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Sobre 929394


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929394's Achievements

  1. 929394

    Mapa Poketibia

    eu uso internet compartilhada mano , abrir poketibia somente pelo hamachi e ninguem entra assim , eu queria msm o mapa com as sprites ou um pacote de sprites só pra mim arrumar melhor e disponibilizar para vocês , eu tenho muitas sprites que concerteza iria mudar muito esse mapa eu até começaria um desde o inicio mais ja demorei 2 dias para fazer 10 sprites e é muito demorado , se eu pegar feita e só melhorar é bem melhor desculpa
  2. 929394

    Mapa Poketibia

    Eu queria um mapa de poketibia que nao estou achando ele tem sistema de boost completo tem novo pokes como (treecko , grovyle, sceptile, torchic, bagon ,mudkip e muitos novos pokes , axo q todos da 4 geração , eu gostaria que alguem me passasse se alguem quer ver como é ele é igual o do ot Tormenta e Pkgteam (procure no Otservlist) Porfavor alguem me passa esse maaapa Nao sei se to na area certa mais qualquer coisa me move ai porfavor Obrigado!
  3. nao é cansativo não pq minhas falas são poucas mais o scripts nao é necessario ler só copiar e colar na pasta
  4. Bom Primeiramente vou falar que esse é meu primeiro topico. entao vou começar Estou aqui hoje para ajudar você a fazer um npc de addons 8.6 Com warmaster e Wayfarer Podendo Serem feitos no Npc E um Npc (bulma) Que venderia os itens para seu addon ( nao sendo necessario fikar em hunts de monstros para fazer seu addon) Primeiramente vamos começar fazendo a npc Bulma Abra A Pasta de seu OT e Vá em Data/npc copie e cole qualquer arquivo XML E renomeie como Bulma agora Abra-o E apague tudo que tiver dentro e coloque isso: que está em vermelho <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <npc name="Bulma" script="data/npc/scripts/default.lua" walkinterval="2000" floorchange="0"> <health now="100" max="100"/> <look type="139" head="113" body="57" legs="95" feet="113" addons="3"/> <parameters> <parameter key="module_shop" value="1"/> <parameter key="message_greet" value="Oi |PLAYERNAME|, Eu posso vender alguns items necessarios para seus addons, diga-me {trade} para ver o que eu posso lhe vender."/> <parameter key="shop_buyable" value="banana staff,3966,5000;tribal mask,3967,5000;mandrake,5015,5000000;voodoo doll,3955,1000000;simon the beggar's favorite staff,6107,190000;heaven blossom,,2743,70000;nose ring,5804,4500000;brutus bloodbeard's hat,6099,1000000;lethal lissy's shirt,6100,1000000;deadeye devious' eye patch,6102,1000000;ron the ripper's sabre,6101,1000000;eye patch,6098,4000;peg legs,6126,4000;hook,6097,4000;mermaid comb,5945,3500000;ring of the sky,2123,1900000;ceiron's wolf tooth chain,5940,150000;waterhose,5839,150000;warrior's sweat,5885,150000;fighting spirit,5884,150000;soul stone,5809,5000000;sniper gloves,5875,150000;white piece of cloth,5909,5000;elane's crossbow,5947,800000;legion helmet,2480,5000;green piece of cloth,5910,5000;red piece of cloth,5911,5000;blue piece of cloth,5912,5000;brown piece of cloth,5913,5000;yellow piece of cloth,5914,5000;lizard leather,5876,4000;green dragon leather,5877,5000;minotaur leather,5878,6000;giant spider silk,5879,20000;iron ore,5880,7000;lizard scale,5881,5000;red dragon scale,5882,5000;ape fur,5883,5000;chicken feather,5890,90000;perfect behemoth fang,5893,8000;bat wing,5894,2000;fish fin,5895,6000;bear paw,5896,4000;wolf paw,5897,4000;beholder eye,5898,5000;turtle shell,5899,5000;dwarven beard,5900,50000;honeycomb,5902,5000;vampire dust,5905,10000;demon dust,6550,10000;heaven blosson,5921,5000;holy orchid,5922,6000;winning lottery ticket,5958,2000000;behemoth claw,5930,25000;demonic essence,6500,7000; dworc voodoo doll,5810,5000;vampiric crest,9955,1000000;shard,7290,1000;red dragon leather,5948,1000;waterhose,5938,1000000;hardened bone,5925,1000;blessed wooden stake,5942,10000;enchanted chicken wing,5891,15000;piece of royal stell,5887,50000;piece of draconian stell,5889,50000;piece of hell stell,5888,50000;ankh,2193,5000;dragon claw,5919,10000000;damaged steel helmet,5924,2000000;ferumbras' hat,5903,50000000;spool of yarn,5886,1000000;huge chunk of crude iron,5892,450000"/> </parameters> </npc> agora entendendo o script : <npc name="Bulma" < é o nome do npc se kiser mudar e colocar tpw (addon itens seller) Tanto faz a escolha é sua script="data/npc/scripts/default.lua" < é aonde o script (que irei passa daqui a pouco será colocado) <parameter key="message_greet" value="Oi |PLAYERNAME|, Eu posso vender alguns items necessarios para seus addons, diga-me {trade} para ver o que eu posso lhe vender."/> < é o que o npc vai falar quando vc dizer Hi <parameter key="shop_buyable" isso é tudo o que o npc irá vender após ter feito isso salve e abra a pasta data/ npc/ scripts copie e cole algum arquivo .lua e renomeie para default.lua e abra usando o bloco de notas , novamente apague tudo que estiver dentro e cole isto:(que está em azul) local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) SALVE! , E PRONTO SUA NPC BULMA ESTÁ PRONTA! Agora Vamos Criar o Npc Varkhal Abra A pasta de seu ot novamente abra data/npc lá copie e cole qualquer arquivo XML renomeie para Varkhal apague tudo que estiver dentro e cole isso : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <npc name="Varkhal" script="addon.lua" walkinterval="2000" floorchange="0"> <health now="100" max="100"/> <look type="134" head="78" body="88" legs="0" feet="88" addons="3"/> </npc> Entendendo : <npc name="Varkhal" < nome do npc (pode ser alterado) script="addon.lua" < aonde ficará o script (que postarei após terminar esse ) <look type="134" < e Look Type é o addon que o npc usará é possivel trocar sim , eu faço assim entro em meu ot com a conta do GOD E fiko Apertando /newtype 1 , /newtype 2 , /newtype 50 e assim vai e quando você se decidir que gostou do seu e quer por no seu npc é só trocar o numero do newtype pelo look type no script E depois salve o script Abra A pasta novamente Data/Npc/Script copie e cole qualquer um arquivo .LUA E renomeie Para addon.lua apague tudo que estiver dentro e cole: local keywordHandler = KeywordHandler:new() local npcHandler = NpcHandler:new(keywordHandler) NpcSystem.parseParameters(npcHandler) function onCreatureAppear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureAppear(cid) end function onCreatureDisappear(cid) npcHandler:onCreatureDisappear(cid) end function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) npcHandler:onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg) end function onThink() npcHandler:onThink() end npcHandler:setMessage(MESSAGE_GREET, "Greetings |PLAYERNAME|. Will you help me? If you do, I'll reward you with nice addons! Just say {addons} or {help} if you don't know what to do.") function playerBuyAddonNPC(cid, message, keywords, parameters, node) if(not npcHandler:isFocused(cid)) then return false end if (parameters.confirm ~= true) and (parameters.decline ~= true) then if(getPlayerPremiumDays(cid) == 1) and (parameters.premium == true) then npcHandler:say('Sorry, but this addon is only for vip players!', cid) npcHandler:resetNpc() return true end if (getPlayerStorageValue(cid, parameters.storageID) ~= -1) then npcHandler:say('You already have this addon!', cid) npcHandler:resetNpc() return true end local itemsTable = parameters.items local items_list = '' if table.maxn(itemsTable) > 0 then for i = 1, table.maxn(itemsTable) do local item = itemsTable items_list = items_list .. item[2] .. ' ' .. getItemNameById(item[1]) if i ~= table.maxn(itemsTable) then items_list = items_list .. ', ' end end end local text = '' if (parameters.cost > 0) and table.maxn(parameters.items) then text = items_list .. ' and ' .. parameters.cost .. ' gp' elseif (parameters.cost > 0) then text = parameters.cost .. ' gp' elseif table.maxn(parameters.items) then text = items_list end npcHandler:say('Did you bring me ' .. text .. ' for ' .. keywords[1] .. '?', cid) return true elseif (parameters.confirm == true) then local addonNode = node:getParent() local addoninfo = addonNode:getParameters() local items_number = 0 if table.maxn(addoninfo.items) > 0 then for i = 1, table.maxn(addoninfo.items) do local item = addoninfo.items if (getPlayerItemCount(cid,item[1]) >= item[2]) then items_number = items_number + 1 end end end if(getPlayerMoney(cid) >= addoninfo.cost) and (items_number == table.maxn(addoninfo.items)) then doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, addoninfo.cost) if table.maxn(addoninfo.items) > 0 then for i = 1, table.maxn(addoninfo.items) do local item = addoninfo.items doPlayerRemoveItem(cid,item[1],item[2]) end end doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, addoninfo.outfit_male, addoninfo.addon) doPlayerAddOutfit(cid, addoninfo.outfit_female, addoninfo.addon) setPlayerStorageValue(cid,addoninfo.storageID,1) npcHandler:say('Here you are.', cid) else npcHandler:say('You do not have needed items or cash!', cid) end npcHandler:resetNpc() return true elseif (parameters.decline == true) then npcHandler:say('Not interested? Maybe other addon?', cid) npcHandler:resetNpc() return true end return false end local noNode = KeywordNode:new({'no'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {decline = true}) local yesNode = KeywordNode:new({'yes'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {confirm = true}) -- citizen (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first citizen addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5878,100}}, outfit_female = 136, outfit_male = 128, addon = 1, storageID = 10001}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second citizen addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5890,100}, {5902,50}, {2480,1}}, outfit_female = 136, outfit_male = 128, addon = 2, storageID = 10002}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- hunter (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first hunter addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5947,1}, {5876,100}, {5948,100}, {5891,5}, {5887,1}, {5889,1}, {5888,1}}, outfit_female = 137, outfit_male = 129, addon = 1, storageID = 10003}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second hunter addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5875,1}}, outfit_female = 137, outfit_male = 129, addon = 2, storageID = 10004}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- knight (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first knight addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5880,100}, {5892,1}}, outfit_female = 139, outfit_male = 131, addon = 1, storageID = 10005}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second knight addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5893,100}, {5924,1}, {5885,1}, {5887,1}}, outfit_female = 139, outfit_male = 131, addon = 2, storageID = 10006}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- mage (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first mage addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{2182,1}, {2186,1}, {2185,1}, {8911,1}, {2181,1}, {2183,1}, {2190,1}, {2191,1}, {2188,1}, {8921,1}, {2189,1}, {2187,1}, {2392,30}, {5809,1}, {2193,20}}, outfit_female = 138, outfit_male = 130, addon = 1, storageID = 10007}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second mage addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5903,1}}, outfit_female = 138, outfit_male = 130, addon = 2, storageID = 10008}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- summoner (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first summoner addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5958,1}}, outfit_female = 141, outfit_male = 133, addon = 1, storageID = 10009}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second summoner addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5894,70}, {5911,20}, {5883,40}, {5922,35}, {5879,10}, {5881,60}, {5882,40}, {2392,3}, {5905,30}}, outfit_female = 141, outfit_male = 133, addon = 2, storageID = 10010}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- barbarian (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first barbarian addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5884,1}, {5885,1}, {5910,50}, {5911,50}, {5886,10}}, outfit_female = 147, outfit_male = 143, addon = 1, storageID = 10011}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second barbarian addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5880,100}, {5892,1}, {5893,50}, {5876,50}}, outfit_female = 147, outfit_male = 143, addon = 2, storageID = 10012}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- druid (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first druid addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5896,50}, {5897,50}}, outfit_female = 148, outfit_male = 144, addon = 1, storageID = 10013}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second druid addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{6550,100}, {5938,1}, {5940,1}}, outfit_female = 148, outfit_male = 144, addon = 2, storageID = 10014}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- nobleman (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first nobleman addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 1500000, items = {}, outfit_female = 140, outfit_male = 132, addon = 1, storageID = 10015}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second nobleman addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 1500000, items = {}, outfit_female = 140, outfit_male = 132, addon = 2, storageID = 10016}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- oriental (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first oriental addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5945,1}}, outfit_female = 150, outfit_male = 146, addon = 1, storageID = 10017}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second oriental addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5883,100}, {5895,100}, {5891,2}, {5912,100}}, outfit_female = 150, outfit_male = 146, addon = 2, storageID = 10018}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- warrior (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first warrior addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5925,100}, {5899,100}, {5884,1}, {5919,1}}, outfit_female = 142, outfit_male = 134, addon = 1, storageID = 10019}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second warrior addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5880,100}, {5887,1}}, outfit_female = 142, outfit_male = 134, addon = 2, storageID = 10020}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- wizard (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first wizard addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{2536,1}, {2492,1}, {2488,1}, {2123,1}}, outfit_female = 149, outfit_male = 145, addon = 1, storageID = 10021}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second wizard addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5922,50}}, outfit_female = 149, outfit_male = 145, addon = 2, storageID = 10022}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- assassin (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first assassin addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5912,50}, {5910,50}, {5911,50}, {5913,50}, {5914,50}, {5909,50}, {5886,10}}, outfit_female = 156, outfit_male = 152, addon = 1, storageID = 10023}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second assassin addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5804,1}, {5930,10}}, outfit_female = 156, outfit_male = 152, addon = 2, storageID = 10024}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- beggar (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first beggar addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5878,50}, {5921,30}, {5913,20}, {5894,10}}, outfit_female = 157, outfit_male = 153, addon = 1, storageID = 10025}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second beggar addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5883,100}, {2160,2}, {6107,1}}, outfit_female = 157, outfit_male = 153, addon = 2, storageID = 10026}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- pirate (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first pirate addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{6098,100}, {6126,100}, {6097,100}}, outfit_female = 155, outfit_male = 151, addon = 1, storageID = 10027}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second pirate addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{6101,1}, {6102,1}, {6100,1}, {6099,1}}, outfit_female = 155, outfit_male = 151, addon = 2, storageID = 10028}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- shaman (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first shaman addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5810,5}, {3955,5}, {5015,1}}, outfit_female = 158, outfit_male = 154, addon = 1, storageID = 10029}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second shaman addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{3966,5}, {3967,5}}, outfit_female = 158, outfit_male = 154, addon = 2, storageID = 10030}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- norseman (done) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first norseman addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{7290,5}}, outfit_female = 252, outfit_male = 251, addon = 1, storageID = 10031}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second norseman addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{7290,10}}, outfit_female = 252, outfit_male = 251, addon = 2, storageID = 10032}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- jester (done)(custom) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first jester addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5912,50}, {5913,50}, {5914,50}, {5909,50}}, outfit_female = 270, outfit_male = 273, addon = 1, storageID = 10033}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second jester addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5912,50}, {5910,50}, {5911,50}, {5912,50}}, outfit_female = 270, outfit_male = 273, addon = 2, storageID = 10034}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- demonhunter (done)(custom) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first demonhunter addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{5905,30}, {6550,40}, {5954,50}, {6500,50}, {2151,100}}, outfit_female = 288, outfit_male = 289, addon = 1, storageID = 10035}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second demonhunter addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{6550,50}, {6500,200}, {2151,100}}, outfit_female = 288, outfit_male = 289, addon = 2, storageID = 10036}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- nightmare (done)(custom) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first nightmare addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{6500,1500}}, outfit_female = 269, outfit_male = 268, addon = 1, storageID = 10037}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second nightmare addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{6500,1500}}, outfit_female = 269, outfit_male = 268, addon = 2, storageID = 10038}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- brotherhood (done)(custom) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first brotherhood addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{6500,1500}}, outfit_female = 279, outfit_male = 278, addon = 1, storageID = 10039}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second brotherhood addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{6500,1500}}, outfit_female = 279, outfit_male = 278, addon = 2, storageID = 10040}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- yalaharian (done)(custom) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first yalaharian addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{9955,1}}, outfit_female = 324, outfit_male = 325, addon = 1, storageID = 10041}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second yalaharian addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{9955,1}}, outfit_female = 324, outfit_male = 325, addon = 2, storageID = 10041}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- wayfarer (done)(custom) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first wayfarer addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{9955,2}}, outfit_female = 367, outfit_male = 366, addon = 1, storageID = 10047}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second wayfarer addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{9955,2}}, outfit_female = 367, outfit_male = 366, addon = 2, storageID = 10048}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) -- warmaster (done)(custom) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'first warmaster addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{9955,1}}, outfit_female = 336, outfit_male = 335, addon = 1, storageID = 10047}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) local outfit_node = keywordHandler:addKeyword({'second warmaster addon'}, playerBuyAddonNPC, {premium = false, cost = 0, items = {{9955,1}}, outfit_female = 336, outfit_male = 335, addon = 2, storageID = 10048}) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(yesNode) outfit_node:addChildKeywordNode(noNode) keywordHandler:addKeyword({'addons'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'I can give you citizen, hunter, knight, mage, nobleman, summoner, warrior, barbarian, druid, wizard, oriental, pirate, assassin, beggar, shaman, norseman, nighmare, jester, yalaharian, brotherhood, warmaster and wayfarer addons.'}) keywordHandler:addKeyword({'help'}, StdModule.say, {npcHandler = npcHandler, onlyFocus = true, text = 'To buy the first addon say \'first NAME addon\', for the second addon say \'second NAME addon\'.'}) npcHandler:addModule(FocusModule:new()) PRONTO AGORA SEU NPC DE ADDONS ESTÁ PRONTO E SEU NPC DE VENDER ITENS TAMBÉM!! AGORA PARA TERMINAR ABRA SEU MAP EDITOR VÁ EM FILE/IMPORT/IMPORT MONSTER/NPC PROCURE OS NPCS NA PASTA DATA/NPC E DÊ OK ABRA O SEU CREATURE PALLETE Vá EM NPC E PROCURE SEUS NOMES E COLOQUE AONDE QUISER EM SEU MAPA DICA: SE APARECER QUANDO FOR CRIAR UMA PASTA QUE EU FALEI E JA EXISTIR ESSE NOME EXCLUA A PASTA ANTIGA Obrigado , Desculpa se exagerei muito
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