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citywar - anti-entrosa otx malucooo



Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface] data/creaturescripts/scripts/modalwindowhelper.lua:onModalWindowdata/creaturescripts/scripts/citywar.lua:147: attempt to call method 'getBankBalance' (a nil value)stack traceback:        [C]: in function 'getBankBalance'        data/creaturescripts/scripts/citywar.lua:147: in function 'callback'        data/creaturescripts/scripts/modalwindowhelper.lua:26: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/modalwindowhelper.lua:1>

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function onLogout(player)    local city, registry = CityWars.getPlayerWar(player)    if city then        city:onLogout(player)    end    return trueend function onPrepareDeath(player, killer)    local city, registry = CityWars.getPlayerWar(player)    city:onDeath(player, registry, killer)    return falseend local function newSetting(func, format, id)    return {        format = format,        func = func,        current = 0,        id = id    }end local function getSetting(settings, id)    for _, setting in ipairs(settings) do        if == id then            return (setting.func(setting.current))        end    endend local function filter(list, predicate)    local ret = {}    for k, v in ipairs(list) do        if predicate(v) then            table.insert(ret, v)        end    end    return retend local function getGuildLeaders(guild)    return filter(guild:getMembersOnline(), function(p) return p:getGuildLevel() >= CityWars.minGuildRank end) end local SETTING_CITY = 0local SETTING_BUYIN = 1local SETTING_FRAGLIMIT = 2local SETTING_UE = 3local SETTING_SD = 4local SETTING_TEAMSIZE = 5 local function sendWarSettings(player, info)    local enemyGuild = Guild(info.invitedGuildId)    if enemyGuild then        local window = ModalWindow {            title = 'War against ' .. enemyGuild:getName(),            message = 'Settings:'        }         info.settings = info.settings or {            newSetting(function(n)                if n < CITY_WAR_FIRST then                    n = CITY_WAR_FIRST                elseif n > CITY_WAR_LAST then                    n = CITY_WAR_LAST                end                 return CityWars[n].name, n            end, 'City: %s', SETTING_CITY),             newSetting(function(n)                n = math.max(0, n)                return n * CityWars.buyInMultiplier, n            end, 'Buy in: %d gold coins', SETTING_BUYIN),             newSetting(function(n)                n = math.max(1, n)                return n * CityWars.fragLimitMultiplier, n            end, 'Frag limit: %d kills', SETTING_FRAGLIMIT),             newSetting(function(n)                return n % 2 == 0, n            end, 'U.E enabled: %s', SETTING_UE),             newSetting(function(n)                return n % 2 ~= 0, n            end, 'S.D only: %s', SETTING_SD),             newSetting(function(n)                n = math.max(1, n)                return n * CityWars.teamSizeMultiplier, n            end, 'Team size: %d', SETTING_TEAMSIZE)        }         for _, setting in ipairs(info.settings) do            local s, n = setting.func(setting.current)            local choice = window:addChoice(setting.format:format(s))            choice.setting = setting            setting.current = n        end         window:addButton('<', function(button, choice)            choice.setting.current = choice.setting.current - 1            sendWarSettings(player, info)        end)         window:addButton('Ok', function(button, choice)            local guild = player:getGuild()            if not guild then                return player:sendCancelMessage('You do not belong to a guild.')            end             local enemyGuild = Guild(info.invitedGuildId)            if not enemyGuild then                return player:sendCancelMessage('Enemy guild not found.')            else                local ret = CityWars.isValidGuild(enemyGuild)                if ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_TOOFEWPLAYERS then                    return player:sendCancelMessage('The enemy guild has too few online players to be able to participate in a city war.')                elseif ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_TOOFEWUNIQUEIPS then                    return player:sendCancelMessage('The enemy guild has too few unique ip addresses to be able to participate in a city war.')                end            end             local enemyLeaders = getGuildLeaders(enemyGuild)                   if #enemyLeaders == 0 then                return player:sendCancelMessage('There is no one online in the enemy guild able to accept a city war request.')            end             local city = CityWars.getCityByName(getSetting(info.settings, SETTING_CITY))            if not city then                return player:sendCancelMessage('City not found.')            elseif not city:isFree() then                return player:sendCancelMessage(city:getName() .. ' is being used at the moment.')            end                     local options = {                city = city,                ultimateExplosion = getSetting(info.settings, SETTING_UE),                fragLimit = getSetting(info.settings, SETTING_FRAGLIMIT),                suddenDeathOnly = getSetting(info.settings, SETTING_SD),                teamSize = getSetting(info.settings, SETTING_TEAMSIZE),                buyIn = getSetting(info.settings, SETTING_BUYIN)            }                       if guild:getBankBalance() < options.buyIn then                return player:sendCancelMessage('Your guild does not have enough funds in the bank to pay the buy in.')            end             local ret = CityWars.onInvite(city, player, enemyGuild, enemyLeaders, options)            if ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_LIVEINVITE then                return player:sendCancelMessage('The last invite you sent to this guild is still active.')            elseif ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_INVITERINWAR then                return player:sendCancelMessage('You can only invite another guild for war after your current one ends.')            elseif ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_INVITEDINWAR then                return player:sendCancelMessage('The guild you invited is currently in war.')            elseif ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_NOERROR then                player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'The invite was sent. The enemy guild\'s leader has two minutes to accept it.')                local guildName = player:getGuild():getName()                for _, leader in ipairs(enemyLeaders) do                    leader:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, '"' .. player:getName() .. '" from guild "' .. guildName .. '" has invited your guild for a city war. If you wish to accept, head to a temple and read the guild book.')                    leader:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, CityWars.getOptionsString(options))                end            end        end)        window:setDefaultEnterButton('Ok')         window:addButton('>', function(button, choice)            choice.setting.current = choice.setting.current + 1            sendWarSettings(player, info)        end)         window:addButton('Cancel')         window:sendToPlayer(player)    end     return falseend function onTextEdit(player, item, text)    player:unregisterEvent('CityWarInvite')    if item:getId() == CityWars.inviteItemId then        local enemy = {}        for k, v in ipairs(Game.getPlayers()) do            local tmp = v:getGuild()            if tmp and tmp:getName():lower() == text:lower() then                enemy.guild = tmp                enemy.leaders = getGuildLeaders(enemy.guild)                           break            end        end         if not enemy.guild then            return player:sendCancelMessage('Enemy guild not found.')        else            local guild = player:getGuild()            if not guild then                return player:sendCancelMessage('You do not belong to a guild.')            end             if guild:getId() == enemy.guild:getId() then                return player:sendCancelMessage('You can not start a war against your own guild.')            end             local ret = CityWars.isValidGuild(enemy.guild)            if ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_TOOFEWPLAYERS then                return player:sendCancelMessage('The enemy guild has too few online players to be able to participate in a city war.')            elseif ret == CW_RETURNVALUE_TOOFEWUNIQUEIPS then                return player:sendCancelMessage('The enemy guild has too few unique ip addresses to be able to participate in a city war.')            end        end         if #enemy.leaders == 0 then            return player:sendCancelMessage('There are no online leaders on the enemy guild.')        end             return sendWarSettings(player, {            invitedGuildId = enemy.guild:getId()        })    endend




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Lua Script Error: [CreatureScript Interface]data/creaturescripts/scripts/modalwindowhelper.lua:onModalWindowdata/lib/citywars.lua:553: attempt to call method 'getBankBalance' (a nil value)stack traceback:    [C]: in function 'getBankBalance'    data/lib/citywars.lua:553: in function 'onInviteAccepted'    data/actions/scripts/citywar.lua:146: in function 'callback'    data/creaturescripts/scripts/modalwindowhelper.lua:26: in function <data/creaturescripts/scripts/modalwindowhelper.lua:1




CITY_WAR_FIRST      = 0CITY_WAR_EDRON     = 0CITY_WAR_YALAHAR  = 1CITY_WAR_DARASHIA      = 2CITY_WAR_LIBERTYBAY  = 3CITY_WAR_LAST       = 3 CW_RETURNVALUE_NOERROR = 0CW_RETURNVALUE_LIVEINVITE = 1CW_RETURNVALUE_INVITERINWAR = 2CW_RETURNVALUE_INVITEDINWAR = 3CW_RETURNVALUE_TOOFEWPLAYERS = 4CW_RETURNVALUE_TOOFEWUNIQUEIPS = 5 local function capitalize(self)    local tmp = self:lower()    return tmp:sub(1, 1):upper() .. tmp:sub(2)end local function reduce(list, predicate)    local ret = list[1]    for i = 2, #list do        ret = predicate(ret, list[i])    end    return retend local function resumeThread(thread, info, ...)    local suc, tmp = coroutine.resume(thread, ...)    if not suc then        error(tmp)    end     local wait = tonumber(tmp)    if wait then = addEvent(resumeThread, wait, thread, info)    endend local function addThread(func, delay, ...)    local thread = coroutine.create(func)    local info = { }    if delay == 0 then        resumeThread(thread, info, ...)    else = addEvent(resumeThread, delay, thread, info, ...)    end    return infoend if not CityWars then    CityWars = {        cityWarDuration = 2 * 60 * 60,        cityWarStorage = 15600,        rankingLimit = 1, -- How many players should appear in the ranking message        minGuildSize = 1, -- How many guild members need to be online        minDifferentIPs = 1, -- Minimum number of unique ips        inviteItemId = 1949,        buyInMultiplier = 50000,        fragLimitMultiplier = 1,        teamSizeMultiplier = 1,         minGuildRank = 3, -- Minimum guild rank to start/accept/cancel a city war        removeConditions = {CONDITION_POISON, CONDITION_FIRE, CONDITION_ENERGY, CONDITION_BLEEDING, CONDITION_PARALYZE, CONDITION_INFIGHT},        -- [invitedName] = { {city = City, invitedPlayer = Player, invitedGuild = Guild, inviterPlayer = Player, inviterGuild = Guild, options = { }} }        invites = {},              [CITY_WAR_EDRON] = {            spawns = {                -- Team 1 position                [1] = Position(518, 50, 7),                -- Team 2 position                [2] = Position(581, 118, 6),            },             name = 'edron',             --  [playerId] = {player = player, name = name, team = 1/2, kills = 0, deaths = 0}            players = { },             -- [team] = {guild = guild, name = name, kills = 0, deaths = 0}            teams = { }        },         [CITY_WAR_DARASHIA] = {            spawns = {                -- Team 1 position                [1] = Position(31217, 32552, 7),                -- Team 2 position                [2] = Position(31295, 32639, 7),            },             name = 'darashia',             --  [playerId] = {player = player, name = name, team = 1/2, kills = 0, deaths = 0}            players = { },             -- [team] = {guild = guild, name = name, kills = 0, deaths = 0}            teams = { }        },         [CITY_WAR_LIBERTYBAY] = {            spawns = {                -- Team 1 position                [1] = Position(30740, 32734, 7),                -- Team 2 position                [2] = Position(30767, 32567, 7),            },             name = 'liberty bay',             --  [playerId] = {player = player, name = name, team = 1/2, kills = 0, deaths = 0}            players = { },             -- [team] = {guild = guild, name = name, kills = 0, deaths = 0}            teams = { }        },         [CITY_WAR_YALAHAR] = {            spawns = {                -- Team 1 position                [1] = Position(30925, 32825, 7),                -- Team 2 position                [2] = Position(30982, 32827, 7),            },              name = 'yalahar',             --  [playerId] = {player = player, name = name, team = 1/2, kills = 0, deaths = 0}            players = { },             -- [team] = {guild = guild, name = name, kills = 0, deaths = 0}            teams = { },        },    }     local City = {}    City.__index = City     for i = CITY_WAR_FIRST, CITY_WAR_LAST do        setmetatable(CityWars[i], City)    end     function City:onStart()        if not self.endEvent then            self.endEvent = addThread(                function(city)                    for i = 10, 1, -1 do                        city:countdown(i)                        coroutine.yield(60 * 1000)                    end                     local winner                         if self.teams[1].kills > self.teams[2].kills then                        winner = 1                    elseif self.teams[1].kills < self.teams[2].kills then                        winner = 2                    end                     city:onEnd(winner)                               end,                 (CityWars.cityWarDuration - 10 * 60) * 1000,                 self            )        end    end     function City:onEnd(winner)        stopEvent(         for k, v in pairs(self.players) do            if v.player and v.player:getStorageValue(CityWars.cityWarStorage) > 0 then                v.player:teleportTo(v.player:getTown():getTemplePosition())                v.player:addHealth(v.player:getMaxHealth())                v.player:addMana(v.player:getMaxMana())                v.player:setStorageValue(CityWars.cityWarStorage, -1)                v.player:unregisterEvent('CityWarDeath')                for _, cond in ipairs(CityWars.removeConditions) do                    v.player:removeCondition(cond, CONDITIONID_DEFAULT)                end            end        end            self:broadcastMessage(self:getRank())         if not winner then            self:broadcastMessage('The war has ended, it is a draw!')             local guild1 = Guild(self.teams[1].id)            local guild2 = Guild(self.teams[2].id)            if guild1 then                guild1:setBankBalance(guild1:getBankBalance() + self.options.buyIn)            end            if guild2 then                guild2:setBankBalance(guild2:getBankBalance() + self.options.buyIn)            end        else            self:broadcastMessage('The war has ended, "' .. self.teams[winner].name .. '" have won the war and taken home the prize of ' .. (2 * self.options.buyIn) .. ' gold coins.')             local winnerGuild = Guild(self.teams[winner].id)            if winnerGuild then                winnerGuild:setBankBalance(winnerGuild:getBankBalance() + 2 * self.options.buyIn)            end        end            self.players = { }        self.teams = { }        self.options = { }        self.endEvent = nil    end     function City:onCancel(player)        if player:getGuildLevel() < CityWars.minGuildRank then            player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'Only leaders can cancel an ongoing city war.')            return false        end         local registry = self.players[player:getGuid()]        self:broadcastMessage(player:getName() .. ' has forfeited the war.')         self:onEnd(( == 1) and 2 or 1)    end     function City:onCastSpell(player, kind)        if player:getStorageValue(CityWars.cityWarStorage) > 0 then            if kind == 'ultimateExplosion' and not self.options.ultimateExplosion then                return false            elseif kind == 'areaSpell' and self.options.suddenDeathOnly then                return false            end        end        return true    end     function City:onScoreUpdated()        local winner        for i, team in ipairs(self.teams) do            if team.kills >= self.options.fragLimit then                winner = i                break            end           end         self:broadcastScore()        if winner then               self:onEnd(winner)        end    end     function City:onJoin(player)        local registry = self.players[player:getGuid()]        local team = self.teams[]        if team.players < self.options.teamSize then            if player:getStorageValue(CityWars.cityWarStorage) < 0 then                team.players = team.players + 1                 player:registerEvent('CityWarDeath')                player:setStorageValue(CityWars.cityWarStorage, 1)                player:teleportTo(self.spawns[])            end        else            player:sendTextMessage('Your guild has reached the team limit! You may not join them right now.')        end    end     function City:onDeath(player, registry, killer)        if player:getStorageValue(CityWars.cityWarStorage) > 0 then                   player:teleportTo(self.spawns[])            player:addHealth(player:getMaxHealth())            player:addMana(player:getMaxMana())            for _, cond in ipairs(CityWars.removeConditions) do                player:removeCondition(cond, CONDITIONID_DEFAULT)            end             registry.deaths = registry.deaths + 1            local team = self.teams[]            team.deaths = team.deaths + 1             local killerRegistry            if killer then                if not killer:isPlayer() then                    killer = killer:getMaster()                     if not killer or not killer:isPlayer() then                        killer = nil                    end                end                 if killer then                    local _                    _, killerRegistry = CityWars.getPlayerWar(killer)                     end            end             if killerRegistry and ~= then                killerRegistry.kills = killerRegistry.kills + 1            end                    local enemyTeam = self.teams[( == 1) and 2 or 1]            enemyTeam.kills = enemyTeam.kills + 1             self:onScoreUpdated()            return true        end         return false    end     function City:onLeave(player)             if player:getStorageValue(CityWars.cityWarStorage) > 0 then                   player:unregisterEvent('CityWarDeath')            player:setStorageValue(CityWars.cityWarStorage, -1)            player:teleportTo(player:getTown():getTemplePosition())            for _, cond in ipairs(CityWars.removeConditions) do                player:removeCondition(cond, CONDITIONID_DEFAULT)            end             local registry = self.players[player:getGuid()]            registry.player = nil            -- update team's player count            local team = self.teams[]            team.players = team.players - 1               end    end    City.onLogout = City.onLeave     function City:getName()        return capitalize(    end     function City:addPlayer(player, team)        local current = self.players[player:getGuid()]        if not current then            current = {player = player, team = team, name = player:getName(), kills = 0, deaths = 0}        else            -- update player object            current.player = player        end        self.players[player:getGuid()] = current    end     function City:countdown(minutesLeft)        self:broadcastMessage('Countdown: ' .. minutesLeft .. ' minutes until the war ends.')    end     function City:broadcastMessage(msg)        for k, v in pairs(self.players) do            if v.player then                v.player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, msg)            end        end    end     local broadcastFormat = 'Score: "%s" (%d) versus "%s" (%d)'    function City:broadcastScore()        self:broadcastMessage(broadcastFormat:format(self.teams[1].name, self.teams[1].kills, self.teams[2].name, self.teams[2].kills))    end     function City:getRank()        local rank = {}        for k, v in pairs(self.players) do            table.insert(rank, {name =, kills = v.kills, deaths = v.deaths, guildName = self.teams[].name})        end        table.sort(rank,            function(a, b)                if a.kills ~= b.kills then                    return a.kills > b.kills                end                return a.deaths < b.deaths            end               )        local msg = 'Ranking:'        for i = 1, CityWars.rankingLimit do            local player = rank[i]            if player then                           msg = msg .. '\n' .. i .. '. ' .. .. ' - ' .. player.kills .. '/' .. player.deaths .. ' From: "' .. player.guildName .. '"'            end        end        return msg    end     local winFormat = '"%s" has beaten "%s" by %d to %d kills.'    local drawFormat = 'The city war between "%s" and "%s" resulted in a draw.'    function City:broadcastResult()        local msg        if self.teams[1].kills > self.teams[2].kills then            msg = winFormat:format(self.teams[1].name, self.teams[2].name, self.teams[1].kills, self.teams[2].kills)        elseif self.teams[1].kills < self.teams[2].kills then            msg = winFormat:format(self.teams[2].name, self.teams[1].name, self.teams[2].kills, self.teams[1].kills)        else            msg = drawFormat:format(self.teams[1].name, self.teams[2].name)        end         self:broadcastMessage(msg)    end     function City:isFree()        return #self.teams == 0    endend function CityWars.getCityByName(name)    for i = CITY_WAR_FIRST, CITY_WAR_LAST do        local city = CityWars[i]        if == name then            return city        end    end     return nilend function CityWars.getPlayerWar(player, registerPlayer)    local playerGuild = player:getGuild()    if not playerGuild then        return nil    end    for i = CITY_WAR_FIRST, CITY_WAR_LAST do        local city = CityWars[i]        if not city:isFree() then            for k, team in ipairs(city.teams) do                              if == playerGuild:getId() then                    local guid = player:getGuid()                    local registry = city.players[guid]                    if registerPlayer and (not registry or ~= k) then                        registry = {player = player, name = player:getName(), team = k, kills = 0, deaths = 0}                        city.players[guid] = registry                    end                    return city, registry                end            end        end    endend function CityWars.isValidGuild(guild)    local onlineMembers = guild:getMembersOnline()    if #onlineMembers < CityWars.minGuildSize then        return CW_RETURNVALUE_TOOFEWPLAYERS    end     local uniqueIPs = 0    local addressMap = {}    for k, v in ipairs(onlineMembers) do        local ip = v:getIp()        if ip ~= 0 and not addressMap[ip] then            addressMap[ip] = true            uniqueIPs = uniqueIPs + 1        end    end    if uniqueIPs < CityWars.minDifferentIPs then        return CW_RETURNVALUE_TOOFEWUNIQUEIPS    end     return CW_RETURNVALUE_NOERRORend function CityWars.getGuildWar(guild)    for i = CITY_WAR_FIRST, CITY_WAR_LAST do        local city = CityWars[i]        if not city:isFree() then            for k, team in ipairs(city.teams) do                if == guild:getId() then                    return city                end            end        end    endend function CityWars.getInvites(guildName)    return CityWars.invites[guildName]end function CityWars.onInviteExpired(invite)    for k, _invite in ipairs(invite.invites) do        if _invite == invite then            local player = Player(invite.inviterPlayerName)            if player then                local guild = Guild(invite.invitedGuildId)                local guildName = guild and guild:getName() or 'deleted guild'                player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'Your city war invite for guild "' .. guildName .. '" has expired.')            end             if invite.invitedLeaders then                local guild = Guild(invite.inviterGuildId)                local guildName = guild and guild:getName() or 'deleted guild'                for _, leaderName in ipairs(invite.invitedLeaders) do                    local leader = Player(leaderName)                    if leader then                        leader:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'You failed to answer the city war invite from guild "' .. guildName .. '" and it is now expired.')                    end                end            end             table.remove(invite.invites, k)            return        end    endend local optionsFormat = 'City: %s | Buy in: %d gold %s | Frag limit: %d | U.E: %s | S.D only: %s | Team size: %d'function CityWars.getOptionsString(options)    return optionsFormat:format(, options.buyIn, (options.buyIn == 1) and 'coin' or 'coins', options.fragLimit, options.ultimateExplosion and 'enabled' or 'disabled', options.suddenDeathOnly and 'true' or 'false', options.teamSize)end function CityWars.onInviteAccepted(player, invite)    for k, _invite in ipairs(invite.invites) do        if _invite == invite then            stopEvent(invite.expireEvent)            table.remove(invite.invites, k)             if not then                player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, .. ' is not free anymore.')                return false            end                    local inviterGuild = Guild(invite.inviterGuildId)            if not inviterGuild then                player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'Inviter guild does not exist anymore.')                             return false            elseif CityWars.getGuildWar(inviterGuild) then                player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'The inviter guild is already in war.')            end             local invitedGuild = Guild(invite.invitedGuildId)            if not invitedGuild then                player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'You do not belong to a guild.')                             return false            elseif CityWars.getGuildWar(invitedGuild) then                player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, 'You can not accept a war invite while in another one.')                return false            end             local msg            local start = false            if inviterGuild:getBankBalance() < invite.options.buyIn then                msg = 'The guild "' .. inviterGuild:getName() .. '" can not participate in this war due to lack of funds in its guild bank.'            elseif invitedGuild:getBankBalance() < invite.options.buyIn then                msg = 'The guild "' .. invitedGuild:getName() .. '" can not participate in this war due to lack of funds in its guild bank.'            else                inviterGuild:setBankBalance(inviterGuild:getBankBalance() - invite.options.buyIn)                invitedGuild:setBankBalance(invitedGuild:getBankBalance() - invite.options.buyIn)                start = true                msg = 'A city war between the guilds "' .. inviterGuild:getName() .. '" and "' .. invitedGuild:getName() .. '" has begun!\n' ..                    CityWars.getOptionsString(invite.options) .. '\n' ..                    'If you wish to join, head to a temple and read the guild book.'            end             for _, player in ipairs(inviterGuild:getMembersOnline()) do                player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, msg)                if start then          , 1)                end            end             for _, player in ipairs(invitedGuild:getMembersOnline()) do                player:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_STATUS_CONSOLE_BLUE, msg)                if start then          , 2)                end            end             if start then       = {                    {id = invite.inviterGuildId, name = inviterGuild:getName(), kills = 0, deaths = 0, players = 0},                    {id = invite.invitedGuildId, name = invitedGuild:getName(), kills = 0, deaths = 0, players = 0}                }       = invite.options                  end             return true        end    end    return falseend function CityWars.onInvite(city, inviter, invitedGuild, invitedLeaders, options)    if CityWars.getGuildWar(inviter:getGuild()) then        return CW_RETURNVALUE_INVITERINWAR    end     if CityWars.getGuildWar(invitedGuild) then        return CW_RETURNVALUE_INVITEDINWAR    end     local invites = CityWars.invites[invitedGuild:getName()]    if invites and #invites ~= 0 then        for _, invite in ipairs(invites) do            local guild = Guild(invite.inviterGuildId)            if guild and guild:getId() == inviter:getGuild():getId() then                return CW_RETURNVALUE_LIVEINVITE            end        end    elseif not invites then        invites = { }        CityWars.invites[invitedGuild:getName()] = invites    end     local invitedLeadersNames = {}    for k, v in ipairs(invitedLeaders) do        table.insert(invitedLeadersNames, v:getName())    end     local invite = {        city = city,        invites = invites,        inviterPlayerName = inviter:getName(),        inviterGuildId = inviter:getGuild():getId(),        invitedGuildId = invitedGuild:getId(),        invitedLeaders = invitedLeadersNames,        options = options    }    invite.expireEvent = addEvent(CityWars.onInviteExpired, 15 * 1000, invite)    table.insert(invites, invite)     return CW_RETURNVALUE_NOERRORend



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