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Tudo que Dilooow postou

  1. me ajudem com esse scripte tou tentando por efeito ao andar com uso desse equipamento o player soltar logo atras dele alguns efeito igual nas bike do otpokemon modelo tfs pda padrao tfs 0.3. 6 codigo \/ --- morduk --- function onUse(cid, item, frompos, item2, topos) -- if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 32001) >= 1 then -- verifica a bike -- doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Nao pode usar o robo estando na bike.") -- return true -- end if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17000) >= 1 or getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 17001) >= 1 then -- verifica o fly doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Nao pode usar o robo estando no fly.") return true end local config = { robo = {lookType = 48}, cooldown = 1, --- tempo entre um uso e outro speed = 400, health = 1000, stor= 243656 } if os.time() - getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 55695) >= config.cooldown then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 55695, os.time()) if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.stor) == 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.stor, 0) doRemoveCondition(cid, CONDITION_OUTFIT) doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), '[ROBO OFF]', 32) -- setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) -- linha adicionada by crypter doRegainSpeed(cid) -- doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE, 'Voce saiu do robo e perdeu a vida extra.') -- doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)-getCreatureHealth(cid)) -- onPokeHealthChange(cid) --alterei aki else doChangeSpeed(cid, config.speed) doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, config.robo, -1) doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), '[ROBO ON]', 32) -- doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'Voce montou no robo e ganhou vida extra.') setPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.stor, 1) -- setCreatureMaxHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid) linha adicionada by crypter -- doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid)-getCreatureHealth(cid)) -- onPokeHealthChange(cid) --alterei aki end else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Aguarde "..(config.cooldown - (os.time() - getPlayerStorageValue(cid, 55695))).." segundos.") end return true end --- crypter ---
  2. Error - Spell Interface] [11/02/2022 13:29:57] data/spells/scripts/ps/Ember.lua:onCastSpell [11/02/2022 13:29:57] Description: [11/02/2022 13:29:57] (luaGetPlayerSlotItem) Player not found quando os poke selvagem me ataca aparece isso no console procurei a spells não achei o erro nela não sei pq elata voltando assim
  3. 1.2 porem deixa pra la eu tava usando uma base de pokemon chamada pokedash , vou baixar um global cru e trabalhar nele obrigado ❤️
  4. nada men deu uns erro aqui to usando uma tfs god pota irei apagar os pokemon e usar os monstro de tibia mais msm assim nao ta indo , Lua Script Error: [MoveEvents Interface] data/movements/scripts/tile_trap.lua:onStepIn data/movements/scripts/tile_trap.lua:13: attempt to compare number with nil stack traceback: [C]: in function '__le' data/movements/scripts/tile_trap.lua:13: in function <data/movements/scripts/tile_trap.lua:12> Lua Script Error: [MoveEvents Interface] data/movements/scripts/tile_trap.lua:onStepIn data/movements/scripts/tile_trap.lua:13: attempt to compare number with nil stack traceback: [C]: in function '__le' data/movements/scripts/tile_trap.lua:13: in function <data/movements/scripts/tile_trap.lua:12>
  5. Ok irei testar sim assim que minha energia voltar Desno de já muito obrigado
  6. seria daqui esse movements , queria um tile sabe aonde eu ponhasse o id do movements e aparecer igual nos tfs 0.3.6
  7. minha duvida e simples aonde fica o blink dos pokemons reparei pokes psy nao tem habilidade blink e nao tem como por neles em xml , onde fica pota ajuda nois ai?
  8. ele e um movement tive erro aqui Error: [MoveEvent::configureMoveEvent] No valid event name StepIn [Warning - BaseEvents::loadFromXml] Failed to configure event [Warning - Event::checkScript] Event onStepIn not found. scripts/summontile.lua [Warning - Event::checkScript] Event onStepIn not found. scripts/summontile.lua [Warning - Event::checkScript] Event onStepOut not found. scripts/summontile.lua testei das duas formas \/? <movevent event="StepOut" actionid="14500" script="summontile.lua" /> <movevent event="StepIn" uniqueid="14500" script="summontile.lua" />
  9. Lua Script Error: [Action Interface] data/actions/scripts/poke/bike.lua:onUse data/lib/core/effectWhenWalking.lua:19: attempt to call method 'sendMagicEffect' (a nil value) stack traceback: [C]: in function 'sendMagicEffect' data/lib/core/effectWhenWalking.lua:19: in function 'effectWhenWalking' data/actions/scripts/poke/bike.lua:58: in function <data/actions/scripts/poke/bike.lua:9>
  10. local delay = 0.1 local bonusSpeed = 1.2 local outfitMale = 1315 local outfitFemale = 1316 local condition = Condition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) condition:setTicks(-1) function onUse(player, item, fromPosition, target, toPosition, isHotkey) if os.time() > player:getStorageValue(storageDelay) then player:setStorageValue(storageDelay, os.time() + delay) else player:sendCancelMessage(RETURNVALUE_YOUAREEXHAUSTED) return true end if fromPosition.x ~= 65535 then player:sendCancelMessage("First pick up the bike.") return true end if player:getStorageValue(storageRide) == 1 then player:sendCancelMessage("Sorry, not possible while on ride.") return true end if player:getStorageValue(storageFly) == 1 then player:sendCancelMessage("Sorry, not possible while on fly.") return true end if player:getStorageValue(storageSurf) > 0 then player:sendCancelMessage("Sorry, not possible while on surf.") return true end if player:getStorageValue(storageDive) > 0 then player:sendCancelMessage("Sorry, not possible while on dive.") return true end if player:getStorageValue(storageEvent) > 0 then player:sendCancelMessage("Sorry, not possible while on event.") return true end if player:getStorageValue(storageBike) > 0 then player:removeCondition(CONDITION_OUTFIT) player:changeSpeed(player:getBaseSpeed()-player:getSpeed()) player:setStorageValue(storageBike, -1) else local delta = player:getSpeed() * bonusSpeed if player:getSex() == PLAYERSEX_MALE then outfit = outfitMale else outfit = outfitFemale end condition:setOutfit({lookType = outfit}) player:addCondition(condition) player:setStorageValue(storageBike, 1) player:changeSpeed(delta) end return true end
  11. queria converter esse scripte de tfs 0.3.6 para 1.2 versao 1098 quero abrir um global scripte ( obs se possivel colocar para o monster sumir apos 30 segundos se nao for morto ) local M = { [1] = {"cyclops",{x=157, y=35, z=7}}, [2] = {"Demon",{x=161, y=38, z=7}}, [3] = {"Hydra",{x=155, y=38, z=7}}, [4] = {"Dragon",{x=160, y=39, z=7}} } local storage = 14678 -- n mexa local time_summon = 1 -- tempo em minutos if not isPlayer(cid) then return false elseif getGlobalStorageValue(storage) >= os.time() then return false end r = math.random(1, #M) doCreateMonster(M[r][1], M[r][2]) doCreatureSay(cid, "Oh my god, a trap!", 19) setGlobalStorageValue(storage, os.time()+time_summon*60) return TRUE end
  12. sou nub nao sei aonde poem queria por uma bike assim com efeito pode me ajudar?
  13. em quais arquivos vai para fazer isso achei muito interessante? passa completo o system e quais pasta vai e tal
  14. Utilize o xamp meu colega Importa a schemas que no caso seria a data base muda o IP para no cónfig lua e no entergame do cliente, dps feito isso liga o serve pelo ex que tem nele e já era serve on
  16. Eu tenho a sources dela tbm sources atual kpdo
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