2150" article="a" name="small amethyst" plural="small amethysts"> <attribute key="weight" value="10" /> </item> <item id="2151" article="a" name="talon" plural="talons"> <attribute key="weight" value="20" /> <attribute key="description" value="There are many rumours about these magic gems." /> </item> <item id="2152" article="a" name="dollar" plural="dollars"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="worth" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2153" article="a" name="violet gem"> <attribute key="weight" value="30" /> </item> <item id="2154" article="a" name="yellow gem"> <attribute key="weight" value="30" /> </item> <item id="2155" article="a" name="green gem"> <attribute key="weight" value="150" /> </item> <item id="2156" article="a" name="red gem"> <attribute key="weight" value="30" /> </item> <item id="2157" article="a" name="thousand dollar" plural="thousand dollars"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="worth" value="1000000" /> </item> <item id="2158" article="a" name="blue gem"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item id="2159" article="a" name="cassino coin" plural="cassino coins"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2160" article="a" name="hundred dollar" plural="hundred dollars"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="worth" value="10000" /> </item> <item id="2161" article="a" name="strange talisman"> <attribute key="weight" value="290" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="200" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentEnergy" value="10" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2162" article="a" name="magic lightwand"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2163" article="a" name="magic lightwand"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="duration" value="3000" /> </item> <item id="2164" article="a" name="might ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="charges" value="20" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentAll" value="20" /> </item> <item id="2165" article="a" name="stealth ring"> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2202" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2166" article="a" name="power ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2203" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2167" article="an" name="energy ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2204" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2168" article="a" name="life ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2205" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2169" article="a" name="time ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2206" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2170" article="a" name="silver amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="200" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentPoison" value="10" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2171" article="a" name="platinum amulet"> <attribute key="description" value="It is an amulet of protection." /> <attribute key="weight" value="600" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="armor" value="2" /> </item> <item id="2172" article="a" name="bronze amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="200" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentManaDrain" value="20" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2173" article="an" name="amulet of loss"> <attribute key="weight" value="420" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="1" /> <attribute key="preventDrop" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2174" article="a" name="strange symbol"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="2175" article="a" name="spellbook"> <attribute key="description" value="It shows your spells and can also shield against attack when worn." /> <attribute key="weight" value="5800" /> <attribute key="defense" value="14" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="shield" /> </item> <item id="2176" article="an" name="orb"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> </item> <item id="2177" article="a" name="life crystal"> <attribute key="weight" value="250" /> </item> <item id="2178" article="a" name="mind stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="250" /> </item> <item id="2179" article="a" name="kabuto doll"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A very rare toy." /> </item> <item id="2180" article="an" name="orb of nature" /> <item id="2181" article="a" name="terra rod"> <attribute key="description" value="Small stones are flying from its tip." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2500" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="smallearth" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2182" article="a" name="snakebite rod"> <attribute key="description" value="It seems to twitch and quiver as if trying to escape your grip." /> <attribute key="weight" value="4300" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="smallearth" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2183" article="a" name="hailstorm rod"> <attribute key="description" value="It grants you the power of striking your foes with furious hailstorms." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2700" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="smallice" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2184" article="a" name="crystal wand"> <attribute key="weight" value="2800" /> </item> <item id="2185" article="a" name="necrotic rod"> <attribute key="description" value="It was brought up from hell to deliver death." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2300" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="death" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2186" article="a" name="moonlight rod"> <attribute key="description" value="Icecold rays of moonlight shimmer on its tip." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2100" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="smallice" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2187" article="a" name="wand of inferno"> <attribute key="description" value="It unleashes the very fires of hell." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2700" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="fire" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2188" article="a" name="wand of decay"> <attribute key="description" value="It is half-rotten itself and reeks terribly." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2300" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="death" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2189" article="a" name="wand of cosmic energy"> <attribute key="description" value="The energy of a radiant star is trapped inside its globe." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2500" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="energy" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2190" article="a" name="wand of vortex"> <attribute key="description" value="Surges of energy rush through the tip of this wand." /> <attribute key="weight" value="1900" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="energy" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2191" article="a" name="wand of dragonbreath"> <attribute key="description" value="Legends say that this wand holds the soul of a young dragon." /> <attribute key="weight" value="2300" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="wand" /> <attribute key="shootType" value="fire" /> <attribute key="range" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2192" article="a" name="crystal ball"> <attribute key="weight" value="3400" /> </item> <item id="2193" article="an" name="ankh"> <attribute key="weight" value="420" /> </item> <item id="2194" article="a" name="mysterious fetish"> <attribute key="weight" value="490" /> </item> <item id="2195" name="boots of haste"> <attribute key="weight" value="750" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> <attribute key="speed" value="40" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2196" article="a" name="broken amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="420" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2197" article="a" name="stone skin amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="760" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="5" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentPhysical" value="80" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentDeath" value="80" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2198" article="an" name="elven amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="270" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="50" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentAll" value="5" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2199" article="a" name="garlic necklace"> <attribute key="weight" value="380" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="150" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentLifeDrain" value="20" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2200" article="a" name="protection amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="550" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="250" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentPhysical" value="6" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2201" article="a" name="dragon necklace"> <attribute key="weight" value="630" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> <attribute key="charges" value="200" /> <attribute key="showcharges" value="1" /> <attribute key="absorbPercentFire" value="8" /> <attribute key="showattributes" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2202" article="caught" name="pokemons"> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="2202" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2165" /> <attribute key="duration" value="999999999999" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="0" /> <attribute key="invisible" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2203" article="a" name="power ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2166" /> <attribute key="skillFist" value="5" /> <attribute key="duration" value="300" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2204" article="an" name="energy ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2167" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1200" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="manashield" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2205" article="a" name="life ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2168" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1200" /> <attribute key="healthGain" value="1" /> <attribute key="healthTicks" value="3000" /> <attribute key="manaGain" value="4" /> <attribute key="manaTicks" value="3000" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2206" article="a" name="time ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2169" /> <attribute key="duration" value="600" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="speed" value="60" /> </item> <item id="2207" article="a" name="sword ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2210" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2208" article="an" name="axe ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2211" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2209" article="a" name="club ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2212" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2210" article="a" name="sword ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2207" /> <attribute key="skillSword" value="4" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1800" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2211" article="an" name="axe ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2208" /> <attribute key="skillAxe" value="4" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1800" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2212" article="a" name="club ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="90" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2209" /> <attribute key="skillClub" value="4" /> <attribute key="duration" value="1800" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2213" article="a" name="dwarven ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="110" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2215" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2214" article="a" name="ring of healing"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="transformEquipTo" value="2216" /> <attribute key="stopduration" value="1" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2215" article="a" name="dwarven ring"> <attribute key="weight" value="110" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="ring" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2213" /> <attribute key="suppressDrunk" value="1" /> <attribute key="duration" value="3600" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2216" article="a" name="ring of healing"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> <attribute key="decayTo" value="0" /> <attribute key="transformDeEquipTo" value="2214" /> <attribute key="duration" value="450" /> <attribute key="healthGain" value="1" /> <attribute key="healthTicks" value="1000" /> <attribute key="manaGain" value="4" /> <attribute key="manaTicks" value="1000" /> <attribute key="showduration" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2217" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item id="2218" article="a" name="paw amulet"> <attribute key="weight" value="1000" /> </item> <item id="2219" article="a" name="USED"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2220" article="a" name="ultra ball"> <attribute key="weight" value="99" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> </item> <item id="2221" article="a" name="ultra ball being used"> <attribute key="weight" value="99" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> </item> <item id="2227" article="a" name="discharged ultra ball"> <attribute key="weight" value="99" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> </item> <item id="2222" article="a" name="pokeball"> <attribute key="weight" value="99" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> </item> <item id="2223" article="a" name="pokeball being used"> <attribute key="weight" value="99" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> </item> <item id="2224" article="a" name="discharged pokeball"> <attribute key="weight" value="99" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="feet" /> </item> <item id="2225" article="a" name="piece of iron" plural="pieces of iron"> <attribute key="weight" value="10" /> </item> <item id="2226" article="a" name="fishbone"> <attribute key="weight" value="70" /> </item> <item id="2228" name="broken pottery"> <attribute key="weight" value="180" /> </item> <item id="2229" article="a" name="skull" plural="skulls"> <attribute key="weight" value="2180" /> </item> <item id="2230" article="a" name="bone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2231" article="a" name="big bone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2232" article="a" name="broken brown glass"> <attribute key="weight" value="250" /> </item> <item id="2233" article="a" name="broken green glass"> <attribute key="weight" value="170" /> </item> <item id="2234" article="a" name="broken sword"> <attribute key="weight" value="3500" /> </item> <item id="2235" article="a" name="moldy cheese"> <attribute key="weight" value="400" /> </item> <item id="2236" article="a" name="torn book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1100" /> </item> <item id="2237" article="a" name="dirty cape"> <attribute key="weight" value="500" /> </item> <item id="2238" name="worn leather boots"> <attribute key="weight" value="400" /> </item> <item id="2239" article="a" name="burnt scroll"> <attribute key="weight" value="40" /> </item> <item id="2240" name="fish remains"> <attribute key="weight" value="110" /> </item> <item id="2241" name="rubbish"> <attribute key="weight" value="50" /> </item> <item fromid="2242" toid="2243" name="rubbish"> <attribute key="weight" value="60" /> </item> <item id="2244" name="leaves"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> </item> <item id="2245" name="twigs"> <attribute key="weight" value="80" /> </item> <item id="2246" name="burnt down firewood"> <attribute key="weight" value="420" /> </item> <item fromid="2247" toid="2248" article="a" name="skull" /> <item id="2249" name="smoke" /> <item fromid="2250" toid="2255" name="wooden trash"> <attribute key="weight" value="100" /> </item> <item fromid="2256" toid="2257" name="stone rubbish"> <attribute key="weight" value="3000" /> </item> <item id="2258" name="golden trash"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="2259" name="stone rubbish"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> </item> <item id="2260" article="a" name="blank rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2261" article="a" name="destroy field rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adito grav" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2262" article="a" name="energy bomb rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo mas vis" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="2" /> </item> <item fromid="2263" toid="2264" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2265" article="a" name="intense healing rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adura gran" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2266" article="a" name="antidote rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adana pox" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2267" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2268" article="a" name="sudden death rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori gran mort" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2269" article="a" name="Revive"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="Reviva seus pokemons mortos." /> </item> <item id="2270" article="an" name="Ultra potion"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="Uma grande pocao que cura um total de 18000 health points." /> </item> <item id="2271" article="a" name="mega potion"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A tropical drink stored in spray bottles, heals an amount of 5000 health points." /> </item> <item id="2274" article="a" name="super potion" plural="super potions"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A tropical drink stored in spray bottles, heals an amount of 2200 health points." /> </item> <item id="2273" article="a" name="non used"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2272" article="a" name="potion"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A tropical drink stored in spray bottles, heals an amount of 850 health points." /> </item> <item id="2275" article="a" name="hyper potion"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A tropical drink stored in spray bottles, heals an amount of 14000 health points." /> </item> <item id="2276" article="a" name="Leaf Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2277" article="a" name="Water Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2278" article="a" name="Venom Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2279" article="a" name="Thunder Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2280" article="a" name="Rock Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2281" article="a" name="Punch Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2282" article="a" name="bullshit"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> </item> <item id="2283" article="a" name="Fire Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2284" article="a" name="Coccon Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2285" article="a" name="Crystal Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2286" article="a" name="Darkness Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2287" article="an" name="Earth Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2288" article="an" name="Enigma Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2289" article="a" name="Heart Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2290" article="an" name="Ice Stone"> <attribute key="weight" value="0" /> <attribute key="description" value="A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve." /> </item> <item id="2291" article="a" name="chameleon rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo ina" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2292" article="a" name="stalagmite rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori tera" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="10" /> </item> <item id="2293" article="a" name="magic wall rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo grav tera" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2294" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2295" article="a" name="holy missile rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori san" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="5" /> </item> <item fromid="2296" toid="2300" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2301" article="a" name="fire field rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo grav flam" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2302" article="a" name="fireball rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori flam" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="5" /> </item> <item id="2303" article="a" name="fire wall rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo mas grav flam" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="4" /> </item> <item id="2304" article="a" name="great fireball rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori mas flam" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="4" /> </item> <item id="2305" article="a" name="dark purple model"> </item> <item fromid="2306" toid="2307" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2308" article="a" name="soulfire rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo res flam" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2309" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2310" article="a" name="desintegrate rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adito tera" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="3" /> </item> <item id="2311" article="a" name="heavy magic missile rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori vis" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="10" /> </item> <item id="2312" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2313" article="an" name="explosion rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adevo mas hur" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="6" /> </item> <item id="2314" article="a" name="spell rune"> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> </item> <item id="2315" article="a" name="thunderstorm rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adori mas vis" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="4" /> </item> <item id="2316" article="an" name="animate dead rune"> <attribute key="runeSpellName" value="adana mort" /> <attribute key="weight" value="120" /> <attribute key="charges" value="1" /> </item> <item id="2317" article="a" name="dead human" /> <item id="2318" article="a" name="brooch"> <attribute key="weight" value="101" /> </item> <item id="2319" article="a" name="strange symbol"> <attribute key="weight" value="200" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="necklace" /> </item> <item id="2320" article="a" name="skull" plural="skulls"> <attribute key="weight" value="2180" /> </item> <item id="2321" article="a" name="giant smithhammer"> <attribute key="description" value="This cyclopean hammer seems to be an awesome smithing tool." /> <attribute key="weight" value="6800" /> <attribute key="defense" value="14" /> <attribute key="attack" value="24" /> <attribute key="weaponType" value="club" /> </item> <item id="2322" article="a" name="voodoo doll"> <attribute key="description" value="It looks like a little king." /> <attribute key="weight" value="650" /> </item> <item id="2323" article="a" name="hat of the mad"> <attribute key="description" value="You have a vague feeling that it looks somewhat silly." /> <attribute key="weight" value="700" /> <attribute key="armor" value="3" /> <attribute key="magiclevelpoints" value="1" /> <attribute key="slotType" value="head" /> </item> <item id="2324" article="a" name="broom"> <attribute key="weight" value="1100" /> </item> <item id="2325" article="a" name="book"> <attribute key="weight" value="1300" /> </item> <item id="2326" article="an" name="annihilation bear"> <attribute key="description" value="I braved the Annihilator and all I got is this lousy teddy bear." /> <attribute key="weight" value="4300" /> </item> <item id="2327" article="an" name="ankh"> <attribute key="weight" value="300" /> </item> <item id="2328" article="a" name="phoenix egg" plural="phoenix eggs"> <attribute key="weight" value="30" /> </item> <item id="2329" article="a" name="document"> <attribute key="weight" value="105" /> </item> <item id="2330" article="a" name="bag"> <attribute key="weight" value="800" /> </item> <item id="2331" article="a" name="present"> <attribute key="weight" value="600" /> </item> <item id="2332" article="a" name="post horn"> <attribute key="description" value="It's property of the Postmaster's Guild and only rewarded to loyal members." /> <attribute key="weight" value="1500" /> </item> <item id="2333" article="a" name="stamped letter"> <attribute key="weight" value="50" /> </item> <item id="2334" article="a" name="mailbox"> <attribute key="description" value="Royal Tibia Mail." /> <attribute key="type" value="mailbox" /> </item> (Cortei uma parte porque não deu pra por tudo)
  13. tem como me passar seu ot? para eu dar uma editada?
  14. cadu12299


    Galera to com um problema aki talvez seja bem facil de resolver, tipo quero mudar o nome do meu client quando abre fica com o nome tibia, como eu mudo (ja baixei o hex Edidor Neo)
  15. cadu12299


    ae galera to com um problema no meu site tipo eu baixei um serve de wodbo já com site mas quando eu ligo o serve no site fica falando que esta off sera que alguém pode ajudar. aki o do site:
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