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Sobre danfel


  • Char no Tibia
  • Forma que conheci o xTibia
  • Sou

danfel's Achievements

  1. bom dia,tarde ou noite...(tfs 0.3.6)(não encontrei na opção) é o seguinte, eu estou criando um ot de tibia e coloquei yalahari quest nele, porém ela se encontra com um bug, o único bug que tem, é que depois que o azerus morre ele nasci um teleporte, até certo, a gente entra nele e tudo, mas depois esse teleporte que ele deixa no chão ele fica para sempre, não some de jeito nenhum. alguém poderia me ajudar e se caso meu tópico estar no lugar errado, peço que me ajudem direcionar para o certo, pois primeira vez que posto aqui.... obrigado a todos.
  2. iae galera, tudo bom com vocês....

    estou criando um ot de nto, mas tenho umas coisas que quero mudar e não consigo, alguém poderia me ajudar


    1º quando eu crio uma vocação, ela começa com um bicho, e não com o script do personagem de lvl 1( mas quando eu pego o lvl da próxima transformação e falo "transformar" ai fica tudo normal.


    2º queria saber se alguém tem um sistema que cada vez que eu me transformo, meu life, mana, atack,jutsu, ficam mais forte, e se eu reverter, volta ao normal

    quem poder ajudar obrigado.

  3. sistema d preço nas ball
  4. na minha pokedex sistema nao tem \/ stt = stt.."\nRequired level: ".. getPokemonLevel(item2.uid) .."\n") entao vou deixa aki uma nova para vc edita para min local skills = specialabilities function doAddPokemonInDexList(cid, poke) if getPlayerInfoAboutPokemon(cid, poke).dex then return true end local a = newpokedex[poke] local b = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, setPlayerStorageValue(cid,, b.." dex,") end function getPokemonEvolutionDescription(name, next) local kev = poevo[name] local stt = "" if isInArray(specialevo, name) then if name == "Poliwhirl" then if next then return "\nPoliwrath or Politoed, requires level 65." end stt = stt.."Evolve Stone: Water Stone and Punch Stone or Water Stone and King's Rock\n\n" stt = stt.."Evolutions:\nPoliwrath, requires level 65.\nPolitoed, requires level 65." elseif name == "Gloom" then if next then return "\nVileplume or Bellossom, requires level 50." end stt = stt.."Evolve Stone: Leaf Stone and Venom Stone or Leaf Stone and Sun Stone\n\n" stt = stt.."Evolutions:\nVileplume, requires level 50.\nBellossom, requires level 50." elseif name == "Slowpoke" then if next then return "\nSlowbro, requires level 45.\nSlowking, requires level 100." end stt = stt.."Evolve Stone: Enigma Stone or King's Rock\n\n" stt = stt.."Evolutions:\nSlowbro, requires level 45.\nSlowking, requires level 100." elseif name == "Eevee" then if next then return "\nVaporeon, requires level 55.\nJolteon, requires level 55.\nFlareon, requires level 55.\nUmbreon, requires level 55.\nEspeon, requires level 55." end stt = stt.."Evolve Stone: Water Stone or Thunder Stone or Fire Stone or Darkness Stone or Enigma Stone\n\n" stt = stt.."Evolutions:\nVaporeon, requires level 55.\nJolteon, requires level 55.\nFlareon, requires level 55.\nUmbreon, requires level 55.\nEspeon, requires level 55." elseif name == "Tyrogue" then if next then return "\nHitmonlee, requires level 60.\nHitmonchan, requires level 60.\nHitmontop, requires level 60." end stt = stt.."Evolve Stone: Punch Stone\n\n" stt = stt.."Evolutions:\nHitmonlee, requires level 60.\nHitmonchan, requires level 60.\nHitmontop, requires level 60." end elseif kev then if next then stt = stt.."\n"..kev.evolution..", requires level "..kev.level.."." return stt end local id = tonumber(kev.stoneid) local id2 = tonumber(kev.stoneid2) local stone = "" if tonumber(kev.count) == 2 then stone = doConvertStoneIdToString(id).." (2x)" else stone = id2 == 0 and doConvertStoneIdToString(id) or doConvertStoneIdToString(id).." and "..doConvertStoneIdToString(id2) end stt = stt.."Evolve Stone: "..stone.."\n\n" stt = stt.."Evolutions:\n"..kev.evolution..", requeris level "..kev.level.."." stt = stt..getPokemonEvolutionDescription(kev.evolution, true) else if not next then stt = stt.."Evolutions:\nIt doen't evolve." end end return stt end local function getMoveDexDescr(cid, name, number) local x = movestable[name] local y = {} local z = "\n" if not x then return "" end if number == 1 and x.move1 then y = x.move1 elseif number == 2 and x.move2 then y = x.move2 elseif number == 3 and x.move3 then y = x.move3 elseif number == 4 and x.move4 then y = x.move4 elseif number == 5 and x.move5 then y = x.move5 elseif number == 6 and x.move6 then y = x.move6 elseif number == 7 and x.move7 then y = x.move7 elseif number == 8 and x.move8 then y = x.move8 elseif number == 9 and x.move9 then y = x.move9 elseif number == 10 and x.move10 then y = x.move10 elseif number == 11 and x.move11 then y = x.move11 elseif number == 12 and x.move12 then y = x.move12 elseif number == 13 and x.move13 then y = x.move13 elseif number == 14 and x.move14 then y = x.move14 elseif number == 15 and x.move15 then y = x.move15 else return "" end if getTableMove(cid, == "" then print(""" faltando") return "unknown error" end local txt = ""..z..""" - m"..number.." - level "..y.level.." - "..(y.t) return txt end --alterado v1.8 local skillcheck = {"fly", "ride", "surf", "teleport", "rock smash", "cut", "dig", "light", "blink", "control mind", "transform", "levitate_fly"} local passivas = { ["Electricity"] = {"Electabuzz", "Shiny Electabuzz", "Elekid", tpw = "electric"}, ["Lava Counter"] = {"Magmar", "Magby", tpw = "fire"}, ["Counter Helix"] = {"Scyther", "Shiny Scyther", tpw = "bug"}, ["Giroball"] = {"Pineco", "Forretress", tpw = "steel"}, ["Counter Claw"] = {"Scizor", tpw = "bug"}, ["Counter Spin"] = {"Hitmontop", "Shiny Hitmontop", tpw = "fighting"}, ["Demon Kicker"] = {"Hitmonlee", "Shiny Hitmonlee", tpw = "fighting"}, ["Demon Puncher"] = {"Hitmonchan", "Shiny Hitmonchan", tpw = "unknow"}, --alterado v1.6 ["Stunning Confusion"] = {"Psyduck", "Golduck", "Wobbuffet", tpw = "psychic"}, ["Groundshock"] = {"Kangaskhan", tpw = "normal"}, ["Electric Charge"] = {"Pikachu", "Raichu", "Shiny Raichu", tpw = "electric"}, ["Melody"] = {"Wigglytuff", tpw = "normal"}, ["Dragon Fury"] = {"Dratini", "Dragonair", "Dragonite", "Shiny Dratini", "Shiny Dragonair", "Shiny Dragonite", tpw = "dragon"}, ["Fury"] = {"Persian", "Raticate", "Shiny Raticate", tpw = "normal"}, ["Mega Drain"] = {"Oddish", "Gloom", "Vileplume", "Kabuto", "Kabutops", "Parasect", "Tangela", "Shiny Vileplume", "Shiny Tangela", tpw = "grass"}, ["Spores Reaction"] = {"Oddish", "Gloom", "Vileplume", "Shiny Vileplume", tpw = "grass"}, ["Amnesia"] = {"Wooper", "Quagsire", "Swinub", "Piloswine", tpw = "psychic"}, ["Zen Mind"] = {"Slowking", tpw = "psychic"}, ["Mirror Coat"] = {"Wobbuffet", tpw = "psychic"}, ["Lifesteal"] = {"Crobat", tpw = "normal"}, ["Evasion"] = {"Scyther", "Scizor", "Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", "Hitmontop", "Tyrogue", "Shiny Scyther", "Shiny Hitmonchan", "Shiny Hitmonlee", "Shiny Hitmontop", "Ledian", "Ledyba", "Sneasel", tpw = "normal"}, ["Foresight"] = {"Machamp", "Shiny Hitmonchan", "Shiny Hitmonlee", "Shiny Hitmontop", "Hitmontop", "Hitmonlee", "Hitmonchan", tpw = "fighting"}, ["Levitate"] = {"Gengar", "Haunter", "Gastly", "Misdreavus", "Weezing", "Koffing", "Unown", "Shiny Gengar", tpw = "ghost"}, } function doShowPokedexRegistration(cid, pokemon, ball) local item2 = pokemon local virtual = false if type(pokemon) == "string" then virtual = true end local myball = ball local name = virtual and pokemon or getCreatureName(item2.uid) local v = fotos[name] local stt = "" stt = "Name: ""\n" if pokes[name].type2 and pokes[name].type2 ~= "no type" then stt = stt.."Type: "..pokes[name].type.."/"..pokes[name].type2.."" else stt = stt.."Type: "..pokes[name].type.."" end if virtual then stt = stt.."\nRequired level: "..pokes[name].level.."\n" else stt = stt.."\nRequired level: "..getPokemonLevel(item2.uid).."\n" end stt = stt.."\n"..getPokemonEvolutionDescription(name).."\n" stt = stt.."\nMoves:" if name == "Ditto" then if virtual then stt = stt.."\nIt doesn't use any moves until transformed." elseif getPlayerStorageValue(item2.uid, 1010) == "Ditto" or getPlayerStorageValue(item2.uid, 1010) == -1 then stt = stt.."\nIt doesn't use any moves until transformed." else for a = 1, 15 do stt = stt..""..getMoveDexDescr(item2.uid, getPlayerStorageValue(item2.uid, 1010), a).."" end end else for a = 1, 15 do stt = stt..""..getMoveDexDescr(item2.uid, name, a).."" end end for e, f in pairs(passivas) do if isInArray(passivas[e], name) then local tpw = passivas[e].tpw if name == "Pineco" and passivas[e] == "Giroball" then tpw = "bug" end stt = stt.."\n"..e.." - passive - "..tpw.."" end end stt = stt.."\n\nAbility:\n" local abilityNONE = true --alterado v1.8 \/ for b, c in pairs(skills) do if isInArray(skillcheck, b) then if isInArray(c, name) then stt = stt..""..(b == "levitate_fly" and "Levitate" or doCorrectString(b)).."\n" abilityNONE = false end end end if abilityNONE then stt = stt.."None" end if string.len(stt) > 8192 then print("Error while making pokedex info with pokemon named "".\n Pokedex registration has more than 8192 letters (it has "..string.len(stt).." letters), it has been blocked to prevent fatal error.") doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "An error has occurred, it was sent to the server's administrator.") return true end doShowTextDialog(cid, v, stt) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ei eu tenho outra duvida si pude min ajuda tambem vou fica agradecido queria bota preço nas ball do pokemon exemplo quando eu da look na ball dos pokemon aparece o preço,igual pxg
  5. danfel

    16 Outland's

    qual client eu uso? para edita o mapa e joga?
  6. mais quando eu editor o pokemon pelo o configuration isso no wild,quando eu do dex aparece o level que bote no wild exemplo ["Shiny Venusaur"] = {offense = 9.02, defense = 9.13, specialattack = 11, vitality = 8.8, agility = 133, exp = 228.8, level = 100, wildLvl = 500, type = "grass", type2 = "poison"}, botei wild level 500 quando eu do dex aparece o 500 mais eu queria o aparecese o lvl 100 normal como arruma isso
  7. da dando esse erro Can't connect to MySQL database. ajuda ae
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