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Sobre RaafaFarhat


  • Char no Tibia
    Farhat Knight
  • Forma que conheci o xTibia
  • Sou

RaafaFarhat's Achievements

  1. O sistema funciona corretamente, mas tem um problema com o meu server! Um pokemom quando ataca o outro, nao tira vida do outro nem o contrario! O maximo é tirar vida do dono do poke! Se souberem como arrumar!
  2. Ela funciona certinho, transforma o poke em shiny, as o problema, é que quando voce chama ele de volta para a poke, ele volta com pokemon normal, e nao o shiny, então fica como se fosse uma shiny stone "instantanea" se tiver como ajudar!
  3. RaafaFarhat

    Fly Bug!

    Alguém ae porque está dando o seguinte erro? [Error - MoveEvents Interface] data/movements/scripts/fly.lua:onStepIn Description: data/movements/scripts/fly.lua:37: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil) stack traceback: [C]: in function 'pairs' data/movements/scripts/fly.lua:37: in function <data/movements/scripts/fly.lua:23> Meu fly é o seguinte! ---Script by mock the bear function doCopyItem(item,pos) for i=1,6 do pos.z = pos.z+1 if hasSqm(pos) and getSqmId(pos).itemid ~= 10217 then local i = doCreateItem(item.itemid,item.type,pos) if item.actionid ~= 0 then doSetItemActionid(i,item.actionid) end doSendMagicEffect(pos,9) return i else local p2 = {x=pos.x+1,y=pos.y+1,z=pos.z} doSendDistanceShoot(pos,p2,40) doSendMagicEffect(pos,2) end end end function onAddItem(item,pos,k) doCopyItem(item,k) doRemoveItem(item.uid,item.type == 0 and 1 or item.type) end function onStepIn(cid, item, position, fromPosition) local dir = { [30004] = {0,6,7}, [30007] = {7,0,6,1,5}, [30008] = {1,5,7}, [30009] = {5,4,2,1,7}, [30006] = {2,5,4}, [30003] = {4,3,6,2,5}, [30002] = {3,4,6}, [30001] = {6,0,7,3,4}, } if isPlayer(cid) then local chkps = {x=position.x,y=position.y,z=position.z} local ig = false for i,b in pairs(dir[item.actionid]) do local nw = getPosByDir(chkps,b) local g = getTileThingByPos(nw) if hasSqm3(nw) or g.itemid == CONST_FLYVOID or nw.x < 35 or nw.y < 35 then ig = true break end end if not ig then deletarEmVolta(fromPosition) gerarEmVolta(getCreaturePosition(cid)) else doTeleportThing(cid,fromPosition,false) doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,27, "Sorry, you cannot fly here.") end end end function onStepOut(cid, item, position, fromPosition,q) addEvent(function(pos) if fly.checkAround(pos) then deletarEmVolta(pos) end end,10000,position) end
  4. O meu boatsystem.xml está com problema! toda vez que ligo o server da esse erro [23/10/2011 14:43:23] >> Loading mods... [23/10/2011 14:43:23] > Loading boatsystem.xml...[Error - ScriptingManager::loadFromXml] Cannot load mod mods/boatsystem.xml [23/10/2011 14:43:23] Line: 1, Info: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document E o meu boatsystem está assim <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mod name="BoatSystem" author="MatheusMkalo" forum="" enabled="yes"> <config name="BoatSystemLib"><![CDATA[ mydirs= { [1] = {type = 1, ids = {3587, 3590, 3591}, xy = {0, -1}}, [2] = {type = 2, ids = {3592, 3595, 3596}, xy = {1, 0}}, [3] = {type = 1, ids = {3587, 3590, 3591}, xy = {0, 1}}, [4] = {type = 2, ids = {3592, 3595, 3596}, xy = {-1, 0}} } allids = {3587, 3590, 3591, 3592, 3595, 3596} function newEndb(endb, dir) local xx = endb.x local yy = endb.y for i = 1, #dir do xx = xx+mydirs[dir[i]].xy[1] yy = yy+mydirs[dir[i]].xy[2] end return {x=xx, y=yy, z=endb.z} end function doMoveBoat(post, dir, cid) local newboat = {} for i,s in ipairs(post) do local backu = getThingPos(s) doRemoveItem(s, 1) doCreateItem(mydirs[dir].ids[i], 1, {x=backu.x+mydirs[dir].xy[1], y=backu.y+mydirs[dir].xy[2], z=backu.z}) table.insert(newboat, getThingFromPos({x=backu.x+mydirs[dir].xy[1], y=backu.y+mydirs[dir].xy[2], z=backu.z, stackpos=1}).uid) end if mydirs[dir].type ~= post.type and mydirs[dir].type == 1 then doCreateItem(getThing(newboat[1]).itemid, 1, {x=getThingPos(newboat[1]).x+1, y=getThingPos(newboat[1]).y-1, z=getThingPos(newboat[1]).z}) doRemoveItem(newboat[1], 1) doCreateItem(getThing(newboat[3]).itemid, 1, {x=getThingPos(newboat[3]).x-1, y=getThingPos(newboat[3]).y+1, z=getThingPos(newboat[3]).z}) doRemoveItem(newboat[3], 1) elseif mydirs[dir].type ~= post.type and mydirs[dir].type == 2 then doCreateItem(getThing(newboat[1]).itemid, 1, {x=getThingPos(newboat[1]).x-1, y=getThingPos(newboat[1]).y+1, z=getThingPos(newboat[1]).z}) doRemoveItem(newboat[1], 1) doCreateItem(getThing(newboat[3]).itemid, 1, {x=getThingPos(newboat[3]).x+1, y=getThingPos(newboat[3]).y-1, z=getThingPos(newboat[3]).z}) doRemoveItem(newboat[3], 1) end if cid then doTeleportThing(cid, {x=getCreaturePosition(cid).x+mydirs[dir].xy[1], y=getCreaturePosition(cid).y+mydirs[dir].xy[2], z=getCreaturePosition(cid).z}, false) end end function getPosBoat(cid, pos) local pcid = not pos and getCreaturePosition(cid) or pos local check = getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x, y=pcid.y, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).itemid == mydirs[1].ids[2] and 1 or 2 if check == 1 then return {getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x, y=pcid.y-1, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).uid, getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x, y=pcid.y, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).uid, getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x, y=pcid.y+1, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).uid, type = check} elseif check == 2 then return {getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x-1, y=pcid.y, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).uid, getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x, y=pcid.y, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).uid, getThingFromPos({x=pcid.x+1, y=pcid.y, z=pcid.z, stackpos=1}).uid, type = check} end return false end function reverse(t) local result = {} for i = #t, 1, -1 do table.insert(result, t[i] == 1 and 3 or t[i] == 2 and 4 or t[i] == 3 and 1 or t[i] == 4 and 2) end return result end ]]></config> <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="6616" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib("BoatSystemLib") local t = {4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,44,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,44,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,44,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,44,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,44,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,3,3,3} local postart = {x=1054, y=1319, z=7, stackpos=1} local posback = {x=662, y=1286, z=7, stackpos=1} local delay = 350 if toPosition.x == posback.x and toPosition.y == posback.y then doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, true) for i = 1, #reverse(t) do addEvent(function() doMoveBoat(getPosBoat(cid), reverse(t)[i], cid) end, i*delay) end addEvent(doCreatureSetNoMove, delay*#reverse(t)+100, cid, false) addEvent(function() doItemSetAttribute(getThingFromPos(postart).uid, "aid", 6616) end, delay*#t+100) elseif toPosition.x == postart.x and toPosition.y == postart.y then doCreatureSetNoMove(cid, true) for i = 1, #t do addEvent(function() doMoveBoat(getPosBoat(cid), t[i], cid) end, i*delay) end addEvent(doCreatureSetNoMove, delay*#t+100, cid, false) addEvent(function() doItemSetAttribute(getThingFromPos(posback).uid, "aid", 6616) end, delay*#t+100) end ]]></movevent> <movevent type="StepIn" actionid="6617" event="script"><![CDATA[ domodlib("BoatSystemLib") if not isInArray(allids, getThingFromPos({x=toPosition.x, y=toPosition.y, z=toPosition.z, stackpos=1}).itemid) then doTeleportThing(cid, fromPosition, false) end ]]></movevent> </mod> Se puderem me ajudar!
  5. haah :X local combat = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, POISONDAMAGE) setCombatParam(combat, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 114) local area = createCombatArea(AREA_CIRCLE2X2) setCombatArea(combat, area) function onCastSpell(cid, var) doCreatureSay(cid, "POISON GAS!", TALKTYPE_MONSTER) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 3) >= 1 then doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "MISS", 215) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 3, -1) return true end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 5) >= 1 then if math.random(1,100) <= 33 then doSendAnimatedText(getThingPos(cid), "SELF HIT", 180) if isPlayer(getCreatureTarget(cid)) then huah = getPlayerLevel(getCreatureTarget(cid)) else huah = getPlayerLevel(getCreatureMaster(getCreatureTarget(cid))) end local levels = huah doTargetCombatHealth(getCreatureTarget(cid), cid, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, -(math.random((levels*3),(levels*5))), -((math.random((levels*3),(levels*5))+10)), 3) return true end end local function gas(params) if isCreature(params.cid) then doAreaCombatHealth(cid, POISONDAMAGE, getThingPos(cid), area, -(params.x), -(params.y), 114) end end if getCreatureName(cid) == "Articuno" then min = 5 elseif getCreatureName(cid) == "Vileplume" then min = 85 elseif getCreatureName(cid) == "Gloom" then min = 25 elseif getCreatureName(cid) == "Koffing" then min = 10 elseif getCreatureName(cid) == "Weezing" then min = 55 end local x = min local y = x + 10 addEvent(gas, 000, {cid = cid, x = x, y = y}) addEvent(gas, 500, {cid = cid, x = x, y = y}) addEvent(gas, 1000, {cid = cid, x = x, y = y}) addEvent(gas, 1500, {cid = cid, x = x, y = y}) addEvent(gas, 2200, {cid = cid, x = x, y = y}) addEvent(gas, 2700, {cid = cid, x = x, y = y}) addEvent(gas, 3200, {cid = cid, x = x, y = y}) addEvent(gas, 3900, {cid = cid, x = x, y = y}) addEvent(gas, 4400, {cid = cid, x = x, y = y}) addEvent(gas, 4900, {cid = cid, x = x, y = y}) end
  6. Alguém ae tem o sistema de pvp do pokemon? Estava tentando mexer aqui, mas nao deu certo...
  7. RaafaFarhat

    Pc System

    Álguém ae tem o sistema de pc?
  8. RaafaFarhat

    Tv System

    Queria pedir o script do Tv System, se alguém tiver, poderia me passar? por favor?
  9. Olá, tudo bom? Meu problema é que, abro o server pelo the forgotten server normal, e toda vez que alguém usa o ataque Poison Gas, normalmente da Vileplume, aparece esse erro no The forgetten Description: [23/10/2011 00:24:43] data/spells/scripts/poke/poison gas.lua:45: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'x' (a nil value) [23/10/2011 00:24:43] stack traceback: [23/10/2011 00:24:43] data/spells/scripts/poke/poison gas.lua:45: in function <data/spells/scripts/poke/poison gas.lua:8> Se alguem souber o motivo ou como arrumar, poderia me informar? Obrigado desde já!
  10. Eu queria saber onde que ficam as quests das boxes! Só ahcie a da 4, que fica no subsolo de lavender! O resto não achei! Se puderem ajudar! Mapa Pokemon Dash
  11. RaafaFarhat


    Tipo do script: data/world/spwan.xml Protocolo (versão do Tibia): 8.54 Servidor utilizado: Pokemon Dash edited (Notle x Map) Nível de experiência: Amador Adicionais/Informações: Quando vou abrir meu ot dá erro de loading dos spawn de praticamente 90% dos pokemons que já estão no mapa! Deve ser porque eu troquei o mapa do dash pelo do notle X, mas não tenho o spaw do notle X! Se alguém puder me enviar, serei grato!
  12. Olhe como está minha config.lua E como etão os arquivos de house e spaw spaw = house = e o arquivo do mapa = Se puder me ajudar! Ah, e onde que fica rep + mesmo? sempre esqueço!
  13. Obrigado a todos! Deu certo! Agora deu outro erro com o carregamento do mapa! Já tentei de tudo, e sempre dá no mesmo erro! Tive que mudar a posição pelo sql do acc mang. mesmo!
  14. Obrigado, vou tentar fazer isso! Ah, e o erro "Temple position is wrong. Contact with the administration." Sabe qual é? ;(
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