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  1. Eaí pessoal, sou meio novo nesse meio de scripts, porém já consegui fazer muitas coisas, mas estou com uma situação que nao consigo resolver. EX: Um time de 5 pessoas vai fazer um selo do ferumbras (shulgrax), todos ficam nos sqms necessarios para quando, puxar a alavanca, sejam tele-transportados para a sala do boss. O problema é que eles podem ficar o dia todo dentro da sala, e eu queria botar um kick, para que todos players que passarem mais de 15 minutos dentro da sala do boss, sejam tp pra fora. Estou mandando a Action da alavanca e dois arquivos Shulgrax.lua que encontrei em CreatureScripts. Estou usando o OTX Server Global do malucooo \Otxserver\data\actions\scripts\Novos\Alavanca7.lua local function isPlayerInArea(fromPos, toPos) for _x = fromPos.x, toPos.x do for _y = fromPos.y, toPos.y do for _z = fromPos.z, toPos.z do creatureg = getTopCreature({x = _x, y = _y, z = _z}) if (isPlayer(creatureg.uid)) then return true end end end end return false end function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx) local player = Player(cid) if not player then return true end if(getGlobalStorageValue(93527) < 1) then if item.itemid == 9825 then if player:getStorageValue(1) and not isPlayerInArea({x = 33473, y = 32775, z = 13, stackpos = 255}, {x = 33499, y = 32798, z = 13, stackpos = 255}) then pos1g = {x = 33434, y = 32785, z = getCreaturePosition(cid).z} pos2g = {x = 33434, y = 32786, z = getCreaturePosition(cid).z} pos3g = {x = 33434, y = 32787, z = getCreaturePosition(cid).z} pos4g = {x = 33434, y = 32788, z = getCreaturePosition(cid).z} pos5g = {x = 33434, y = 32789, z = getCreaturePosition(cid).z} if(isPlayer(getTopCreature(pos1g).uid)) then doTeleportThing(getTopCreature(pos1g).uid, {x = 33482, y = 32794, z = 13}) doTeleportThing(getTopCreature(pos2g).uid, {x = 33483, y = 32794, z = 13}) doTeleportThing(getTopCreature(pos3g).uid, {x = 33485, y = 32794, z = 13}) doTeleportThing(getTopCreature(pos4g).uid, {x = 33486, y = 32794, z = 13}) doTeleportThing(getTopCreature(pos5g).uid, {x = 33489, y = 32794, z = 13}) if(doTeleportThing) then doRemoveCreature("Shulgrax") --doSummonCreature("Shulgrax", {x = 33484, y = 32787, z = 13}) local monster = Game.createMonster("Shulgrax", Position(33484, 32788, 13)) monster:setReward(true) --addEvent(AddBossg, 5 * 1000) --setGlobalStorageValue(93527, 1) --addEvent(setGlobalStorageValue, 20*60*1000, 93527, 0) end end else doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,19,"There are players inside the room or is missing players here.") end end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Please, wait 20 minutes counting the last use to start again.") end return true end Otxserver\data\creaturescripts\scripts\Novos\shulgrax.lua local posdotp4 = {x=33487, y=32780, z=13} local storage = 99332 function MoveStone4() --creates wall back local criistal4 = getTileItemById(posdotp4, 1353) if not criistal4 then Game.createItem(1353,1,posdotp4)-- Stone pos else Game.createItem(1353,1,posdotp4) end return true end function RemoveStone4() local cristal4 = getTileItemById(posdotp4, 1353) -- Id do cristal azul que some para dar lugar ao tp if cristal4 then doRemoveItem(cristal4.uid, 1) end return true end function onKill(cid, target, damage, flags, corpse) if(isMonster(target)) then if(string.lower(getCreatureName(target)) == "shulgrax") then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, storage, 1) addEvent(RemoveStone4, 5 * 1000) addEvent(MoveStone4, 300 * 1000) end end return true end Otxserver\data\creaturescripts\scripts\FerumbrasAscedantQuest\Shulgrax.lua local config = { position = {x = 33486, y = 32796, z = 13}, -- Posição dos teleports. position_to_tp_green = {x = 33460, y = 32820, z = 14}, position_to_tp_blue = {x = 33319, y = 32317, z = 13}, id_tp_blue = 1387, id_tp_green = 25417, monster_name = "shulgrax", time = 3, } function removeAndCreateTp() if(getTileItemById(config.position, config.id_tp_blue).itemid == config.id_tp_blue)then tp = getTileItemById(config.position, config.id_tp_blue) id = config.id_tp_green pos = config.position_to_tp_green else tp = getTileItemById(config.position, config.id_tp_green) id = config.id_tp_blue pos = config.position_to_tp_blue end doRemoveItem(tp.uid, 1) local x = Game.createItem(id, 1, config.position) if(x:isTeleport())then x:setDestination(Position(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)) end return true end function onKill(player, target) local monster = target:getMonster() if(not monster or monster:getName():lower() ~= config.monster_name)then return true end removeAndCreateTp() addEvent(removeAndCreateTp, config.time * 6000) return true end
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