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  1. Salve galera tibiana venho hoje convidar todos voces a jogarem o Shadow Ot. O site já esta liberado para os jogadores criarem suas contas entre e se divirta. O que é o Shadow? O jogo é baseado no mapa RadBR, porém, com características próprias. Estamos desenvolvendo ele a mais ou menos um ou dois anos. SITE: Confira algumas características do jogo: • Versão 10.99. • Online 24 horas por dia. • Site, NPCs, eventos, quests e sistemas em português. • Mapa RadBR 95%. • PvP dinâmico. • 3 Novas vocações (Drunou, Infernalist e Knocker). • Vocações balanceadas. • 95% das principais quests (Inquisition, Pits of Inferno, Labirinto dos Lagartos, Demon oak, etc.). • Evento Snowball. • Evento Battlefield • Evento Castelo • Evento Desafio Dos Monstros • Equipe dedicada. Confirma algumas imagens do jogo: Boss Korzus: Hunt de Chakals: Quest Labirinto dos Lagartos Escolhidos: Hunt de Shadow Draptors: Hunt de Anubis: Quest do Rei Garath: Hunt de Abominaveis em Everfrost: Hunt de Abominaveis em Southshire: Boss Ferumbras Verdadeiro:
  2. Olá Xtibianos, tudo bem? então estou com o seguinte erro ao tentar entrar no meu site inclusive baixado aqui, trata-se do website do shadowcores postado pelo @Daniel estou com o seguinte erro Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\shadow\classes\account.php on line 33 meu account.php <?php if(!defined('INITIALIZED')) exit; class Account extends ObjectData { const LOADTYPE_ID = 'id'; const LOADTYPE_NAME = 'name'; const LOADTYPE_MAIL = 'email'; public static $table = 'accounts'; public $data = array('name' => null, 'password' => null, 'premdays' => null, 'lastday' => null, 'email' => null, 'key' => null, 'create_ip' => null, 'creation' => null, 'premium_points' => null, 'page_access' => null, 'location' => null, 'rlname' => null, 'email_new' => null, 'email_new_time' => null, 'email_code' => null, 'next_email' => null, 'last_post' => null, 'flag' => null, 'vip_time' => null, 'vote' => null); public static $fields = array('id', 'name', 'password', 'premdays', 'lastday', 'email', 'key', 'create_ip', 'creation', 'premium_points', 'page_access', 'location', 'rlname', 'email_new', 'email_new_time', 'email_code', 'next_email', 'last_post', 'flag' , 'vip_time', 'vote'); public $players; public $playerRanks; public $guildAccess; public $bans; public function __construct($search_text = null, $search_by = self::LOADTYPE_ID) { if($search_text != null) $this->load($search_text, $search_by); } public function load($search_text, $search_by = self::LOADTYPE_ID) { if(in_array($search_by, self::$fields)) $search_string = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName($search_by) . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($search_text); else new Error_Critic('', 'Wrong Account search_by type.'); $fieldsArray = array(); foreach(self::$fields as $fieldName) $fieldsArray[$fieldName] = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName($fieldName); $this->data = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('SELECT ' . implode(', ', $fieldsArray) . ' FROM ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName(self::$table) . ' WHERE ' . $search_string)->fetch(); } public function loadById($id) { $this->load($id, 'id'); } public function loadByName($name) { $this->load($name, 'name'); } public function loadByEmail($mail) { $this->load($mail, 'email'); } public function save($forceInsert = false) { if(!isset($this->data['id']) || $forceInsert) { $keys = array(); $values = array(); foreach(self::$fields as $key) if($key != 'id') { $keys[] = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName($key); $values[] = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->data[$key]); } $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('INSERT INTO ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName(self::$table) . ' (' . implode(', ', $keys) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', $values) . ')'); $this->setID($this->getDatabaseHandler()->lastInsertId()); } else { $updates = array(); foreach(self::$fields as $key) if($key != 'id') $updates[] = $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName($key) . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->data[$key]); $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('UPDATE ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName(self::$table) . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $updates) . ' WHERE ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->data['id'])); } } public function getPlayers($forceReload = false) { if(!isset($this->players) || $forceReload) { $this->players = new DatabaseList('Player'); $this->players->setFilter(new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('account_id'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, $this->getID())); $this->players->addOrder(new SQL_Order(new SQL_Field('name'))); } return $this->players; } /* public function getGuildRanks($forceReload = false) { if(!isset($this->playerRanks) || $forceReload) { $this->playerRanks = new DatabaseList('AccountGuildRank'); $filterAccount = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('account_id', 'players'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, $this->getID()); $filterPlayer1 = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('id', 'players'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, new SQL_Field('player_id', 'guild_membership')); $filterPlayer2 = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('rank_id', 'guild_membership'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, new SQL_Field('id', 'guild_ranks')); $filterGuild = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('guild_id', 'guild_ranks'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, new SQL_Field('id', 'guilds')); $filter = new SQL_Filter($filterAccount, SQL_Filter::CRITERIUM_AND, $filterPlayer1); $filter = new SQL_Filter($filter, SQL_Filter::CRITERIUM_AND, $filterPlayer2); $filter = new SQL_Filter($filter, SQL_Filter::CRITERIUM_AND, $filterGuild); $this->playerRanks->setFilter($filter); } return $this->playerRanks; } public function loadGuildAccess($forceReload = false) { if(!isset($this->guildAccess) || $forceReload) { $this->guildAccess = array(); foreach($this->getGuildRanks($forceReload) as $rank) if($rank->getOwnerID() == $rank->getPlayerID()) $this->guildAccess[$rank->getGuildID()] = Guild::LEVEL_OWNER; elseif(!isset($this->guildAccess[$rank->getGuildID()]) || $rank->getLevel() > $this->guildAccess[$rank->getGuildID()]) $this->guildAccess[$rank->getGuildID()] = $rank->getLevel(); } } public function isInGuild($guildId, $forceReload = false) { $this->loadGuildAccess($forceReload); return isset($this->guildAccess[$guildId]); } public function getGuildLevel($guildId, $forceReload = false) { $this->loadGuildAccess($forceReload); if(isset($this->guildAccess[$guildId])) return $this->guildAccess[$guildId]; else return 0; } */ public function unban() { $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName('account_bans') . ' WHERE ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('account_id') . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->data['id'])); unset($this->bans); } public function loadBans($forceReload = false) { if(!isset($this->bans) || $forceReload) { $this->bans = new DatabaseList('AccountBan'); $filter = new SQL_Filter(new SQL_Field('account_id'), SQL_Filter::EQUAL, $this->data['id']); $this->bans->setFilter($filter); } } public function isBanned($forceReload = false) { $this->loadBans($forceReload); return count($this->bans) > 0; } public function getBanTime($forceReload = false) { $this->loadBans($forceReload); $lastExpires = 0; foreach($bans as $ban) { if($ban->getExpiresAt() <= 0) { $lastExpires = 0; break; } if($ban->getExpiresAt() > time() && $ban->getExpiresAt() > $lastExpires) $lastExpires = $ban->getExpiresAt(); } return $lastExpires; } public function delete() { $this->getDatabaseHandler()->query('DELETE FROM ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->tableName(self::$table) . ' WHERE ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->fieldName('id') . ' = ' . $this->getDatabaseHandler()->quote($this->data['id'])); unset($this->data['id']); } public function setID($value){$this->data['id'] = $value;} public function getID(){return $this->data['id'];} public function setName($value){$this->data['name'] = $value;} public function getName(){return $this->data['name'];} public function setPassword($value) { $this->data['password'] = Website::encryptPassword($value, $this); } public function getPassword(){return $this->data['password'];} public function setPremDays($value){$this->data['premdays'] = $value;} public function getPremDays(){return $this->data['premdays'] - (date("z", time()) + (365 * (date("Y", time()) - date("Y", $this->data['lastday']))) - date("z", $this->data['lastday']));} public function setVipDays($value){$this->data['vip_time'] = $value;} public function getVipDays(){return $this->data['vip_time'];} public function setLastDay($value){$this->data['lastday'] = $value;} public function getLastDay(){return $this->data['lastday'];} public function setMail($value){$this->data['email'] = $value;} public function getMail(){return $this->data['email'];} public function setKey($value){$this->data['key'] = $value;} public function getKey(){return $this->data['key'];} /* * Custom AAC fields * create_ip , INT, default 0 * premium_points , INT, default 0 * page_access, INT, default 0 * location, VARCHAR(255), default '' * rlname, VARCHAR(255), default '' */ public function setCreateIP($value){$this->data['create_ip'] = $value;} public function getCreateIP(){return $this->data['create_ip'];} public function setCreateDate($value){$this->data['creation'] = $value;} public function getCreateDate(){return $this->data['creation'];} public function setPremiumPoints($value){$this->data['premium_points'] = $value;} public function getPremiumPoints(){return $this->data['premium_points'];} public function setPageAccess($value){$this->data['page_access'] = $value;} public function getPageAccess(){return $this->data['page_access'];} public function setLocation($value){$this->data['location'] = $value;} public function getLocation(){return $this->data['location'];} public function setRLName($value){$this->data['rlname'] = $value;} public function getRLName(){return $this->data['rlname'];} public function setFlag($value){$this->data['flag'] = $value;} public function getFlag(){return $this->data['flag'];} /* * for compability with old scripts */ public function getEMail(){return $this->getMail();} public function setEMail($value){$this->setMail($value);} public function getPlayersList(){return $this->getPlayers();} public function getGuildAccess($guildID){return $this->getGuildLevel($guildID);} public function isValidPassword($password) { return ($this->data['password'] == Website::encryptPassword($password, $this)); } public function find($name){$this->loadByName($name);} public function findByEmail($email){$this->loadByEmail($email);} public function isPremium(){return ($this->getPremDays() > 0);} public function isVip(){return ($this->getVipDays() > 0);} public function getLastLogin(){return $this->getLastDay();} }
  3. Galera eu estou criando um servidor totalmente RPG e preciso da ajuda de vocês, gostaria de saber se tem como criar um script que não divide a experiencia do monstro quando os players o matam. Exemplo: criei um bicho que chama blackion, ele da 20 de xp, ao inves da experiencia ser dividia 10 para cada player gostaria que perma nesses "20" incentivando a caça em grupo... esse é o primeiro topico não sei se esta na area certa, caso esteja erado por favor ajudem Shadow's Revenger: ServRPG
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