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New Marriage System


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Sobre: É um sistema de casamento entre players, o diferencial do sistema é que eles podem upar o level do seu casamento(sistema), para isso eles terão que caçar juntos, também caçando junto eles recebem alguns bônus.


Sistema: O sistema tem stages, ou seja, a medida que o level do casamento ir aumentando, mais difícil vai ficar para alcançar o próximo nível do sistema, para aumentar o nível do sistema, eles terão que estar perto um do outro, então vão acumulando "marry exp", que é a exp do casamento.


Dependendo do level do casamento os jogadores vão ganhar um bônus experience(caso estiverem juntos), é por stages também, tudo configurável.


O casal não poderá se atacar, já que vão estar upando junto muitas vezes.


Também para não dar lag, na db fica salvo o casal, não os dois jogadores, isso quer dizer que se 10 jogadores casam, na db fica salvo só 5 colunas, compacta, e a exp do player é por storage, nada por db, para não lagar.


Bônus: Além da exp bônus para o casal, eles terão chances de conseguir dois "bufs" especiais:


1° [Reflect] - Chance de ser refletido o damage do monstro em 50%

2° [Couple Damage] - O casal compartilha da mesma dor, isso faz com que o dano recebido seja divido entre o casal.


Claro que os buffs só serão dados se ambos estiverem junto.




!marriage info -- mostra em uma janela informações sobre o sistema

!marriage status -- caso jogador for casado, mostra o status do casamento(exp,level, casado)

!marriage date -- mostra a data do casamento

!marriage accept -- para aceitar o convite de um casamento

!marriage reject -- para rejeitar o convite de um casamento

!marriage NAME -- isso faz com que você peça um jogador em casamento ex: !marriage mulizeu

!divorce -- para se divorcia do seu casamento







Uma mensagem na parte inferior da tela, dizendo quanto de "marry exp" ganhou no monstro que matou


comando !marriage info, faz com que monstre a informações do sistema, preços do casamento, divócio, level, etc..


comando !marriage status mostra o status do casamento do player, quando de "marry exp" para o próximo nível, etc...


Look que mostra com quem é casado e nível do casamento.


o buff "Couple damage"


O buff "reflect damage"




Na sua db execute:

CREATE TABLE marriage_system (
    id			    INTEGER NOT NULL,
    player_id   INTEGER NOT NULL,
    partner	 VARCHAR( 255 )  NOT NULL,
    marriage_date INTEGER NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ( id )





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<mod name="MarriageSystem" version="1.0" author="Mulizeu" contact="" enabled="yes">  
<config name="marry_func"><![CDATA[
marry_config = {
Premium = false,
OnlyDifferentSex = false,
Marry_Price = 300000,
Divorce_Price = 100000,
Level = 50,
MaxSqm = 7 -- to up system and win bonus
Marry_stage = {
[0] = {exp = 350000, marry_percent = 50, player_experience = 0},
[1] = {exp = 700000, marry_percent = 45, player_experience = 2},
[2] = {exp = 1050000, marry_percent = 40, player_experience = 4},
[3] = {exp = 1400000, marry_percent = 35, player_experience = 6},
[4] = {exp = 1750000, marry_percent = 30, player_experience = 8},
[5] = {exp = 2100000, marry_percent = 25, player_experience = 10},
[6] = {exp = 2450000, marry_percent = 20, player_experience = 12},
[7] = {exp = 2800000, marry_percent = 15, player_experience = 14},
[8] = {exp = 3150000, marry_percent = 10, player_experience = 16},
[9] = {exp = 3500000, marry_percent = 5, player_experience = 18},
[10] = {exp = 0, marry_percent = 0, player_experience = 20}
marriage_tabble = {exp = 350250,level = 340200}
function isMarried(cid)
local m = db.getResult("SELECT `player_id` FROM `marriage_system` WHERE `player_id` = '"..getPlayerGUID(cid).."';")
if(m:getID() == -1) then
local e = db.getResult("SELECT `partner` FROM `marriage_system` WHERE `partner` = '"..getPlayerGUID(cid).."';")
if(e:getID() == -1) then
return false
return true
function isPatner(cid)
local p = db.getResult("SELECT `partner` FROM `marriage_system` WHERE `player_id` = '"..getPlayerGUID(cid).."';")
if(p:getID() == -1) then
return true
return false
function isMarryOnline(cid)
if not getPlayerByNameWildcard(getPartner(cid)) then
return false
return true
function getPartner(cid)
if isPatner(cid) then
a = db.getResult("SELECT `player_id` FROM `marriage_system` WHERE `partner` = '"..getPlayerGUID(cid).."';")
b = "player_id"
a = db.getResult("SELECT `partner` FROM `marriage_system` WHERE `player_id` = '"..getPlayerGUID(cid).."';")
b = "partner"
local query = a
return getPlayerNameByGUID(query:getDataString(b))
function doMarry(cid, patner)
return db.executeQuery("INSERT INTO `marriage_system` (`player_id`, `partner`, `marriage_date`) VALUES ('".. getPlayerGUID(cid) .."', '"..patner.."', '".. os.time() .."');")
function doDivorcePlayer(cid)
if isPatner(cid) then
pid,player = getPlayerGUIDByName(getPartner(cid)),getPlayerByNameWildcard(getPartner(cid))
pid,player = getPlayerGUID(cid),cid
if(not player or isPlayerGhost(player)) then
db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `player_storage` WHERE `player_id` = " .. pid .. " AND `key` = " .. marriage_tabble.level .. ";")
db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `player_storage` WHERE `player_id` = " .. pid .. " AND `key` = " .. marriage_tabble.exp .. ";")
setPlayerStorageValue(player, marriage_tabble.level,0)
setPlayerStorageValue(player, marriage_tabble.exp,0)
return db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `marriage_system` WHERE `player_id` = '" .. pid .. "';")
function getMarryStatus(cid, status)
player = isPatner(cid) and getPlayerByNameWildcard(getPartner(cid)) or cid
return getPlayerStorageValue(player,status == "level" and marriage_tabble.level or marriage_tabble.exp) < 0 and 0 or getPlayerStorageValue(player, status == "level" and marriage_tabble.level or marriage_tabble.exp)
function setMarryStatus(cid, status, amount)
player = isPatner(cid) and getPlayerByNameWildcard(getPartner(cid)) or cid
return setPlayerStorageValue(player, status == "level" and marriage_tabble.level or marriage_tabble.exp, getMarryStatus(player, status)+amount)
function getMarryExp(cid)
return getMarryStatus(cid, "exp")
function addMarryExp(cid, amount)
return setMarryStatus(cid, "exp", amount)
function addMarryLevel(cid, amount)
return setMarryStatus(cid, "level", amount)
function getMarryLevel(cid)
return getMarryStatus(cid, "level")
function getMarryDate(cid)
local player = isPatner(cid) and getPlayerGUIDByName(getPartner(cid)) or getPlayerGUID(cid)
local date = db.getResult("SELECT `marriage_date` FROM `marriage_system` WHERE `player_id` = '"..player.."';")
return"%d %B %Y %X ", date:getDataInt("marriage_date"))
<talkaction words="/marriage;!marriage;!divorce;/divorce" event="buffer"><![CDATA[
config = {TimeAccept = 30, sqm = 3, storage1 = 873438, storage2 = 532579}
if words =="!marriage" or words =="/marriage" then
param = string.lower(param)
if (param == "") then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"invalid command, for more information enter !marriage info")
elseif(param == "info") then
msg = "Marriage Info".."\n\nLevel Minimum: "..marry_config.Level.."\nMarriage Cost: "..marry_config.Marry_Price.."\nDivorce Cost: "..marry_config.Divorce_Price.."\n\nMarried Players have a bonus exp as a wedding gift given by the union".."\n\nThis bonus is only given if the married players are nearby.\n\nTo marry use the command:\n!marriage NAME"
elseif(param == "status") then
if isMarried(cid) then
msg = "Marriage Status".."\n\nMarried with: ["..getPartner(cid).."]\n\nMarry Experience: "..(getMarryLevel(cid) ~= 10 and "["..getMarryExp(cid).."/"..Marry_stage[getMarryLevel(cid)].exp.."]" or "[Max]").."\n\nMarry Level: "..(getMarryLevel(cid) ~= 10 and "["..getMarryLevel(cid).."]" or "[Max]").."\n"
msg = "you are not married"
doPlayerPopupFYI(cid, msg)
elseif (param =="date") then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,""..(isMarried(cid) and "The date of his marriage with "..getPartner(cid).." was: "..getMarryDate(cid).."." or "you are not married.").."")
elseif (param =="accept") then
player = getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.storage2)
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.storage1) >= os.time() then
if not isMarried(cid) then
if getDistanceBetween(getCreaturePosition(cid), getCreaturePosition(player)) <= config.sqm then
doMarry(cid, getPlayerGUID(player))
doPlayerSendTextMessage(player, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"Congratulations! "..getCreatureName(cid).." accepted his marriage proposal.")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"Congratulations! you married with "..getCreatureName(player))
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 35)
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(player), 35)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "you're far away from her suitor.")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"you are not married.")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"you do not received none wedding invitation.")
elseif (param =="reject") then
if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.storage1) >= os.time() then
if not isMarried(cid) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"You just refuse the wedding invitation from player "..getCreatureName(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.storage2)))
doPlayerSendTextMessage(getPlayerStorageValue(cid, config.storage2), MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,getCreatureName(cid).." rejected his marriage proposal.")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"you are already married.")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"you do not received none wedding invitation.")
local player = getPlayerByNameWildcard(param)
if(not player)then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, param.." is offline or does not exist.") return true
elseif isMarried(cid) or isMarried(player) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, ""..(isMarried(cid) and "you" or "he").." already is wedded.") return true
elseif marry_config.Premium == true then
if not isPremium(cid) or not isPremium(Player) then doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "players must be premium") end
return true  
elseif getPlayerLevel(cid) < marry_config.Level or getPlayerLevel(player) < marry_config.Level then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "players must to be level "..marry_config.Level) return true
elseif getPlayerStorageValue(player, config.storage1) >= os.time() then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, param.." already have a wedding invitation, wait.") return true
elseif getDistanceBetween(getCreaturePosition(cid), getCreaturePosition(player)) > config.sqm then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "you are far away from each other to get married.") return true
elseif marry_config.OnlyDifferentSex and getPlayerSex(cid) == getPlayerSex(player) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "you can only marry the opposite sex") return true
elseif not doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, marry_config.Marry_Price) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, "Sorry, but you do not have "..marry_config.Marry_Price.." gp(s) to ask "..param.." in marriage.") return true
setPlayerStorageValue(player, config.storage1,os.time()+config.TimeAccept)
setPlayerStorageValue(player, config.storage2, cid)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"you asked "..param.." in marriage, wait a answer!")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(player, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,getCreatureName(cid).." asked you in marriage, enter !marriage accept or !marriage reject")
elseif words =="!divorce" or words =="/divorce" then
if isMarried(cid) then
if doPlayerRemoveMoney(cid, marry_config.Divorce_Price) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_ORANGE,"Congratulations, you end up divorcing from player: "..getPartner(cid))
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"Sorry, you do not have "..marry_config.Divorce_Price.." gp(s).")
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE,"you are not married.")
return true
<event type="login" name="MarryRegister" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onLogin(cid)
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "ExpMarry")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "MarryLook")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "MarryStats")
registerCreatureEvent(cid, "MarryNoAttack")
   return true
<event type="look" name="MarryLook" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onLook(cid, thing, position, lookDistance)
if isPlayer(thing.uid) and isMarried(thing.uid) then
doPlayerSetSpecialDescription(thing.uid, "\nMarried with "..getPartner(thing.uid).." - [Nv: " .. getMarryLevel(thing.uid) .."]\n")
return true
<event type="combat" name="MarryNoAttack" event="script"><![CDATA[
if isPlayer(cid) and isPlayer(target) and isMarried(cid) and isMarried(target) then
if (getCreatureName(target) ==  getPartner(cid))then
doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "You may not attack this player.")
return false
return true
<event type="kill" name="ExpMarry" event="script"><![CDATA[
function onKill(cid, target, lastHit)
if isMonster(target) then
conta = getMonsterInfo(string.lower(getCreatureName(target))).experience
if isMarried(cid) and isMarryOnline(cid) and getDistanceBetween(getCreaturePosition(cid), getCreaturePosition(getPlayerByNameWildcard(getPartner(cid)))) <= marry_config.MaxSqm then
if getMarryLevel(cid) ~= 10 then
mexp = math.ceil((conta*Marry_stage[getMarryLevel(cid)].marry_percent)/100)
addMarryExp(cid, mexp)
if isMarryOnline(cid) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(getPlayerByNameWildcard(getPartner(cid)),MESSAGE_STATUS_SMALL,"Marry exp + "..mexp)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_SMALL,"Marry exp + "..mexp)
if getMarryExp(cid) >= Marry_stage[getMarryLevel(cid)].exp then
addMarryLevel(cid, 1)
if isMarryOnline(cid) then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(getPlayerByNameWildcard(getPartner(cid)), MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED,"[Marriage System] Level Up! [Nv: "..getMarryLevel(cid).."].")
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getPlayerByNameWildcard(getPartner(cid))), 35)
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid,MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_RED,"[Marriage System] Level Up! [Nv: "..getMarryLevel(cid).."].")
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 35)
local exp = getExperienceStage(getPlayerLevel(cid), getVocationInfo(getPlayerVocation(cid)).experienceMultiplier)
local count = math.ceil(((getMonsterInfo(string.lower(getCreatureName(target))).experience*exp)*Marry_stage[getMarryLevel(cid)].player_experience)/100)
doPlayerAddExperience(cid, count)
return true
<event type="statschange" name="MarryStats" event="script"><![CDATA[
Damage_percent = 50 -- metade n mexa
Chance = 25 -- chance de conseguir o reflect ou couple damage
if isMonster(attacker) and type == STATSCHANGE_HEALTHLOSS then
if isMarried(cid) and isMarryOnline(cid) and getPlayerByNameWildcard(getPartner(cid)) and getDistanceBetween(getCreaturePosition(cid), getCreaturePosition(getPlayerByNameWildcard(getPartner(cid)))) <= marry_config.MaxSqm then
if (Chance > math.random(1, 100)) then
damage = math.ceil((value*Damage_percent)/100)
if (50 > math.random(1, 100)) then
doTargetCombatHealth(cid, attacker, COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, -damage, -damage, CONST_ME_HOLYDAMAGE)
doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), "REFLECT!", 140)  
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_HEARTS)
doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(cid), "Love!", 200)
doCreatureAddHealth(cid, damage)
if isMarryOnline(cid) then
doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(getPlayerByNameWildcard(getPartner(cid))), CONST_ME_HEARTS)
doSendAnimatedText(getCreaturePosition(getPlayerByNameWildcard(getPartner(cid))), "Love!", 200)   
doCreatureAddHealth(getPlayerByNameWildcard(getPartner(cid)), -damage)
return true





marry_config = {

Premium = false, -- se o jogador precisa ser premium para casar

OnlyDifferentSex = false, -- se precisa ser do sexo oposto

Marry_Price = 300000, -- qnto vai custar o pedido de casamento

Divorce_Price = 100000, -- quanto vai custar o divórcio

Level = 50, -- que level precisa ser para casar

MaxSqm = 7 -- aqui é quantos sqm eles precisam estar perto um do outro para ganha exp, bonus, etc...




Marry_stage = {

[0] = {exp = 350000, marry_percent = 50, player_experience = 0},

[1] = {exp = 700000, marry_percent = 45, player_experience = 2},

[2] = {exp = 1050000, marry_percent = 40, player_experience = 4},

[3] = {exp = 1400000, marry_percent = 35, player_experience = 6},

[4] = {exp = 1750000, marry_percent = 30, player_experience = 8},

[5] = {exp = 2100000, marry_percent = 25, player_experience = 10},

[6] = {exp = 2450000, marry_percent = 20, player_experience = 12},

[7] = {exp = 2800000, marry_percent = 15, player_experience = 14},

[8] = {exp = 3150000, marry_percent = 10, player_experience = 16},

[9] = {exp = 3500000, marry_percent = 5, player_experience = 18},

[10] = {exp = 0, marry_percent = 0, player_experience = 20}





exp = Quanto de exp precisa pra avançar de nível do casamento


marry_percent = quanto de exp eles receberão a matar um montro, por exemplo, no level 0 eles matando um demon que de digamos dê 6000 de exp, eles irão ganhar 50% de 6000, que fica 3000 para o sistema de casamento.


player_experience = bônus exp em % para os players que estiverem upando junto, varia o level do casamento, no level 10, que é o máximo, se eles uparem junto vão receber bônus de 20% experience.


CREDITOS : 25% Ao vodkart pela lib e 75% ao mulizeu(eu) Pelos demais scripts

Editado por mulizeu
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Tenho umas perguntas:

Precisa de level minimo para casar? Se não, poderia por, porque pensa:

Tenho um Druid level 50, vo caçar demon, vo criar um char female knight, pra dividir os danos ;D


Mas sei lá, só uma sugestão, mas o script é bem bolado, de um modo geral, ele faz mesmo um sistema cooperativo entre o casal.

Adorei! REP+

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Extremamente bom o sistema, mais acho que 25 só dos creditos ao vod ta errado, mais tudo bem, perfeito.


Justo, pois eu só fiz a lib, ele que fez o resto do sistema, e ficou excelente amigo.

Obrigado por compartilhar, irei usar o sistema xD

ta lindo





precisa ter level sim, você configura aqui:



Level = 50,

Editado por Vodkart
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Eu não entendi a parte de executar na DB '-'



1° Abra o programa Sqlite

2° selecione sua db( Eu tenho o servidor baiak aqui e eu vou abrir o arquivo forgottenserver.s3db,pode ser outro nome,mas o arquivo é esse ".s3db")

3° na parte superior do programa tem a aba "Tools",clica nela e seleciona "Open SQL query editor" ou (ALT + E) se preferir

4° Vai abrir uma janela branca,nela você coloca isso:

CREATE TABLE marriage_system (
           id                      INTEGER NOT NULL,
           player_id   INTEGER NOT NULL,
           partner      VARCHAR( 255 )  NOT NULL,
           marriage_date INTEGER NOT NULL,
           PRIMARY KEY ( id )

5° Depois clica no ícone do raio ali na parte de cima ou aperta o botão F9 que vai fazer com que a query seja executada.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ótimo sistema, porém não vou usar por que eu acho meio estranho por talkactions. Um casamento sem padre? kkk. RESPUTADO.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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