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Sobre Pisul


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Pisul's Achievements

  1. 1. Informacje o serwerze IP: START: 25.07.2020 o 17:30 Niezgoda: ►Skill: x60 ►Mlvl: x35 ►Klient: 8,60 ►PvP: od 50000 lvl ►Wytrzymałość: tak ►Domy: początkowo od 200000 lvl ►Frage do RSa: 70 dziennie / 250 tygodniowo / 850 miesięcznie posiada bardzo szczegółowe konto zawierające informacje na każdy temat. 2. Zdobywasz punkty Shop Points w grze? Dlaczego nie !? - ›Każda osoba ma szansę na zdobycie punktów sms Shop poprzez: - ›Udział w PaintBall Event, Event Zombie, Stone Event i wydarzeniach organizowanych raz w tygodniu przez Administratora, np. Inivisble Event, Draft Event! - ›Pomoc w pokonaniu bossów, ponieważ dla każdego oprawcy jest nagroda w postaci punktów sklepowych, poziomów doświadczenia i sztabek złota. - ›Za przekroczenie bram różnych poziomów otrzymasz rozsądną ilość punktów (możesz sprawdzić w zakładce) 3. Czym jest i po co ją stworzyliśmy? - › to efekt kilkumiesięcznej pracy nad projektem administracyjnym. - ›To jest serwer z możliwością pokonania kilku milionów poziomów, więc nie będziesz musiał się martwić, że szybko osiągniesz maksymalny poziom! - ›Serwer został zaprojektowany do długiej edycji bez resetów, ponieważ uważamy, że jest to niesprawiedliwe w stosunku do czasu i pieniędzy zmarnowanych przez graczy. - ›Naszą pracą jest udowodnienie młodym i starym graczom, że wiara w serwery 8.6 jeszcze nie zniknęła! 4. Co możemy Ci zaoferować? ►Wspólna aktualizacja: Mamy do zaoferowania wiele pomysłów, których jeszcze nie zrealizowaliśmy i czekamy na odpowiedni moment, aby je dodać! ► Attention to detail on the map: We are oversensitive when it comes to maps. Any reported errors will be corrected immediately. ► Don't worry about the game! is created by players for players. So you don't have to worry about frequent restarts or new editions, we've unlocked the maximum Level for that! ► Over 450 hunting grounds, including 50 hidden hunting grounds (in each city you will find a hidden hunting ground)! If you are not going to buy a VIP, visit the map! You will definitely find something for yourself. ► Pay to win? Certainly not here! Items available in the Item Shop can be obtained in-game! At the moment, we have equipment for several professions available for obtaining from quests, along with the best shield that will give you numerous bonuses. What's more, as soon as you run out of hunting grounds, you can go to the exp access quest! 5. Events: • Paintball Event [New] (Every person who takes part in it has a chance to win a special prize, but special prizes are waiting for the top 3 players!) • Draft Event • Boss Event • Invisible Event [New] • Stone Event • Zombie Event • Lottery (Thanks to which you have the chance to win great items once every six hours!) • SpecialExp (Guild Event) • CastleEvent (Event For Guilds) • Gm Shop Event • Serek Event • Box Event • And Much more, enter and check it out! 6. Systems: • SpecialExp: The event starts daily at 5:30 pm, during which time Guilds can join the event to gain access to a special room. • Exp Statue: Is it not just exploring such an unlimited map that gives us pleasure? Find all statues and get an extra Exp !! • Addon Bonus: Did you pay attention to the appearance of your character? Well worth it! With us, every other outfit adds special and unique bonuses! • Level Points System [New]: Amplification of the character by the acquired level is not enough? For each exceeding the level gate you will receive points to the sms shop !! • Upgrade System: Your equipment does not match your true strength and power? Nothing could be more wrong! Upgrading your equipment on Flavan is simple and quick, find out what power your new items can have. • Daily Gift [New]: For the time spent on the server, you can receive a loss item every day! All information about events and systems are on the website WELCOME! 7. Map - ›The map is constantly being developed, and thus is very pleasing to the eye and encourages continuous play. - ›A lot of complex quests. Their execution requires a lot of time and a lot of logical thinking. Each quest is available to players without VIP Access! - ›Over 450 hunting grounds, including 50 hidden ones! You won't find square hunting grounds here! In addition, we give the option of using "Pay EXP" for Farm Coins and Gold Ingots obtained during the game. - ›On the map there are many new areas and mysterious nooks and crannies that give a new atmosphere and flavor. All these tidbits are waiting for you to discover them! 8. Others: - ›Stabilny silnik, nad którym pracowaliśmy od kilku miesięcy, -› Nowe i przerobione potwory i zaklęcia, których nie znajdziesz nigdzie indziej, - ›Fast Attack, -› Unikalny balans postaci i RL War System, - ›Niekończące się runy i mikstury , - ›Rozbudowana strefa ZABAWY, -› Nowe przedmioty, - ›9 miasteczek z domami, których jest łącznie ponad 700, -› Unikalne komendy dla graczy, których nie znajdziesz na żadnym innym OTS, - ›Rozbudowani i unikalni NPC .
  2. 1. Information about the server IP: START: 13.06.2020 or 18:00 Discord: (Premium Possing Before the Start!) ► Skill: x20 ►Mlvl: x10 ►Customer: 8.60 ►PvP: from 1,000,000 lvl ►Stamina: Yes ►Houses: initially from 10 Reborna ►FRags to RS: 50 per day / 200 per week / 650 per month Exp stages: is very detailed and contains detailed information on every subject. 2. Earning Shop Points in the game? Why not !? - ›Every person has a chance to get points to the sms shop by: - ›Bites appearing in the PaintBall Event, Zombie Event, Stone Event and Events proposals once a week by the Administrator, e.g. Inivisble Event, Draft Event, Gm Shop, Serek, Backpack Event! - ›Helping to beat bosses, available for every frame, available for adults in the form of store points, experience levels and gold ingots. 3. What is and why did we create it? - ›› is the result of several months of work involved in the administration project. - ›› Is on an Evolution server with RPG elements and RebornSystem - ›› The server is created for long editing without resetting, because I think it is not fair in relation to the time and money lost by players. - ›› Our work is to prove the player, younger and older, that faith in 8.6 servers has not yet disappeared! 4. What can we offer you? ►Common update: We have many ideas to offer that we haven't realized yet and are waiting for the right moment to add them! ► Attention to detail on the map: We are oversensitive when it comes to the map. Any reported errors will be corrected immediately. ► Don't worry about the game! is created by players for players. You don't have to worry about frequent restarts or new editions. ► Over 200 hunting grounds, including 50 hidden! If you are not going to buy VIP, explore the map! You will definitely find something for yourself. ► Pay to win? Certainly not here! Items available in the Item Shop can be obtained in the game! We now have equipment for several professions available from quests along with the best shield that will give you numerous bonuses! 5. Events: • Paintball Event [New] (Each person who takes part in it has a chance to win a special prize, but special prizes are waiting for the top 3 players!) • Draft Event • Boss Event • Invisible Event [New] • Stone Event • Zombie Event • Lottery (Thanks to which once every six hours you have the chance to win great items!) • Gm Shop Event • Cheese Event • Backpack Event • Happy Hour Event • Dice Event • Pig Event • O / X Event • And many more organized by the Flavana administration! Soon we will add more unique events that you will find only at 6. Systems: • Alchemy System [New]: Do you see that you can't cope in wars and your experience is slowly growing? Maybe a little magic will help you? Magic items, potions for life, mana or experience, all with a desire. • Addon Statue: Is it not just exploring such an unlimited map that gives us pleasure? Find all the statues and check their curiosities! • Addon Bonus: Did you pay attention to the appearance of your character? Well worth it! With us, every other outfit adds special and unique bonuses! • Help Bot System: A special system that answers the question player on the Help channel! • Upgrade System: Your equipment does not match your true strength and power? Nothing could be more wrong! Upgrading your equipment on Flavan is simple and quick, find out what power your new items can have. • Hyper Space System: Have you never been to space? Now you can be through entering the teleport you are moving into space! • RebornSystem: Every 700k lvl You get one reborn become the most powerful person on the server! All information about events and systems are on the website WELCOME! 7. Map - ›The map is constantly being developed, and thus is very pleasing to the eye and encourages continuous play. - ›A lot of extensive quests. It takes a lot of time and logical thinking to complete them. Each quest is available to players without VIP Access! - ›Over 200 hunting grounds, including 50 hidden! You won't find square expos! In addition, we give the option of using "Pay EXP" for Scrab Coins obtained during the game. - ›The map has a lot of new areas and mysterious nooks that give a new climate and taste. All these curiosities are waiting for you to discover them! 8. Other: - ›Stable engine on which we worked several months, - ›New and converted monsters and spells that you won't find anywhere else, - ›Fast Attack, - ›Unique character balance and War System, - ›Endless runes and potions, - ›Extended FUN zone, - ›New items, - ›9 cities with houses, of which there are over 700 in total, - ›Unique commands for players that you won't find on other OTS, - ›Extensive and unique NPCs. BUT THIS IS NOT EVERYTHING, WE HAVE MORE FOR YOU TO OFFER IN FREQUENT UPDATES. Go to and see for yourself! 9. Screeny:
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