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Talkactions com erro no console



Ola tenho 1 script de troca de outfit e adiciona efeito na outfit, ela em si funciona perfeitamente porem quando o player loga/morre da erro no console


creature not found


se possivel poderiam me ajudar a arruma

transfs = {
[69] = {stor = 202020, out = 64, skillq = 1, speed = 5, eff = 10, effs = 18}, 
[64] = {stor = 202021, out = 31, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 24, effs = 12}, 
[31] = {stor = 202022, out = 90, skillq = 3, speed = 5, eff = 24, effs = 15}, 
[90] = {stor = 202023, out = 89, skillq = 4, speed = 5, eff = 24, effs = 11}, 

[5] = {stor = 1230, out = 6, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 25, effs = 9}, 
[6] = {stor = 1229, out = 7, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 23, effs = 14}, 
[7] = {stor = 1228, out = 8, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 14, effs = 14}, 
[8] = {stor = 1227, out = 8, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 14, effs = 13}, 

[9] = {stor = 1226, out = 10, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 2, effs = 19}, 
[10] = {stor = 1225, out = 11, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 50, effs = 19}, 
[11] = {stor = 1224, out = 12, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 33, effs = 14}, 
[12] = {stor = 1223, out = 12, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 35, effs = 11}, 

function onSay(cid, words, param)

local fix = transfs[getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType]

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, fix.stor) < 1 then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "Você ainda não completou a quest necessária para sua transformação.")
return true

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), fix.eff)
attribute(cid, fix.eff, fix.effs)
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = fix.out}, -1)
doChangeSpeed(cid, getCreatureSpeed(cid) + fix.speed)
return true

--[[ Função criada por Roksas - Acesse já ]]--

function attribute(cid, skillq, speed, eff, effs)
local fix2 = transfs[getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType]

if not isCreature(cid) then
return true

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), fix2.effs)
return addEvent(attribute, 1 * 1000, cid, skillq, speed, eff, effs) and true


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tenta assim:





transfs = {
[69] = {stor = 202020, out = 64, skillq = 1, speed = 5, eff = 10, effs = 18},
[64] = {stor = 202021, out = 31, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 24, effs = 12},
[31] = {stor = 202022, out = 90, skillq = 3, speed = 5, eff = 24, effs = 15},
[90] = {stor = 202023, out = 89, skillq = 4, speed = 5, eff = 24, effs = 11},

[5] = {stor = 1230, out = 6, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 25, effs = 9},
[6] = {stor = 1229, out = 7, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 23, effs = 14},
[7] = {stor = 1228, out = 8, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 14, effs = 14},
[8] = {stor = 1227, out = 8, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 14, effs = 13},

[9] = {stor = 1226, out = 10, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 2, effs = 19},
[10] = {stor = 1225, out = 11, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 50, effs = 19},
[11] = {stor = 1224, out = 12, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 33, effs = 14},
[12] = {stor = 1223, out = 12, skillq = 2, speed = 5, eff = 35, effs = 11},

function onSay(cid, words, param)

local fix = transfs[getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType]

if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, fix.stor) < 1 then
doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 20, "Você ainda não completou a quest necessária para sua transformação.")
return true

doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), fix.eff)
attribute(cid, fix.eff, fix.effs)
doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, {lookType = fix.out}, -1)
doChangeSpeed(cid, getCreatureSpeed(cid) + fix.speed)
return true

--[[ Função criada por Roksas - Acesse já ]]--

function attribute(cid, skillq, speed, eff, effs)
local fix2 = transfs[getCreatureOutfit(cid).lookType]

if isCreature(cid) then
doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), fix2.effs)
return addEvent(attribute, 1 * 1000, cid, skillq, speed, eff, effs) and true



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Ele modifica a outfit, solta o 1 efeito e funciona o addevent, porem se o player morre/loga aparece essa msg no console

Editado por yoh
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Vê aí se funciona, não testei.

	[69] = {outfit = {lookType = 64}, useEffect = 10, pEffect = 18},
	[64] = {outfit = {lookType = 31}, useEffect = 24, pEffect = 12},
	[31] = {outfit = {lookType = 90}, useEffect = 24, pEffect = 15},
	[90] = {outfit = {lookType = 89}, useEffect = 24, pEffect = 11},
	[5] = {outfit = {lookType = 6}, useEffect = 25, pEffect = 9},
	[6] = {outfit = {lookType = 7}, useEffect = 23, pEffect = 14},
	[7] = {outfit = {lookType = 8}, useEffect = 14, pEffect = 14},
	[9] = {outfit = {lookType = 10}, useEffect = 2, pEffect = 19},
	[10] = {outfit = {lookType = 11}, useEffect = 50, pEffect = 19},
	[11] = {outfit = {lookType = 12}, useEffect = 33, pEffect = 14},

local function delayed_magic_effect(cid)
	if not isCreature(cid) then
		return true
	local outfit = getCreatureOutfit(cid)
	local tmp = TRANSFORMATIONS[outfit.lookType]
	if not tmp then
		return true

	return addEvent(function()
		doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), tmp.pEffect)
	end, 1000)
function onSay(cid, words, param)
	local outfit = getCreatureOutfit(cid)
	local tmp = TRANSFORMATIONS[outfit.lookType]
	if not tmp then
		return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você não possui mais transformações.")
	local storage = outfit.lookType + 25000
	if getCreatureStorage(cid, storage) < 1 then
		return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você ainda não completou a quest necessária para usar essa transformação.")
	doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), tmp.useEffect)
	doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, tmp.outfit, -1)
	return true
Editado por Oneshot
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Quase xorei :'(

Oneshot vc deve ter percebido oq esse script faz ele troka as outfit e adiciona 1 aura, e para ele fazer isso ele verifica se o player tem X outfit, teria como faze-lo para mim algo parecido ?

Quando o Player loga/morre ele da esse erro no console

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[Error - TalkAction Interface]

In a timer event called from:



<luaGetThingPosition> Thing not found

Aguardando Oneshot acredito que só vc vai poder me ajuda ^^ to a 4 dias procurando esse script ><"

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	[69] = {outfit = {lookType = 64}, useEffect = 10, pEffect = 18},
	[64] = {outfit = {lookType = 31}, useEffect = 24, pEffect = 12},
	[31] = {outfit = {lookType = 90}, useEffect = 24, pEffect = 15},
	[90] = {outfit = {lookType = 89}, useEffect = 24, pEffect = 11},
	[5] = {outfit = {lookType = 6}, useEffect = 25, pEffect = 9},
	[6] = {outfit = {lookType = 7}, useEffect = 23, pEffect = 14},
	[7] = {outfit = {lookType = 8}, useEffect = 14, pEffect = 14},
	[9] = {outfit = {lookType = 10}, useEffect = 2, pEffect = 19},
	[10] = {outfit = {lookType = 11}, useEffect = 50, pEffect = 19},
	[11] = {outfit = {lookType = 12}, useEffect = 33, pEffect = 14},

local function delayed_magic_effect(cid)
	if not isCreature(cid) then
		return true
	local outfit = getCreatureOutfit(cid)
	local tmp = TRANSFORMATIONS[outfit.lookType]
	if not tmp then
		return true

	doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), tmp.pEffect)
	return addEvent(function()
	end, 1000)
function onSay(cid, words, param)
	local outfit = getCreatureOutfit(cid)
	local tmp = TRANSFORMATIONS[outfit.lookType]
	if not tmp then
		return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você não possui transformações.")
	local storage = outfit.lookType + 25000
	if getCreatureStorage(cid, storage) == 2103 then
		return doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Você ainda não completou a quest necessária para usar essa transformação.")
	doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), tmp.useEffect)
	doSetCreatureOutfit(cid, tmp.outfit, -1)
	return true

Dessa vez testei.


Tchau, não volto aqui mais.

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PQP mnw feito....


Só modifiquei para que em vez dele verificar Storage ele verifica o Level do player e funciono perfeito, muito obrigado

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