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[Mod] Evento Team Battle

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[10/01/2012 17:42:00] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[10/01/2012 17:42:00] buffer:onTimer

[10/01/2012 17:42:00] Description:

[10/01/2012 17:42:00] (luaCreateConditionObject) This function can only be used while loading the script.

[10/01/2012 17:42:00] [Error - GlobalEvents::timer] Couldn't execute event: teamBattleStart

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O script funciono corretamente, porém queria saber caso queira fazer 2 War.

EX: War DESERT / WAR Venore, copie os arquivos porém so funciona apenas um dos dois, mudei ás cordenadas tudo.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Notei que após a 2 morte, os jogadores passam a morrer, como se o evento tivesse parado de funcionar.


Se tiver mesmo este bug seria bom arrumar, mais mesmo assim exelente MOD, rep+

Notei que após a 2 morte, os jogadores passam a morrer, como se o evento tivesse parado de funcionar.


Se tiver mesmo este bug seria bom arrumar, mais mesmo assim exelente MOD, rep+


está acontecendo o mesmo comigo :S

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  • 1 month later...

aki tambem funciono tudo perfeitamente mais não monta os times -.- ai peguei e mandei os lek fikar em cima do sqm superior esquerdo e do superior direito coloquei non pvp claro pra todos fikar em cima uns dos outros até que o evento puxa-se mais ai puxo so 1 player pro time azul e so 1 pro time vermelho -.-

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  • 2 weeks later...

No meu server tenho uma arena de 3 andares, mas no script só consta 1 andar, ja tentei adaptar, mas nao dei conta, se puder me mandar uma tag em que o script pegue 3 andares, eu agradeceria muito!




Consegui. ;D

Editado por VictorTasquin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Aki quando iniciei o server deu foi Muitos erros ! Arruma isso Aew!




[13/08/2012 07:43:17] [Error - CreatureScript Interface]

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] buffer:onLogin

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] Description:

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] data/lib/032-position.lua:2: attempt to index global 'position' (a nil value)

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] stack traceback:

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] data/lib/032-position.lua:2: in function <data/lib/032-position.lua:1>

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] (tail call): ?

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] [string "domodlib('teamSetting')..."]:237: in function 'clearTeamEventStorages'

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] [string "loadBuffer"]:4: in function <[string "loadBuffer"]:3>


[13/08/2012 07:43:17] [Error - CreatureScript Interface]

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] buffer:onLogout

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] Description:

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] data/lib/032-position.lua:2: attempt to index global 'position' (a nil value)

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] stack traceback:

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] data/lib/032-position.lua:2: in function <data/lib/032-position.lua:1>

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] (tail call): ?

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] [string "domodlib('teamSetting')..."]:237: in function 'clearTeamEventStorages'

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] [string "loadBuffer"]:4: in function <[string "loadBuffer"]:3>

[13/08/2012 07:43:17] [AdM] Surprize has logged out.




Sempre que alguem tenta loga acontece isso!

Editado por yugnaith
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-Sim, configure ao seu modo, com horas e posições do seu mapa, coloque o script na pasta MODS de seu server, e ele funcionará perfeitamente!



-Substitua sua lib por essa:



function isInRange(position, fromPosition, toPosition)

return (position.x >= fromPosition.x and position.y >= fromPosition.y and position.z >= fromPosition.z and position.x <= toPosition.x and position.y <= toPosition.y and position.z <= toPosition.z)



function getDistanceBetween(fromPosition, toPosition)

local x, y = math.abs(fromPosition.x - toPosition.x), math.abs(fromPosition.y - toPosition.y)

local diff = math.max(x, y)

if(fromPosition.z ~= toPosition.z) then

diff = diff + 9 + 6



return diff



function getDirectionTo(pos1, pos2)

local dir = NORTH

if(pos1.x > pos2.x) then

dir = WEST

if(pos1.y > pos2.y) then


elseif(pos1.y < pos2.y) then



elseif(pos1.x < pos2.x) then

dir = EAST

if(pos1.y > pos2.y) then


elseif(pos1.y < pos2.y) then




if(pos1.y > pos2.y) then

dir = NORTH

elseif(pos1.y < pos2.y) then

dir = SOUTH




return dir



function getCreatureLookPosition(cid)

return getPosByDir(getThingPos(cid), getCreatureLookDirection(cid))



function getPositionByDirection(position, direction, size)

local n = size or 1

if(direction == NORTH) then

position.y = position.y - n

elseif(direction == SOUTH) then

position.y = position.y + n

elseif(direction == WEST) then

position.x = position.x - n

elseif(direction == EAST) then

position.x = position.x + n

elseif(direction == NORTHWEST) then

position.y = position.y - n

position.x = position.x - n

elseif(direction == NORTHEAST) then

position.y = position.y - n

position.x = position.x + n

elseif(direction == SOUTHWEST) then

position.y = position.y + n

position.x = position.x - n

elseif(direction == SOUTHEAST) then

position.y = position.y + n

position.x = position.x + n



return position



function doComparePositions(position, positionEx)

return position.x == positionEx.x and position.y == positionEx.y and position.z == positionEx.z



function getArea(position, x, y)

local t = {}

for i = (position.x - x), (position.x + x) do

for j = (position.y - y), (position.y + y) do

table.insert(t, {x = i, y = j, z = position.z})




return t





-Creio que não exista nenhuma talkaction, embora vou tentar desenvolver pra vocês, mas tem um script idêntico a este, que o ADM pode iniciar, pausar ou reiniciar pelo NPC. É Automatico também. O ADM inicia o evento, os players se inscrevem no NPC, e o NPC teleporta eles para o evento. A diferença é que o player pode escolher o time dele. Mas você pode adaptar isso.








Ajudei ? REP+

Editado por VictorTasquin
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Tente pegar o script do post que te mandei e modifique:




stoptime = 2 --in minutes


Coloque 10.


e em:



timebetween = 5 -- time between each event


Coloque 15.


Se não funcionar, poste os erros.


Pode ser também que as storages usadas pelo script já existam em seu server.

Editado por VictorTasquin
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Aqui ta dando um erro, meu ot é Tfs 0.4


[14/01/2013 00:38:36] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[14/01/2013 00:38:41] buffer:onThink

[14/01/2013 00:38:41] Description:

[14/01/2013 00:38:41] (luaCreateConditionObject) This function can only be used while loading the script.


[14/01/2013 00:38:41] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[14/01/2013 00:38:41] buffer:onThink

[14/01/2013 00:38:41] Description:

[14/01/2013 00:38:41] (luaSetConditionParam) This function can only be used while loading the script.


[14/01/2013 00:38:41] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] buffer:onThink

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] Description:

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] (luaAddOutfitCondition) This function can only be used while loading the script.


[14/01/2013 00:38:42] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] buffer:onThink

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] Description:

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] (luaCreateConditionObject) This function can only be used while loading the script.


[14/01/2013 00:38:42] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] buffer:onThink

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] Description:

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] (luaSetConditionParam) This function can only be used while loading the script.


[14/01/2013 00:38:42] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] buffer:onThink

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] Description:

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] (luaAddOutfitCondition) This function can only be used while loading the script.


[14/01/2013 00:38:42] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] buffer:onThink

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] Description:

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] (luaCreateConditionObject) This function can only be used while loading the script.


[14/01/2013 00:38:42] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] buffer:onThink

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] Description:

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] (luaSetConditionParam) This function can only be used while loading the script.


[14/01/2013 00:38:42] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] buffer:onThink

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] Description:

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] (luaAddOutfitCondition) This function can only be used while loading the script.


[14/01/2013 00:38:42] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] buffer:onThink

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] Description:

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] (luaCreateConditionObject) This function can only be used while loading the script.


[14/01/2013 00:38:42] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] buffer:onThink

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] Description:

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] (luaSetConditionParam) This function can only be used while loading the script.


[14/01/2013 00:38:42] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] buffer:onThink

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] Description:

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] (luaAddOutfitCondition) This function can only be used while loading the script.


[14/01/2013 00:38:42] [Error - GlobalEvent Interface]

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] buffer:onThink

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] Description:

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] (luaCreateConditionObject) This function can only be used while loading the script.

[14/01/2013 00:38:42] [Error - GlobalEvents::think] Couldn't execute event: teamBattleStart


como resolver pf ajuda !

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